Fruit Connection
Fruit Connection
George Lockhart
A Christian is meant to stay connected to Christ just as a branch is connected to the vine. There is much fruit to having such a connection with Christ. Take a moment and consider your connection with Christ…how much fruit is your life bearing?
Upon further reflection in John 15:1-11 it is easy to see some of the fruit that comes from a vibrant relationship in Christ:
We are made clean v3
We bear fruit v5
We have prayers answered v7
We glorify God v7
We experience God’s lovev10
We have joy v11
Galatians 5:19-26 details a list of the fruit of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit. Take a few moments a read that passage and consider the fruit in your life.
Which fruit is more evident in your life?
How connected to Christ are you?
Are you trying to produce fruit in your own power?