“They were contemplating some kind of a course like this … and they wanted to be the first one to do it.”
A larger share of young people live in multigenerational arrangements than of Americans 85 and older
I realized I was more than half the problem in this whole entitlement parenting challenge …wake up call
Last March, a post rocked the internet…I thought, my goodness, most of this could apply to adults!
Young people feel socially supported by having large networks of on-line friends they may never see
ADOLESCENCE is practically synonymous in our culture with risk taking, emotional drama outlandish behavior
Miley Cyrus in new drug-filled, explicit video
The one thing that I have done right in the past few years is setting up a texting service
The truth is, teens overwhelmingly equate tans with attractiveness.”I feel more confident with a tan,”
Painkiller Prescription Rates Vary Widely Among States
Misuse and abuse of prescription drugs is one of the fastest growing drug epidemics in the United States
The number of complaints of online enticement of children is climbing.
Marks the first time the court has ruled that for-profit businesses can cite religious views under federal law
The Fourth Amendment protects the right of the people against unreasonable searches and seizures
“pseudomature” behavior was an even stronger predictor of problems with alcohol and drugs than levels of drug use in early adolescence
Belonging to the cool crowd is associated with higher rates of drinking, drug use, sexual activity
Students were largely unaware of potential legal consequences of sexting
He discovered he had unfettered access to liberal websites, but conservative websites were blocked
“Canary is an on-demand service that allows you to get cannabis delivered right to your doorstep,”
Students in pro-social activities such as giving their money to family members or serving a charity…..
She believes young girls are “too sexually available”..contemporary culture is too sexualized
Last week McAfee released their newest Teens and Screens study…
Don’t automatically assume people in the sex industry are there by choice
52% believe using social media and text helps their friendships and 32% believe it helps with family.
School awards ceremony featured swearing, sex toys
Social media is an identity fitting room for teens. It allows them to fabricate themselves and test out different persona’s as they…
10 research-based reasons for this ban
A coroner has slammed Call of Duty after a string of teenagers who regularly played it killed themselves
1 out of 12 meet the online stranger in real life. 33% feel more accepted online than in real life
‘Toxic childhood’ of cyberbullying, social media and hypersexualised culture leads one in five teenagers to self-harm
Marko…”Parents are still the number one influence in the lives of their teenagers”
Mark Matlock shares PART 1 of his interview with Dr. Dan Siegel
(And How Drug Abuse Affects Social Life)
6% of all teenagers in Russia were addicted to computer and Internet
“Basically everything that people do very frequently can shape their brain structure and function,”
Planned Parenthood received $540.7 million in (taxpayer) funds in 2011-2012.performed 327,166 abortions
Early sex in a relationship was also associated with living together sooner and less satisfying marriages
53% of teen girls feel that photos of themselves posted by others can make them feel bad
let students know they are loved and accepted by both God and ourselves even when they’re mortified about themselves
So why should we expect less theological rigor from our youth pastors who serve them through teaching, counseling,
McAfee: More than half of teens in the poll were in a fight because of something on social media
“I’ve told my kids..keep one headphone in and one headphone out so you can hear the world around you,”
1 in 10 new moms is a teen. Only about 50% of teen mothers have a high school diploma
Many Christian families are practically abandoning “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints”
Are students leaving the church in droves? What can we do to stop the bleeding?
If churches or organizations need improved results, upgrading your leadership is often the answer
Criticize anything gay people do and you risk ostracism, fines, suspension or loss of your livelihood
“The difference between family lives in 1965, let’s say, and in today is enormous,”
Is there actually a connection between using social media and being lonely?
Misuse and abuse of prescription drugs is one of the fastest growing drug epidemics in the United States
I always thought it would be much better to be dead than in jail
Police seized communication devices, data transmission, firearms and ammunition after searching the teen’s home
Step back, try to stay calm and try to listen to your kids. What are they trying to achieve?
“It should be encouragement to people who have been working on this problem,”
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When we think about teens we almost automatically think of the negative. What about the Positive
Social media is an identity fitting room for teens. It allows them to fabricate themselves and test out different persona’s as they…
Children in foster care had, by far, the worst outcomes
It locks a cell phone when a car is moving more than 10 miles per hour
They analyzed responses from 1,232 teens between the ages of 12 and 18
It’s time to stop using demeaning object lessons to talk about the sanctity of sex
“Social media is probably not the best place to advertise a party,” Damage around $64,000
This makes sense because SMS Audio, founded by rapper-actor 50 Cent
Purity culture tells us that sex for women has one purpose..reproduction ..within marriage
Some of these girls came out of school with..debt. And this is a way for them to not have this debt
Google Glass Parody Shows Family Lost in Wearable Computing
The study assessed 111 persons aged 17 to 24