Share her views on virginity in an effort to help young people cope with the negative media messages
Those who are into “Beezin” say it adds to experience of being drunk or high
‘You’re putting age groups together that are way too different,’ he said. ‘I know there’s going to be 15-year-olds there.’
‘Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if we’d just adopted a dog’
The designs put pressure on parents by attracting young girls to the notion of growing up too fast
Elizabeth Hurley’s Bikini Line For Young Girls Called ‘Disturbing’ And ‘Inappropriate’
Watters asks attendants of a Denver pot celebration about a new study on the damages of smoking marijuana
Caused seizures and deaths around nation
Popular kid’s chance of being bullied increases by more than 25 percent
Half of the world’s population 1.8 billion is now under the age of 25
“High school dropouts are eight times more likely to end up in state prison than high school graduates,”
“If you’re not out there sharing your story and selling your clothing, you’ll find it discouraging to keep creating lines that nobody…
Here’s a look at the last 12 months of marijuana milestones
Companies that are “leaning toward a Biblical worldview,” according to the group, include….
I asked MarkO, April and Steve to Agree, Agreeish, Disagree or Disagreeish with each statement I made
Popular Teacher Suspended for ‘Research and Development of Imitation Weapons’
If you are pro-life, then you’re anti-woman. If you’re pro-traditional marriage, then you’re homophobic
Religious movies have been hot at the box office this year
Some interesting insights into how adults are thinking about these things
Look at the resources and figure out which ones will work for your ministry
83% of teen girls who were sexually experienced didn’t get sex education until they’d lost their virginity
Consider some crazy statistics and ask some hard questions of ourselves and the families in our ministries
More than 2,800 teens die in car crashes every year
Foster originally met the unidentified girl on Facebook. She lived in his neighborhood
Mother met boyfriend a year ago and was 11 when baby was conceived
“What we’re seeing is changes in people’s core brain regions that you never, ever want to fool around with,”
Obama the Republicans’ best friend when it comes to educating (them) of the Democrats’ economic policies
…really removing these things from a child’s exposure is the best thing to do
“They just said things. They’d ride him and ride him, and today was the day that he snapped.”
it’s clear that the music adolescents are listening to does have some impact on their drinking habits
Barna: Where does the Bible currently stand in American culture?
They apply no morality to any of this, beyond the gross immorality of judgement and the intrinsic good of tolerance and autonomy
The American Girl: Princess to Promiscuous
It’s hard for me to tell a child not to show up for school with hair curlers, pajamas or short shorts
NY City prohibits students from carrying cellphones in public schools
This Is What Happens When Miley Cyrus Fans Are Asked to Identify Major Political Figures
Too many people have been burned by the judgmentalism of perpetually self-righteous Christians
It’s not uncommon for me to hear addicted clients say, “I was a kid when I accidentally found pornography
Regardless of any “anonymity”…do have the ability to trace messages back to the point of origin
By Ed Stetzer: God is a missionary God
If we are called to be missional, we must engage cultural contexts, and this requires…
Next time you use Snapchat, remember that someone on the other end might be saving your private stuff
The Rules We Create When We Lack Emotional Intelligence
Part of the adolescent journey is the quest to belong, to fit in…. to feel “at home”
Nearly 20% of all American boys will be diagnosed with ADHD, by the time they reach high school
Kids’ Misuse of Certain Apps Puts Them at Unnecessary Risk
Sales in Colorado have escalated by 420 percent since marijuana was legalized in the state
11 Facts About Homeless Teens In The U.S.
Homeless Facts & Stats In Canada
Leneita Fix: Real people are created in the image of our Risen Savior- not on a computer screen
I finally realised I was never going to take a picture that made the craving go away and that was when I…
“Join the anti-revolution and stop taking pictures of yourself.”
“I’m so happy,” Deprill said “I got the hug that I had wanted for the last 27 years. …
Several tips came in… including some from high school principals who recognized the girls
When music videos used to be normal nobody stripping in this one
Teens feel socially supported by having large networks of on-line friends they may never see
We’ve created this culture where you’re constantly comparing yourself to other people, or images you see in the media or in the…
“God and our faith is what sustains us,” Korie told FOX411. “It’s what makes our life good.”
So what’s the big fuss? “I think it’s remnants from when the church had much more influence
Verizon needs some corporate responsibility. America is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography
“Parents should be involved with monitoring the media that their children are watching,”
When teens ride with people who have been drinking, this normalizes and socializes the behavior
‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ to start filming in May, be set 30 years after ‘Return of the Jedi
58% of doctors surveyed said they’d seen an increase number of patients under 30 requesting plastic surgery
New Documentary Beyond Clueless Looks At The Impact Of Teen Movies
Teenagers are developmentally driven to be late to bed, late to rise
She has first year at Duke paid for
Women Can’t Win ‘In This Patriarchal Society’ (VIDEO)
Actor Who Called His Own TV Show ‘Filth’ Explains Why He Abandoned Hollywood for Faith
It is full of provocative lyrics… “and that’s a #1 hit it’s a piece of Sh#*”
All I’m saying is, artists in pop culture have influence on people..
how far we’ve come…Where will we be in 20 years?
State Department 60% of Afghan Girls Are Married Before 16
90% of this campus has no idea that this is being added to the student health insurance
Stop pretending you remember cassette tapes and Ronald Reagan
When they were younger, fame carried more weight, and as they have aged it has become less appealing
Swimsuit models with chunks of their thighs, buttocks and arms missing appeared on Target’s website
Victims of bullying…2.5 times as likely to try to kill themselves
73% of the adults used their phone at least once during each meal
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“(I’m) shocked. To be in third grade and have their own pipe,”