State Rep. Willie Talton R-Warner Robins: ..we’re living in an entirely different world, and the kids have to be protected
MTV Sticky: The average millennial spends around 11.8 hours a week gaming on various devices
“Robin is pissed,” “She was all over him, much more so than anything that was rehearsed.”
What Millions of Teens Gleaned from MTV’s 2013 VMAs
if you don’t play or watch you are OUT…you disconnect from your friends for a long while
How culture is shifting the language and thought processes of teenagers away from any connection to biblical truth or thought
These stats make it clear that social media is influential, it’s powerful, and here to stay.
By Dan Istvanik
“Growing Pains of the Achy Breaky Heart and 4 Other Thoughts About the VMAs
What must Alan Thicke (the father “Growing Pains” and…
..a potentially dangerous combination for teens
By:Dave Rozman
In elementary school, I remember being tapped on the shoulder and handed a note. The note had my name on it…
“Adolescence can be a tough time between parents and kids, but relations almost always improve from adolescence to emerging adulthood,”
Smashing Pumpkins singer Billy Corgan on why rock music needs God and how suffering isn’t good for business
Selfies are ‘damaging’ and leave young people vulnerable to abuse, claims psychologist
People who are dating, in a serious relationship or co-habiting, are the most frequent sexters
Raise your hand if you feel personally victimized by Miley Cyrus’
What will young people take away from Sunday night’s show?
A look at the cultural touchstones that shape the lives of students entering college this fall
The desire for a ‘healthy glow’ outweighs skin cancer concern
TIME: The association of young black men with violence doesn’t come out of thin air
Unlucky Skateboarder Discovers What Can Haappen If You Hurt Awoman’s Child- Even IF It iS An Accident
Nick Selby talks about viral video
“an absolutely enthusiastic and motivational welcome” for the entering Freshman
Pew found that 94 percent of teens are using Facebook. Only 26 percent said they used Twitter.
As Millennials leave the Church in droves, black Millennials are staying put
The teenagers gunned down Australian student Chris Lane “for the fun of it.”
11-year-old girl finds favorite doll left on doorstep with death threat stuffed in throat
Underlying message of “You are not popular without sex” sends a dangerous signal to teens already pounded with sexual pressure
The Craziest Statistic You’ll Read About North American Missions
Is This What They Call Pop Culture?…”these girls being sexualized”
What It Tells Us About Youth Culture. . .
Allegedly contacted each other 20,000 times
Only 47 percent of the country’s children graduate from the equivalent of high school
Florida Mom Rebeca Seitz Writes Angry Blog Post After Seeing ‘Softcore Porn’ Ad On Morning TV
Teens on Tumblr can’t stop bragging about Silk Road drug deals
Katy Perry’s “Roar,” gave applause for Lady Gaga‘s comeback single
Hannah Anderson sent James Lee DiMaggio letters
Dr. Ablow: Kidnap victim’s actions ‘not normal grieving’
“This is just a way of storytelling, through social media, which is fairly normal and healthy response to trauma.”
Debate over steamy ads on the airwaves
The disconnect between bullying, cheating teens, and their parents’ awareness — or lack thereof
80% of 21-year-olds have received raunchy ‘sext’ messages and couples are the worst offenders
Millennials aren’t having any more sex with more partners than past generations
Youth leaders get fresh perspective and new ideas, TED talks are a brilliant resource
Top 10 awesome TED talks for any youth worker
It’s very prevalent, and it’s one of the most common reasons that children and adolescents end up in their pediatrician’s office
At the end of the telecast…hundreds of bodies grinding up on each other on a show for teenagers
What they found was that those entrepreneurs were more likely to show anti-social tendencies in adolescence
The whole thing made me realize that I do want with me, at all times
-Josh Griffin
The current generation of young men is “putting off adulthood” — living with their parents indefinitely
The first of its kind Hello Kitty Contact Lenses are available in Japan. They can be purchased at a cost of $58
“I hope we can also learn from Japan about their work ethic, time management and technology,”
Pollock schooled the seniors on his favorite rapper Drake’s three popular catchphrases…
Girls had a lifetime prevalence of PTSD of 7.3 percent, and boys 2.2 percent
…we’re leaving the church because we don’t find Jesus there.
15-Year-Old Girl Blamed In Teen Bullying Suicide Case
#SmackCam Is The Worst Thing To Happen To The Internet Since The Last Terrible Teen Craze
5 Things To Communicate To Transitioning Students About Drinking
CA bill allowing Transgender boys to use girls shower, locker rooms..
You, Your Family and the Internet,
Underage girls are more likely to participate in exploitative scenes
17 What.. Moments From Miley Cyrus’ New ‘We Can’t Stop’ Video
48% say, “children do best if a stay-at-home mom raises them.”
Brazilian young people are precisely the least Catholic age group
It’s showing off..Showing off your car, just everyone looking at you. It’s like your spotlight
The effort is much needed help from caring American Christians at a time of uncertainty
Police tracked the pipe to a 23-year-old employee, who admitted bringing placing it in one of the kids meal boxes to hide…
In 1997, there was an animated TV movie, which had Batman/Superman going up against the Joker and Lex Luthor
“As a company.. we believe this is the right decision out of respect for the victims of the attack and their loved…
Immigrant adolescents tend to be more sexually active in Canada as they adapt to western norms
Encouraging Girls to Celebrate and Embrace Their Fun Freaky Flaws