These colleges take working hard and playing hard very seriously
Look into transformational education
68% Received fewer than 8 hours of sleep on an average school night
Liberty is more than the name of the University
Chris McGough is the Asst. Professor of Youth Ministry at Central Bible College in Springfield, MO.
Twice as much alcohol, tobacco and marijuana use..worse study skills, drop out of school
Student Loan Interest Rates To Double July 1
“It’s so sad that we find our faith being challenged so often and so aggressively in America today”
Fla. Gov. Rick Scott said the incident raised questions about “the lessons being taught in our classrooms.”
Parents with less education fed their children sugary and fatty foods
Tuition and other costs for a four-year university degree now can cost more than $60,000, but for a child born in 2013…
She failed to qualify to attend because is not legally recognized as a female…”I cried the day my papers came back. I…
“We just need to make sure that all students are safe and comfortable here, and that they have their needs met”
Over half a million College Freshman drop out every year
Set to be fired for opposing planned parenthood in the classroom
Florida Atlantic Univ. student claims he was suspended for not stomping on Jesus
Body spray can cause an allergic reaction
Honors Night could be ‘devastating’ to the students who worked hard, but fell short of the grades
Teens are feed up with Detroit Public Schools outdated Zero Tolerance policies
Hundreds of high schools and universities have unofficial Facebook confession pages dedicated to sharing anonymous admissions
Time To Opt Out of Creepy Fed Ed Data-Mining Racket
Teachers need to change the way they teach
Steubenville, Ohio, Football Players Guilty in Rape Trial
How do you discourage teenagers from drinking, doing drugs, fighting, joining gangs and getting knocked up?
Since 1991, Cornerstone has grown from 165 to 1,500 children—90% of whom go onto college or the military
Teachers and school administrators are confused about what religious expression is legal
He wants it to bring some common sense discipline to state schools
Plastic figurines representing World War Two American Heroes are not psychopathic killers
School offers counseling for traumatized students who saw classmate chew breakfast pastry into shape of gun
Student Who Badmouthed Teacher on Twitter Learns a Lesson
They had to re-learn basic skills — reading, writing and math — first before they could begin college courses
Helping to strengthen a teen relationships with parents and teachers may decrease their emotional and behavioral problems
Dad: “It’s a pastry, you know?”
Religious groups are violating the school’s non-discrimination policies?
An exploration into one of the greatest cultural issues of our day by D.A. Carson
There are more than 1,200 references to Scripture in the works of Shakespeare
“Don’t put anything on the internet you would not put on the chalk board”
Coaches must evaluate character too in recruiting
56% of students enrolled in a 4-year program receive a degree within 6 years
Student Suspended for Organizing ‘Harlem Shake’ Flash Mob
Barrington High School won the “Shine Bright Like a Diamond” contest
African-American students saw a 6.9 percent increase in graduation rates
A new large-scale study of 40,000 community and technical college students
Recognizing a Problem Affecting 1 in 5 High School Girls
Massachusetts lawmakers are considering closing a loophole in legislation that would which forces schools to let transgender students use the restrooms of…
An inadequate method for dealing with real issues on campus and encouraging students to engage in more sex
“You can’t help but think about your own children and the children that you were sworn to protect,”
“She didn’t want to just graduate. She wanted to leave something that will help others.”
Religious freedom is an individual right
Children follow their parents eating habits
“That’s not tag,” she added. “That’s assault.”
ACLU seeks removal of Ohio school’s Jesus portrait that was donated by a student group and has been in the school since…
Parents say his on-screen antics show he’s a terrible role model “Someone has to hold this guy accountable”
The school has a “zero tolerance” policy and is in complete compliance with state recommendations
Students commute up to 10 hours a week to get into the most sought-after private schools
Public Schools Offering Teens Morning-After Pill in 40 separate “school-based health centers”
USDA’s proposed school snack rules prohibit U.S. schools from selling unhealthy snacks
Some Canadian, U.S. school boards have banned form-fitting clothing
Philadelphia Installing Condom Dispensers in 22 High Schools
“Mental illness is real. Instead of demonizing it,
we should take care of the mentally ill and comfort their families”
Students can avoid the study of Catholic theology altogether in some colleges
There is a war on christian culture in the public schools
Date Rape and measures for prevention
Criticism over new school lunch rules wins
Out-of-control behavior endanger students and tarnish Ivy League reputations
Substitute teacher teaches disrespect at Rancho Dominguez Prep School in Long Beach
19 of 30 countries report fistfights among kids have become less common over the last decade
The girl’s parents just want it to stop
College-aged students ideally should get 8 of sleep a night it helps with “Memory recall” when an individual is rested
final exams
11% of high school seniors had used synthetic marijuana in 2011
7% of 8th graders admit to trying it and 14% of high school seniors
If my girls and I didn’t convince you to come to FSU last night I don’t know what would!
Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, or Tennessee