While summer is a great time to change things, it can also be a missed opportunity if you don’t develop a plan….
What is needed to bridge that gap between the youth and the church?
Alan Jacobs explains why the nearly 500-year-old Anglican prayer book retains its influence, and why it should appeal even to (non-Anglican) evangelicals
“There’s a time to be spastic and there’s a time to refrain from being spastic!”
As we prepare our kids for the real world it is great to have some clear goals. Skills we should help teens…
looking for a summertime fun night the youth would definitely remember
So useful..from keeping receipts to meeting notes, to writing sermons, songs, blog posts, to do lists, and much more
The best way to fight against stagnant student ministry it to create anticipation.
5 Apps For Creating Awesome Youth Ministry Graphics
Ministry is messy because people are broken, here are our ground rules when it comes to counseling students
Make your meetings with parents count with these ideas
There has also been a noticeable change in the young family core group in our church
How to Create A More Enrichening Experience
OC16: Notes from Rachael Sibcy from Frank Bealer’s OC16 Presentation
18 exclusive modules of church planting and multiplication that provide practical, actionable advice, taught by leading experts
Barna Research Releases in Leaders & Pastors
Demonstrate Courage: There is something contagious about someone who is courageous
The decisions you make (or don’t make) in the first 30 days have a profound effect on the rest of your ministry
The FYI team has developed a proven process to help you lead change in your ministry
When you’re a seven-year-old boy being transported in a container by human traffickers, it helps to have a cell phone
The fired youth worker, the newly hired..who is replacing them, and those of us on the sidelines
Summer is not just a time to rest. It’s also a great time to evaluate and plan for changes in your…
YOUTH SPECIALTIES and YOUTHWORKS commissioned BARNA GROUP to conduct a nationwide study of youth ministers, pastors and parents of teenagers
10 Tips for Starting a Sticky Faith Youth Ministry from Scratch
All of us, regardless of where we are in that transition, could use help because we never arrive
Transitions can be difficult. Even the most thought-out and well-designed transitions can be stressful
Part 1 You must have a Solid Ministry Model
What are some measurable that a youth ministry can strive for?
Strategic thinking gets results
Someone just asked me, “Jonathan, we’re looking for a new youth pastor.
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”
That said, the primary audience with which you need to communicate is still the parents, or caregivers
Somewhere along the way, American churches have communicated that comfort trumps the Great Commission
Make sure everyone around you knows what to expect from you, from each other, and from the church or the ministry
Trust what these leaders say about good leadership. They are experts on the topic
There are a few times a year when I hit a ministry slump: January / February and then again in August
Sometimes I feel parents can be the hardest..here are 4 goals I try to have with with a parents
After seeing several discipline problems, we asked the experts what they would’ve done with each challenge
You’ve most likely encountered them and they probably left you scrambling
It never feels good getting run over by the metaphorical bus. You typically never see it coming
“You have the same number of hours in the day as Beyoncé.”
It took me years to learn that my internal narrative was my hindrance, not my mistake or the feedback.
Knowing where you are and what is ahead can keep you from quitting when it gets tough
Commonly made mistakes when you’re new or old. Most of these are mistakes of “omission” rather than “commission.”
Church and the YMCA will serve as anchor “tenants” at this innovative, mixed-use community destination
KidMin leaders DO experience burnout at a high level…
The biggest donors in many churches are parents in other words, families with students in youth ministry
3 Pieces of Advice From Moses’ Father-In-Law
A ministry strategy is how a church will accomplish the mission of making disciples
Good strategy almost always looks simple and obvious and does not take a thick deck of PowerPoint slides to explain
You and I walk into a church with expectations of our own
Most Youth Pastors are ill prepared to tackle all of the unsaid, assumed expectations
Burnout is common with so many church members. But it does not have to be
We as leaders must deal with our struggles, just like everyone else…We are just as human as everyone else
“It’s extremely difficult if not impossible to get out of the office by 5 p.m. if you’re disorganized,”
7 Pro-Tips For Better Games In Your Youth Ministry
Your First 90 Days in a New Youth Ministry: A Simple Plan for Starting Right
33 Ways to Meet More People and Make a Bigger Difference in Youth Ministry
New Year’s Street Wisdom
by Victor Manuel Labrada
Some New Year’s street wisdom for y’all from someone who lost 75 pounds, gained 40 then…
In Canada, a mainline denomination has announced that over the next 5 years, 1000 of their buildings will..
Having a method or template for your sermon preparation can be really helpful and time-saving
“You have to do less if you want to grow more. And if you do more, chances are you will grow less.”…
Good and Bad Habits of Smart People from entrepreneur magazine
Someone who’s always complaining, often against whatever you’re saying or proposing, taking others down with him or her?
Commitments…if we pursue the right ones, our lives have purpose and meaning –without them, we spiral into confusion and despair
Many newsletters have the throw-spaghetti-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks approach with very little intentionality
The support I’ve received has been invaluable
How to take advantage of the many hats youth ministers have to wear
Strategic initiatives for next year
Here are 4 ways to develop as a leader in 2016
I’m just going to tell you what’s true for me, and what I’ve seen to be true of others like me
People are hungry. They are hungry for a diet of substance, not candy. More of the Word. Less of “religious toys and…
Churches—and youth pastors in particular—have a bad rap when it comes to communication
Surveyed more than 6,000 lead pastors, youth pastors, paid and volunteer youth workers, parents, and teenagers
What pastor’s kids need, and what pastors who are parents should know
Lytch discovered three factors that consistently attracted and kept students at church.
Your Move..Your job is to change your mindset. It might be the only thing that’s holding you back
Students? Are they just Christian-culture consumers or the backbone of missions mobilization for your new ministry?