Families that used to attend twice a month are now attending once a month. used to come once a month now Christmas…
You can’t effectively discipline your teenager if you continually find yourself in the middle of an argument with them
It requires a stream of explanations for why we believe what we believe about God and how he relates to everything
The frailty of fatherhood doesn’t make one cower; it emboldens a father to more fiercely live and love
22,000 students nationwide, researchers found about 75% expressed boredom, anger, sadness, fear or stress
If they just put down their stupid phones and go to sleep already, they too can make the Final Four.
I’m the first to admit it wasn’t easy for me when my girls became teenagers. “The change” was not gradual for our…
“Make this the decade you choose to forget what the media says and choose to love your own self as you are,”
Facing Nine Hidden Challenges of the Most Anxious Population
TikTok. Marijuana use. Anxiety. Flexitarian diets. Text message therapy. Mean for our ministries going forward?
Today’s emerging adults have grown up in a different world from prior generations. Consider these four realities
What has always and never been true for the class of 2023
And by the way, it’s not a matter of if, but a matter of when
Require our kids to shut down, shut off, and sleep in their beds without phones overnight
Which of these five things could you prioritize this week to help unleash your child’s creativity?
Survey of 1,000 parents revealed that 56% would rather talk to their children about sex and puberty than technology features, trends, and…
Do you know what the most often quoted scripture of all time is? Many Christians might answer John 3:16 or maybe Psalm…
Teens…kind of trying to gain power and status in more materialistic ways
If You Have Questions About Teens, They’re Answering Them for You on Reddit
I’m sticking to my principles on not getting smartphones for my tweens — even though my child got lost in NYC
Here is why I believe middle school ministry is now the most important ministry at your church
“Living with anxiety is like being followed by a voice that knows all your insecurities and uses them against you.
Older teens who know that their parents disapprove of drinking are less likely to drive impaired as young adults
God uses all kinds of things in our lives to change us, including hard kids
So how should we understand God’s words in Exodus?
Unlike modern renderings of catechisms, this addresses areas of concern for the church today as she navigates life in the modern world
The case involves three low-income mothers who filed a lawsuit against Montana after it shut down a tax credit scholarship program because parents…
Anti-Catholic prejudice, which spread like gangrene… discrimination against religious families, students, and schools.
Should families be able to use school choice tax credits on religious schools?
3 Ways Daddy-Daughter Dates Will Enhance Your Relationship
Our daughters are under a lot of pressure today. They are bombarded with beauty standards that can make them feel inferior
Since that night… Every time she points it out, “Look Daddy! That’s where we danced!”
Let no one be found among you who consigns his son or daughter to the fire, or who is an augur, a…
Learn About Teen Stress From an Actual Teenager
California’s new bill would ban the sending of naked photos and lawbreakers may be fined up to $500
That a Recent New York Times’ Article Ignores
We know from experience how real and serious these temptations are going to be for any child that grows up in our…
works by comparing a photo to a database of 3 billion pictures off Facebook, Venmo, YouTube and other sites
One of the most difficult (if not the most difficult) part of raising disciples of Jesus is
sugar actually influences our brains’ reward centers in essentially the same way as addictive drugs.
I want to be intentional in how we spend that time and as a loving dad, I want to use that time…
A healthy family bond is essential to the well-being and flourishing of our children from birth through adulthood
young people’s connection to a church seems to have no impact on how lonely they feel. “Attendance alone is not a protective…
It’s the second leading cause of death among young people, but what you do as a parent can help!
It give fresh biblical approaches to child rearing
The trend started out on TikTok as more of a joke, but then the inevitable came
Girls thought they were in a relationship with a teen boy. It was a woman grooming them for sex.
Sex is one the most important topics of conversation parents get to have with their children. But it can sure feel intimidating
My son and I will stand at the edge of something unknown, but because of God, we will be full of hope
Preventing Teen Girls From Sex Trafficking His Sister Was Sex-Trafficked for 6 Years. Here’s How He’s Devoted His Life to Fighting It.
You said you’d turn, you would turn it around,Thought that you had time to straighten it out, Told me that you were…
Black children under 18 living in poverty decreases from 45% for mother-only households and 36% for father-only households to just 12% for…
helicopter parenting continues well into young adulthood and can have devastating impacts on college students.
Those who don’t have a religious affiliation are the largest demographic in the U.S. with 23.1% of the population, overtaking the Catholics…
I want to tell you a story that is informative to parents…
How can an increasingly sexualized culture co-exist with less sex among the consumers of that culture?
So, what should parents do about it?
We can never be satisfied, because the products we love cannot love us back
Revealing what advertisers know about human nature and how they exploit it to make a profit
Such as those with autism, anxiety, or sensory processing disorder, any one of those “bits” can pose an insurmountable obstacle
You can also restrict all content so nothing will play without you entering a PIN. To do this, click the bubble above…
…but was surprised at the magnitude of increase.… This translates to millions of adolescents,”
Begin using cannabis before age 18 are 4 to 7 times more likely than adults to develop marijuana use disorder
newsflash… this is not just about smartphones. A tablet requires you to make every single one of those same decisions above
When speaking about anxiety, it’s important to differentiate between regular anxious feelings and anxiety disorder
Here’s are some holiday tips that can make your holiday more peaceful all around
Young adults (age 18 to 29) are far more likely to have been raised without religion than are seniors (age 65 or…
As you look back at 2019, here’s the top parenting articles you won’t want to have missed from TheSource4Parents.com
So that she could be with her 23-year-old reputed Crips gangbanger once arrested for murder
The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices 21 Tips to Wise Posting in an Insecure World
Helping teens deal with feeling left out or alone during the holiday
If we feed into the craziness of the secular Christmas model of life, it will crowd out peace and joy
The Care and Feeding of our Souls
Everybody knows that this is a busy time of the year. Shopping, decorating, concerts, parties, etc….
she heard a voice. “I’m Santa Claus, don’t you want to be my best friend,”
Off-camera, his father can be heard apologizing
College interview prep can be an ongoing excuse to have your best conversations with a high school senior.
How can you identify your idols? Here are four ways
31 percent of adolescent girls and young women struggle with symptoms of anxiety, experiencing edginess, fatigue
You know that parenting doesn’t stop when a child reaches the age of eighteen. In many ways, it gets more complicated
So much of a marriage relationship comes down to our thoughts and attitudes…
Simply sitting down with a book in the presence of a pup can help motivate children to read more
‘God has the power to do what he promised’
7 vital strategies parents and leaders can use to respond teenage girls’ stress and anxiety
Whether or not they personally experience anxiety and depression, 7 in 10 teenagers view both as major problems among their peers
Are you engaging your kids in these conversation?
Our kids glean more from our conversations than they do from our rules
And What Teens Wanted To Know About That
“It was hard for me to admit that maybe life without a phone was a better life for me.”
It is critically important for the development of children’s bodies and brains in so many ways
Don’t the fear the teenage years. And don’t take them for granted either. They, like life itself, are a vapor…
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that women should change tampons every 4 to 8 hours
Sexually abused youths are turning more often to U.S. emergency departments for help, with the number of ER department admissions more than…
“I don’t know why you spend any time looking at pop culture. All you need…
We examined how religious upbringing shaped children from adolescence into young adulthood