Find more meaning in life, happier overall, donate far more money, time to the needy than liberal do.
Excellent book … those of us who think theologically about youth ministry, and the role of youth pastor, have been waiting for.
Children should be protected from “medical experimentation based on wishful social theory.”
A mother’s warmth and acceptance toward her teenagers may help prevent those children from being in an abusive relationship later in life,…
We learned to integrate several of the best business practices into our family
Researchers learned that Adverse Childhood Experiences can have negative lasting effects on health and well-being
My daughter does it to me and will get visibly upset if she sees me looking at my phone when I’m not…
“It’s shocking how these kids expose themselves to be liked or disliked,”
Here are a few ways we can build homes that allow our children to wrestle with questions of faith
Those who experienced positive adolescent family relationships had significantly lower levels of depressive symptoms from early adolescence to mid-life than did those…
When we worship parenting success, our children become our trophies
42% of teens think their parents share too much about them online
Marijuana-using moms are stepping out of the shadows and proudly extolling the virtues of cannabis
It emerges that Instagram is the social media platform with the most negative effect on the psychological state of young people
There are four kinds of twentysomething “exiles” making their way in our current day and age
Insights and resources for parents and youth workers
This sexualisation of our children is just totally inappropriate. They are calling it self-touching and they won’t use the term masturbation
Sesame Street has introduced the subject matter of addiction, using a bright green puppet named Karli to let young viewers know grown-up…
8 Conversations to have with your new middle school student
Why is youth group important?
Teens who don’tdate are happier, less depressed, and more adept at dealing with a variety of social situations
Book: boy‘s body Sport health and physical activity
A new study is warning parents that excessive screen time may be behind a stunning rise in children who need prescription glasses.
The average age a kid first encounters porn is at age 13, and that’s just the average. Some kids see porn as…
Every parent can probably relate to this video. It’s just a fun way of looking at the types of parents in the…
Youth sports officials and referees are throwing in their whistles at record rates
Nature Valley asked them (three generations) one simple question, “What did you like to do for fun as a kid?”
Most parents are parenting their children based off of their owninsecurities. Not what’s best for their child’s actual future.
A complete app review for parent complete app review for parent
In 4th grade, students learn gender is “self-defined,” and, in grade 5, they learn “there are many gender identities” and are introduced…
Suffering is the fertile ground for great growth in character, wisdom, and virtue. Suffering grows our dependence on God while undermining our…
A song on the top of the charts, a new Netflix show everyone is binging, a new trend everyone…
Teen suicide is the highest in history — 14.46 per 100,000 for young people between 15 and 24
83% use YouTube, 21% use Twitter, 38% use What’s App, 33% use Instagram, 35% use Facebook, 34% use Snapchat
You’re constantly comparing yourself to other women on your feed and it definitely takes a toll on your self-image
“Then Kyle replied, ‘Shut up, mom. You don’t know what you’re talking about.’ … Kyle is 10 years old.”
…….“Expect kids to behave like adults, but you should not give them the authority of an adult.”
Social media has made it easier than ever for predators to connect with children. He said that means parents have to be more…
We started our “serious” relationship with a lack of commitment
We found that many girls spend their Saturday nights home alone, watching Netflix and surfing social media
She took the photos showing her daughter, clean in the morning and then a complete mess in the afternoon!
Sending off a college student for the first time can spark strong—and competing—feelings
Young females who eat too little risk menstrual irregularity, weak bones and eating disorders
You’re going to embarrass your teenager on some level in some way
More students want to meet and talk about same-sex attraction. We have moved from “my friend” is struggling with this, to “I”…
The paradox is—they are pulled toward both individualism and interdependence.
More and more parents and churches are recognizing that students are not prepared for the challenges that college often brings
After she and her dad took turns reeling it in for 10 hours Friday
Parents to make lists of real-world activities, such as making slime, having water fights and riding bikes
May do more harm than good and could result in more crime in schools, neighborhoods, and communities
The good news is that adolescent “sexting” is not at epidemic levels as reported in some media headlines
Young families have found staying put with school-age children more difficult
How parents would do just anything to keep their kids’ artworks forever
We are a nation of laws. Undocumented workers broke our immigration laws.
A lot of the doctors told my mom that I had…a number of diseases, and that I should be aborted
Helping your child transition from one phase to the next is never easy
For ways to build self-esteem with the screen generation
‘I pay for lunch at work, and I pay for my Netflix account’
Children without stable families will be left vulnerable until these companies take a more proactive approach to protection
Here are a few things my mentors have taught me that I’d love to pass along to you
Teenagers (16–19-year-olds) have shifted away from working or seeking work, with a total decline in teen labor force participation of 15.9 percentage…
As society relaxes its rules around marijuana, U.S. teens seem to be responding by using the drug in much bigger numbers than…
In the age of smartphones, social media, followers, and likes, reward-seeking behaviors in teens is increasingly associated with approval online. Instagram has…
Teens who feel understood by their parents and teachers may grow up to be healthier adults
AOC…crying over little more than a few police officers and an empty parking lot
For Christian teenagers, growth in godliness sometimes tends to take a back seat if someone’s not behind them really speaking in their…
To the student who does all the homework in his hardest subject and turns it in promptly…But
I have come to believe that many women are not reading their Bibles consistently
Am I worried that I’m messing them up? Absolutely
There is more grace in Christ than there is sin in the greatest of prodigals
Teen sexting is associated with mental health issues and risky behavior, according to a new study
God’s good gift of sexuality is being distorted and denigrated in a variety of ways. What was once unthinkable is now normalized
We asked a group of 1,000 Americans, including men and women of all ages, when kids should get smartphones
The real value of family vacations is not in the activity. It’s for your kids to know you’re crazy about them
One of the most valuable lessons parents can teach their children about money is how to appropriately give it away
What parents need to know about anxiety in teens by social media
“You think parenting is hard now? Just you wait.”
If you’re feeling discouraged or out of gas in this season of leading, this article is for you
“having access to abortion should be your right, regardless of your parents’ beliefs.”
The journal Child Development shows nighttime usage of a cell phone can increase anxiety and depression in teenagers and reduce self-esteem
I wish I had read this book before I went to college, and would encourage any incoming college students to read it
A great Gospel centered book for youth workers parents and students heading to college
Teens with ADHD are significantly more likely to get into a car crash than their peers.
Teens’ Sleep Problems Can Be Corrected by Limiting Screen Use for 1 Week
56% of teens feel anxious, upset or lonely without their phones