Social media promises social connectedness, but it often delivers social isolation
So, how do you prepare your offspring for adulthood? Here are some suggestions
Adults are almost as bad as teens are, being preoccupied with their phone.
She hopes, will “make people feel less alone, especially with an experience as lonely as depression”.
The four biggest distractions today’s guys face: SCREENS, SUBSTANCES,SEXUAL TEMPTATION,STRUGGLES WITH SELF
It’s never been harder to be a guy than right now and they need our help! Young men face more distractions to godly…
Moms are a big influence and children’s faith formation
Faith is important. She often gets teased by friends for passing her strong belief in God onto her children
Kids aged 6 through 17 need 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily. Regular activity is even recommended for kids as young…
In the book , ‘Doing Life With Your Adult Children: Keep Your Mouth Shut and The Welcome Mat Out’, I spend an…
Encouraging participation over attendance
When I saw the pictures that she had been posting on Facebook for years, I felt utterly embarrassed, and deeply betrayed.”
FREE podcasts about youth ministry, youth culture… and now they have me tackling parenting!
The first version of this article appeared on her blog when Kristen Hatton sent her freshman daughter off to college
When an adult child violates our values, makes poor choices, or gets in deep trouble, we often question our parenting abilities
Yes, the very students who Mom or Dad intended to give an advantage—thanks to payoff money—now cannot even attend class
We do everyone a favor if we recognize that many cultural norms are just that—cultural, not biblical
A teenager or young adult is going to ask you a tough question about God that you can’t answer…
Our excessive parenting may not be as obvious and hopefully isn’t illegal. But
Jesus will recover all of the fallout from Adam and Eve’s demise
Griffin’s YouTube which showed him beating a popular Fortnite gamer. The video got 7.5 million views.
As part of Pew Research Center’s research into Americans’ digital lives, they surveyed over 1,000 parents of teens to better understand their…
The newly released World Happiness Report, an annual study sponsored by the United Nations showing changes in happiness finds that teens who…
Consistently eating breakfast as a family might promote positive body image for children and adolescents.
Teens today are spending their time differently than they did a decade ago. They’re devoting more time to sleep and homework, and…
Here is another excellent parenting video from Christine Carter. Great advice
Preparing Young Christians in a Challenging World
Is TikTok safe? How does it work? And can I do a duet with my kid? Everything you need to know about…
Happiness and mental health are highest at a half-hour to two hours of extracurricular digital media use a day; well-being then steadily…
“I wish I had spent less time trying to block out the lies and more time focusing on the truth.”
We desire for our children to tell us the truth, especially when confessing their sin. But how can we teach them to be…
Most U.S. Teens See Anxiety and Depression as a Major Problem Among Their Peer
A growing body of evidence supports the idea that alcohol exposure early in life has lasting effects on the brain and increases…
Spending time in nature boosts children’s academic achievement and healthy development in a variety of ways
3 Realities Pastors and Parents Should Consider To Prepare Students For The Digital World
I actually would allow my kids more freedom in their high school years to explore and express their questions about faith
Kara Powell and Steven Argue describe how to parent adolescent and young adult children
Guest Post By Kara Powell And Steve Argue
4 Things Youth Workers Would Tell Parents About Teenagers, Social Media, and Technology
What My Daughter Would Say to Her Younger Self NoEating Disorder
20 Tips I wish I could have given parents of teens before their kids were 4
Her mom had been posting photos of her, without prior approval, for much of her life
Here are three tools I’ve discovered for policing my thought life
What’s the number one priority our parents list?
If I can go back and do it all over I would do this
The impact of the digital world is so powerful and pervasive that it’s almost impossible for most of us to keep up
We talk about the relationship between social media and mental health. Here’s a few resources if you want to explore more
Here’s a list of some of our favorite books for church leaders that are building a family ministry in their church.
1.Remember Who You Are. 2. Be Mindful of your Soul Holes. 3. Unite Yourself to the Body
Five rules we gave her 13-year-old daughter
Give up the unhealthy — yet popular — parenting practices that are robbing kids of mental strength
Watch the reveal of the 2019 Dirty Dozen List
Lost children find other lost children because they are seeking some semblance of unity and a place to belong; this is why…
Why it’s important for teens to be involved in a youth group
It reflects the thoughts, experiences, and practical advice of four in-the-trenches youth workers, who have spent years having these conversations
What’s it like to have millions of fans when you’re 10? What’s it like to have thousands of people insult or adore…
This means that student success isn’t determined by genetics, but by parenting
“If you know me, you know I…. but if you reallyknew me, you’d know…”I gave them an example
We’ve amped up the amount of new content we’re adding to each site! Mobile friendly and easier to navigate
kids 2-5 years old who engage in more screen time received worse scores in developmental screening tests
Seeing the deeper longings behind teenagers and social media
Multiple times during any particular week, this season often feels overwhelming, stressful, and just hard.
I need to be honest about how there are times when I don’t even recognize my own children and how lonely that…
“Ultimately, when we worship parenting success and achievement, we find our worth in….what our children accomplish.”
Parenting a teen has never been an easy feat, but in today’s digital age, tracking a teen’s behavior has become almost impossible
Continue to expose and free us from the faith-less, grace-less, law-heavy ways we parent, Father. Free us from over-stressing our kids and…
Parents who want to give their kids a healthy view of sex centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ
Giving Your Kids a Gospel-Centered View of Sex and Our Culture is a treasure
…is either addressing or exploiting—you decide—the subject that isn’t talked about much in most homes
When children are having suicidal thoughts, their parents may often be in the dark, a new study shows.
Two-thirds of American Christian teenagers who regularly attend worship at a Protestant congregation for at least a year quit going for at…
“Choosing to do what you should do, not what you want to do.”
I gave a bounty Hunter $300. He then located our phone
Teaching high school students responsibilities
So over the 21 days of The Tech-Wise Family Challenge, we’ll all get to do some
For parents who are worried their kids are ignoring their texts, one dad has developed a phone app to make it impossible
“avoid digital media use—except video chatting—in children younger than 18 to 24 months”
Some children who spent more time on smartphones and other devices exhibited a different brain pattern than kids with less screen time
A new study finds that children not only log healthier levels of sleep, they also perform at a higher level in the…
A FBI report concluded that sextortion is a major, if not underlying, factor for child victims committing suicide
Don’t miss it. You will blink. . . and they will be older. And that’s why our tree this year reminds me…
60 Minutes goes inside a landmark government study of young minds to see if phones, tablets and other screens are impacting adolescent…
Conversations between my peers are often peppered with jokes of self-harm, anorexia, and suicide
Despite the easing of taboos and the rise of hookup apps, Americans are in the midst of a sex recession
Eight Ways to Persevere in the Parenting Marathon
Children who had a religious upbringing are likely to be healthier and have a higher degree of well-being in early adulthood than…
One sleep study may have a simple answer…
Soaring suicides are another sign of our toxic social disconnect