Here’s why that isn’t a great idea for our kids
Real Help for Parents and Teachers of the Bullied, Bystanders, and Bullies
Children are spending way too much time in front of screens
Be Intentional about Investing in Your Own Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Health
An Invitation to Keep the Welcome Mat Out and Your Mouth Shut
Medications for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), such as Adderall, may not improve cognition in healthy students and may actually impair working memor
Ways to identify signs of anxiety and how to help your kids through their experience with it
13 Reasons Why We Need to Have Conversations With Our Kids
What Parents Need to Know About Sibling Rivalry and Abuse
Up to 30 percent of teenage girls in some parts of the United States say they have intentionally injured themselves
Chemicals in Food May Harm Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says
Four Things Dads Should Teach Their Kids About Money (Paul David
Paul Tripp encourages parents to persist in disciplining their children, just as God continues to discipline his own children.
If we aren’t teaching our kids about the spiritual aspects of money, the world is happy to do our job for us
Chocolate Milk May be Better Than Sports Drinks for Exercise Recovery
The Internet filtering tools are ineffective and in most cases, were an insignificant factor in whether young people had seen explicit sexual content.
Agape Year is a gap year for recent high school graduates who are eager to see God’s justice roll down like waters…
Here’s some tips how to deal with angry teens
He (Dad) was floored when his two teens told him about some of the sneaky things their peers are doing, even in…
Detailed analysis of Instagram, Snapchat, Texting, Calling, FaceTime.
Between 80-95% of Generation Z uses YouTube more than any other social media platform
Eight helpful suggestions on how to manage your child’s electronic usage this summer–without becoming an online cop
Taking one or two days a week and three or four months a year off from a primary sport.
Carlos Whittaker, to talk about the key role your high schooler’s community plays in his or her life
You don’t have to have a perfect life to pass down a faith-filled life to your kids
The irony is that in America it’s okay for coaches to take a knee to protest America, but it’s illegal for public…
Well, how in the world did a Christian mom send her 15-year-old son through the streets of Rome past public orgies in…
So how can the next generation move toward maturity? Here are six basic steps to help the next generation
Fewer high school students are drinking, having sex and using drugs… but still “leaves room for concern.”
How to raise mentally healthy children in today’s environment
Greater amounts of daily screen time are associated with more insomnia symptoms and shorter sleep duration among adolescents.
Ten Ways “Grown-up” Christians Can Set a Better Example for Gen Z on Social Media
The skills of getting into college undermine the confidence to thrive once there
There’s been a sharp spike in cases of major depression among teens and millennials
15% of young people self-harm. 34% begin between the ages of 17 and 20, can start as young as 12 or even…
It is always amazing to me that God created physical intimacy in such a way to provide a deep connection with your…
Helping You Understand the Times and Know How to Respond
Teach your kids Bible stories in the context of your family’s situations. Nothing makes the Bible more clear than real life applications
Like so many couples, they have found themselves in a place they never expected to be and now they’re starting the process…
The largest study of its kind found teens who were exposed to more junk food advertising consumed more unhealthy foods every week.
My initial reaction to Season 2 as I was just a few episodes in was this: “They should have put this thing…
Increases in depression and suicide appeared among teens in 2012 – the same time smartphone ownership became the norm
“And we wonder why our young adults are currently being diagnosed with depression and anxiety at staggering and unheard-of rates.”
In this new video, Paul Tripp—pastor, author, gives a word to parents seeking to shepherd the hearts of their children
There are jobs available even for those with a poor work history like you. Get one – you have to work!
You need to be informed about this series (whether their own teens watch it or not) because the kids will be talking…
Raising a confident, self-assured daughter who is comfortable with her body is not an easy thing to do these days
Progress made in limiting kids’ exposure to secondhand smoke could be undermined by the increasing popularity of smoking marijuana among parent
The core message of the book is that kids need mentoring, not (just) monitoring, and that kids deserve more empathy from adults…
And Why Their Teachers Should Too!
Excessive screen time has been linked to obesity, disturbed sleep, behavioral issues, poor social skills, and less play time (which in itself…
With (social media), it’s all about the self-image — who’s ‘liking’ them, who’s watching them, who clicked on their picture
When it comes to having “the talk,” many teens admit they’re not communicating with their parents or their doctors about sex, new…
Nurturing parents pass along strategies that help their children build and maintain positive relationships in adulthood.
5 Reasons Teeangers Struggle to Develop Good Spiritual Habits by Andy Blanks
Deaths from suicide amongst teenagers has grown over 84% in the last decade
Connect your high school students to a campus ministry
Socially they are expected to practice teenage behaviors. What do parents and youth workers need to do
How addictive it appears to be. Over spring break I noticed that my sons were waking up before 6 am. to get…
Overuse of smart phones is just like any other type of substance abuse.
Lizzy Martinez, 17, was reprimanded by school officials at Braden River High School for not wearing a bra
Energizing Your Family’s Spiritual Life: You Set the Pace Mark Holmen, a family ministry expert, tells a story about his days as…
Making it easier than ever for pimps to target, groom and sell your children, top law-enforcement officials say
A coalition of more than 20 consumer advocacy groups contends that YouTube is collecting and profiting from the personal information of young…
Burn Book — Post anonymous rumors about people through audio messages, tests, and photos
By default, every device that connects kids to the internet also connects kids to porn
Everyone knows that porn is ubiquitous online, a danger to be aware of and avoid vigilantly
One In 10 Visitors To Graphic Porn Sites Are Under 10 Years Old
An ongoing column which draws together insights from two crucial spheres of ministry: youth ministry and church planting
According to a January 2018 poll of parents, 47% think their children are addicted to their smartphone device
“The takeaway here is that parents should not treat parental control apps as a magic bullet to keep their teens safe online,”
More than 100 child health experts are urging Facebook to withdraw an app aimed at under-13s
Here are 3 ways a protective father can see his daughter through
Teen needed to wake up for church on Easter. His mother tased him
Children who regularly witness parental conflict may be sustaining lasting harm to their emotional processing abilities.
What is known is that smart, successful, gifted teens are committing suicide in increasing numbers
This 16-year-old’s suicide letters are a cry for help and a national call for change
Internet a ‘Lord of the Flies’: Teen suicide rise started after Instagram, Snapchat began
We are refusing to let them learn the lessons of self-reliance and problem-solving that they will need to be successful as adults.
More Than Just Surviving This Transitional Phase
An In-Depth Look at Constant Connectivity…and What It’s Costing
Patience is Christian parents’ greatest need. Here are six areas of parenting where I’ve learned (and am learning) to exercise patience.
Long before kids are old enough to start collecting “likes” on social media, they do appear to care what others think about…
A practical guide to building your child’s bond with family and fostering school success amid the allure of digital screens
How psychology is being used as a weapon against children
The impact of cell phones is dependent upon many variables, including the vulnerability of the teen
Daughters are more likely to carry on a family tradition of philanthropic giving than sons, a recent Indiana
Be persistent, pray, and then let God be God — who does the work to change lives! Here are some ideas to…
Children’s health experts warned that excessive use of digital devices and social media “is harmful to children and teens.”
I’m the Girl Who Clawed Her Own Eyes Out. This Is My Story.
Everyone has it, she whines, even the kid whose mom is an FBI agent/social worker/pediatrician/nun.
It might help give context to a conversation that you hear about a student getting “Lit” on the weekend,