“When Parent Must Contradict Culture”
Helping The Next Generation Navigate Today’s World
Letting Go of the Goodness Gospel. The “goodness gospel” looks like a life driven by exteriors: a perfectly decorated room, well-mannered children,…
You can’t control them, but you can be honest with them about your fears and your hopes
The suicide rate doubled between 2007 and 2014, surpassing the death rate from car crashes
…awareness of not using your cell phone in the bathroom as it is plugged in and charging
Five Ways to Send Your Kids to College with Confidence in the Bible
So many students who have grown up in our ministries will hit college, desert the faith of their youth
Be aware that children sometimes sin out of the sheer pleasure of being wicked
Girls reported that they were more upset by these behaviors and reported more negative emotional responses
Clearly a Biblically comprehensive case against smoking weed
Kids as young as 7 are emailing him about their struggles with pornography! Yikes!
A 3(D) Guide To Making Wise Media Choices – 10 Pack
God specifically places the responsibility for nurturing a child’s spiritual development on parents — not the church!
Mothers who do not feel in control of their lives and who struggle with their teenage children can benefit from having a…
We have posted some really helpful free resources in the last month or two. I wanted to highlight a few in case…
The Good News and Bad News in Today’s Alcohol Trends
Newly minted teen drivers in the United States have almost triple the risk of being involved in a deadly crash than adults,…
Childhood exposure to parental psychological abuse appears to be more damaging to children’s future mental health than witnessing physical violence between parents
Study: budget cuts to sex education classes may have contributed to lower rates of teenage pregnancy in England
Life with a first grader is talkative, energetic and fun one. Remember, it’s just a phase. . . so don’t miss it.
7 in 10 College students graduate with an average of $40,000 in debt
32% of all teens in US at the age 13 to 17 years old use Snapchat
Low amounts, interruptions to parent-child time caused by digital technology are associated with child behavior problems
When Are You Helping and When Are You Hurting?
We wanted to provide our viewers with resources for more information, support and how to help others
7 videos, each one seeding conversation about the 7 vital changes I’d make
“My 16-year-old wants Instagram and I won’t let her have it. Is that bad?”
Posting constant updates on the social network could reveal emotional stress
When you’re a skinny child of fifteen, with braces from ear to ear, you doubt that you will ever be appealing,”
Have you made a bucket list for your summer activities yet? I’m sure you’ll find fun things to do with kids on…
The parents get so caught up in their own struggles that they don’t pay attention/realize what their kids are going through.
Shocking video emerged showing vicious fight between students and parents
Parents still have a huge influence. And moms play a major role in the development and nurturing of kids in a media-filled…
Many things aren’t the way they used to be and yet some things are as they have always been.
So it is…
Avoid Being a “Distracted” or “Annoying” Parent
‘This is so so important- our young girls need to hear these things. It is both reassuring and inspiring to have a…
TeenSafe lets you keep a watchful eye on your child’s online activities so they don’t become another victim of internet predators or…
Too much screen time. It’s a problem all parents face. It’s not about parental control. It’s about teaching them to manage their…
This book has been the most useful in understanding how to incorporate faith into the nitty-gritty everyday moments of life within the…
When it comes to careers, young people have stars in their eyes, hoping to one day be athletes, artists, or entertainers
The good news: most teenagers are very forgiving of parental missteps; they recognize their own faults and readily forgive others’
“There are now more young people living with their parents than in any other arrangement,”
Will began his path to addiction as a freshman at College after being introduced to the prescription stimulant Adderall
So based on the research with 3,000 teens and pre-teens…here are 3 actions to take whenever you see or hear an attitude
He called the sheriff’s offices for both counties and told them “they needed to get him off the road before he hit…
There comes a point when their children/grandchildren need to learn to grow in their own walk with Jesus; they can not just…
A.A.P. recommends “laps not apps,” and I am deeply skeptical of anything electronic that is marketed as “educational”
No matter how often teenagers are told to drive safely, some might not heed that advice until they are involved in a…
Reimagining the Role of Church and Family in the Faith Journey of Teenagers
Parents, you are painting a portrait of God for your children every day….And when your children
Before you get judgmental, realize that what you are witnessing is not bad parenting, but what it takes to turn a child…
The goal is to break down 4 emotional, 4 social and 4 spiritual milestones
unGlue helps parents set screen time limits on any device
1 out of 4 times that a teen encountered a risky online situation did they tell their parents about it
79% are addicted to their devices. We are becoming what we behold. We desire significance and we are trying to find…
Freeing Your Heart from the Need to Be Perfect
For many girls it starts early. The desire to be perfect. The need for approval. The longing for acceptance and being liked…
Rising earnings disparity between young adults with and without a College degree
The following is an exclusive excerpt from Jonathan McKee’s brand new book, If I Had a Parenting Do Over, released this week
At the end of his life…‘I wish I had spent more time with my family.’
The estimated average costs of raising a child born in 2015 through age 17 has risen to $233,610, a 3-percent increase from…
I never knew how scary the world could be until I became a parent
What to say to girls trying to dress or dance in grown-up ways that they don’t understand
Millennials report the decisions they have made about student loans was greatly affected by the socio-economic status of their parents who were…
“Mother Teresa said the problem with the world is that we draw the circle of our family too small,”
Teens who face the juvenile justice system for the first time are more likely to re-offend if their mothers don’t participate in…
More likely… to drink, but less likely to binge
Social media sites help us stay connected, but for younger teens, the cost of online connectivity can be steep
In this device-driven culture, students are often tempted to pre-judge the character of a person before having really spent any significant time…
Download, “Issues and Answers,” by Roland Boyce
Teen girls who reported higher-quality relationships with their mothers experienced a protective factor against early sexual initiation,
How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our Kids-and How to Break the Trance
There is more to helping kids become successful than pushing them to be involved in a multitude of activities and to score…
Research continues to provide some answers on how parents are navigating this world
I just told a four year old that tic tacs were medicine so I wouldn’t have to share
“Thank goodness they did not wait and went to the school to find him,”
Teen Virgins rate significantly and consistently better in nearly all health-related behaviors and measures than their sexually active peers
The kind of (youthgroup) girl who draws you in and makes you actually glad to work more hours for less pay than…