6 hours a day “It’s really like a therapeutic release. All that social anxiety I felt in school just went away because…..
A study from Rutgers University says the saying has…
They’re the ones going off to college. How do parents fit in?
Really, our goal is to create dialogue around these behaviors and help people. We want Tumblr to be a place where we…
Officials say guardians responsible for teens’ actions
Without Asking Them ‘How Was School Today?’
Youth ministry is no longer about attracting and entertaining teenagers
What No One Tells You & What I Wish Someone Had Told Me
A snapshot of the 5-hour Intensive on “Sticky Faith: How to Help Teens Maintain Their Faith Long-Term.”
Youth workers take advantage Jonathan McKee’s FREE resource, it is the best I have seen in a long time
Most parents who divorce are in denial about how it affects their kids
Dare to be Bright: a systenatic, holistic approach to studying forexams and doing better at school
This book is covered in grace…“Mom, Dad, Stepmom, Stepdad, Grandma, or Grandpa, please know this: Jesus is bigger than your mistakes too.”
Property can be seized by police without requiring a conviction — or even a criminal charge, in some cases — and the…
Children and teenagers spend more than seven and a half hours a day using smartphones, computers, televisions and other electronic screens
Have you ever asked your own kids for parenting advice?
A Growing Number of Teens Are Caught In Their Grip
TIM ELMORE: What Must We Do to Change Our Ways?
What the Trends in Games Teach Us About Kids Today and do parents view “struggle” as a negative thing?
Driver Easy Speak, a system that amplifies parents’ voices, enabling them to be heard over kids’ screaming
A glimpse into a parent’s nightmare while extending grace to those who care enough to simply sit beside them on the “mourning…
“Stay on your side of the Google calendar. I’m taking back my family time!”
“Family and academics are more important than sports, until sports conflict, then sports win.”
The Trial raises legal, moral issues
“To protect children from harm, we believe that nothing takes the place of good parenting,”
Not everything you hear as a teenager makes sense. But once you’re a little older, it clicks more
From the oils of marijuana plants and has a very high concentration of THC. Street names Honeycomb, Butter and Wax
5 ways to raise them to be kind. About 80% of their parents were more concerned with their achievement or happiness than……
Frankly You don’t know what they need…But you want to be there for them
If we’re going to warn people of the perils of Big Gulps, shouldn’t we warn them of the dangers of sex?
Why they feel more connected to disassociated voices in cyberspace than to their families
“Don’t text and drive until you’ve learned how to juggle straight razors nude.”
She might sue..the book is a violation of state law for the course to include information that is not age appropriate
Lenders Refuse to Forgive Dead Woman’s $200K Student Loan Debt
Jonathan Mann speaks to Mark Arabo about why he thinks ISIS’ persecution of Christians in Iraq has become a genocide
Stranded on a barren mountaintop.. descend and risk slaughter or sit tight and risk dying of thirst
It’s been more than a decade since I ran away from home and I’m finding it again, in the Church. I love…
Two questions to help teens ask alongside scripture: Who am I?+Who is God?
…some of the most dangerous parenting mistakes aren’t obvious
The Reformed Church has failed to teach its members the implications of covenant theology for their children
However, there does seem to be a tendency with the home school/family worship/children in worship emphasis that can turn this good…
Family of teen who died after smoking synthetic pot warns others to stay away from the powerful and unpredictable drug
We’re more likely to lie to our parents about whether we’ve used drugs
Are violent video games as bad as they seem in the media?
Over 100 Practical and Tested Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Kids
If a father does not go to church, no matter how faithful his wife’s devotions, only one child in 50 will become…
AllHipHop.com CEO is concerned about how the art will influence young girls, including his daughter
If a father does not go to church, no matter wife’s devotions, only 1 child in 50 will become a regular worshipper
What is it that sets apart the kids who stay in the church?
Promising amazing sex in exchange for purity doesn’t serve anyone…
We must allow and call youth into Christian adulthood and ease their fears of a boring life
What the parents found after their daughter died inside her makeup bag was life-changing
I realized I was more than half the problem in this whole entitlement parenting challenge …wake up call
Last March, a post rocked the internet…I thought, my goodness, most of this could apply to adults!
Work distracts them from parenting. The lack of part-time jobs for teens = unsupervised time
ADOLESCENCE is practically synonymous in our culture with risk taking, emotional drama outlandish behavior
Rice hopes the campaign will provide a corrective lens for how women perceive certain images
For all youth across America…Words can hurt but how you handle the words makes all the difference
He assumed the boy had gotten on the church bus with his four siblings when it pulled up at their house
“Just because it’s in the brain doesn’t mean it’s destiny,”
Painkiller Prescription Rates Vary Widely Among States
Misuse and abuse of prescription drugs is one of the fastest growing drug epidemics in the United States
The study was funded by State Farm Insurance
“pseudomature” behavior was an even stronger predictor of problems with alcohol and drugs than levels of drug use in early adolescence
Belonging to the cool crowd is associated with higher rates of drinking, drug use, sexual activity
Tips for parents and church workers accommodating tweens
Are more kids having sex than years prior?
Spreading what we know about youth culture
Instead of challenging the growing secularism among men, the church largely acquiesced—by turning to women
Staffer Caught on Hidden Cam Telling ‘Teen’ Some Shocking Things About Porn and ‘Kinky Sex’
Taking your kids to church isn’t enough. It’s what happens in your home will make them who they are
“This has everything to do with the erosion of parental rights
Last year, my eight year-old son went to summer camp…I’d wait for the mailman, hoping for just one letter
Social media is an identity fitting room for teens. It allows them to fabricate themselves and test out different persona’s as they…
I want to watch your face illuminated by the majesty of life – not the glow of a screen
10 research-based reasons for this ban
A coroner has slammed Call of Duty after a string of teenagers who regularly played it killed themselves
1 out of 12 meet the online stranger in real life. 33% feel more accepted online than in real life
To be a child on the threshold of adolescence is the worst time to have divorcing parents
Marko…”Parents are still the number one influence in the lives of their teenagers”
Mark Matlock shares PART 1 of his interview with Dr. Dan Siegel