Slowly learning how to think about children other than my own
Filip marries location and communication for worried parents….
Perhaps American parents should tune in to the music that kids are really pumping in their ears and the TV shows kids…
Making movies that glorify porn addicts, child molesters..only contributes to the decay of the moral compass of society
40% of middle school administrators and 20% at the high school level report bullying taking place on a daily or weekly basis
“I felt like they were violating my rights, my freedom of speech,”
This is a perfect recipe for the development of an eating disorder and accompanying depression
Late-starting daters, while also out of step with peers, appeared to have no apparent social or emotional difficulties
Social Media 101: To help you keep up to date with the use and trends in teen use of social media
If Mom and Dad are happily married then there could be some VERY embarrassing texts flying through the air!
The statistics are truly shocking. Children aged 12 to 17 are one of the largest consumer groups of online porn
There are websites where explicit screenshots of Snapchat pictures live
72% of parents are simply sticking their heads in the sand and just “hoping for the best”?
I realized that ministry must involve the student’s parents, not just the student
How I make my iPhone work for me instead of the other way around!
I am more aware now more than ever before in my ministry how little parents know about what’s happening
80% of parental controls FAIL to filter out all explicit content
I’m not raising children; I’m raising the grownups they’re going to be. I have to raise them with the tools to get…
Don’t get me wrong – there are tons of people who play in the NFL and are strong believers in the Lord..
Mom: “I try to instill values in my son,”… And now my son wants to know what a pimp is.”
By George Lockhart: Things I’m learning from Miley Cyrus and about myself
Things I’m learning from Miley Cyrus and about myself.
Here’s a bit George Lockhart wrote for The Youth Culture Report.
No one…
iPhone/iPod, iPad, Android, Android Tablet
By: Dr. Kara Powell, If parents are addicted to technology..that’s the posture children will mimic
Constant busyness will ultimately lead us to a desert where joy evaporates and emptiness fills our lives and relationships
…to reclaim some of his family life from technology
My mom told me to change my ‘slutty’ shorts before we went to dinner. I said no. So my dad….
“I don’t want to have no influence …I didn’t have that I grew up to be exactly what I wanted to be..
Schools in 19 States have sent out ‘fat letters’ informing parents their children are overweight
“We’re delaying adulthood for grown-ups kids who are left stuck in their childhood bedrooms.
72% of parents are simply sticking their heads in the sand and just “hoping for the best”?
Adolescents can be influenced by their friends’ online pictures to smoke or drink alcohol
Harsh verbal discipline increases the risk teens will misbehave and exhibit symptoms of depression
Exploring the Online Disconnect between Parents and Kids
..if I had eaten I could have got blood poisoning from the food or I could have choked if it had gone…
Women who drink…during their teens could increase risk of developing breast cancer
“We found that prevalence of alcohol use was higher among white, relative to black, girls during adolescence,”
“Parents have more influence on what their kids think and do about sex than teachers do”
MTV Sticky: The average millennial spends around 11.8 hours a week gaming on various devices
..a potentially dangerous combination for teens
By:Dave Rozman
In elementary school, I remember being tapped on the shoulder and handed a note. The note had my name on it…
“Adolescence can be a tough time between parents and kids, but relations almost always improve from adolescence to emerging adulthood,”
How to Find a Quality Guy Without Getting Your Heart Shredded
Unlucky Skateboarder Discovers What Can Haappen If You Hurt Awoman’s Child- Even IF It iS An Accident
Early puberty may not be the root cause of adolescent turmoil, study says
Is This What They Call Pop Culture?…”these girls being sexualized”
“Most girls enter puberty without much education on the topic,”
Teens on Tumblr can’t stop bragging about Silk Road drug deals
Parents should turn to Charlie Brown for a reality check..that failure, no matter how painful, is not permanent
Debate over steamy ads on the airwaves
3-Year-olds who had regular bedtimes performed better on cognitive tests four years later
Students who test positive must attend a meeting with their parents, counselor and the president of the school
48% say, “children do best if a stay-at-home mom raises them.”
Single-mother homes compose one-half of all households in poverty
“I have absolutely seen parents who mean well but do too much work for their children,”
Early Puberty May Not Be the Root Cause of Adolescent Turmoil
Call for parents to familiarise themselves with online vocabulary used by their children so they can protect them in cyberspace
4 things that will help you make a better Youth Ministry Calendar
There were 2.6 million households led by a single father in 2011
A 40-day challenge to assist parents in guiding their children in the Christian faith
SnapKidz is a gateway the company hopes to bring ever-younger children gradually on board
People…who come from grace-oriented families with parents who do not control with guilt and shame do better
Start talking long before your teen is handed a smartphone and gains access to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
What may seem like natural, age-appropriate self-consciousness can take root under such blunt criticism as “U.G.L.Y.”
2,000 parents to voted on celebs they felt were negative influences on their children
At what age should young girls be allowed to buy the “morning-after’ pill
FDA loss of control on Plan B not surprising
Here’s a look at some of the paranoia apps and tools available now
They had credit cards but no idea how they worked. They didn’t know about savings accounts
By Aaron Buer
Guys Crave Respect
Yesterday I began a series on how to talk to boys about sex. Boys need much more than…
“Every one of my friends smokes weed and drinks, Mom. Every one you’ve ever seen.”
God Invented Sex: By Aaron Buer
By Aaron Buer
God Invented Sex
Most parents are terrified to talk to their boys about sex. Some…