More communication may translate to less sex, review suggests
Another consequence of childhood obesity
Teen Girls with poor literacy were 2.5 times as likely to have a baby during their teens
42% to 48% of mothers say they feel guilty they’re not doing enough to take care of themselves
100 intoxicated teenagers between the ages of 14 and 18
Sen. Marco Rubio Leaves Romney Campaign Rally After Daughter’s Accident
The connect between family dinner and life long drug use!
3 Easy Ways to Improve Communication with Your Kids
Download The Youth Culture Report App
The myths and truths on what is really going on with your teens
Less than 8% of top earners in Fortune 500 companies are women
Parents on lower incomes are more willing to let their children quit school
Insights into the Experiences and Feelings of Children with ADHD
France to wants to legally replace Mom and Dad
11 Dangerous Teenage Trends All Parents Should Know About
10 Actions Ideas for You and Your Teenage Daughter
Authoritative Moms can help teen friends cut drinking, smoking and drug use
Five year study 45 % of males and nearly 30 % of females after leaving juvenile detention have one or more psychiatric…
Dad Pickets Middle School Over Alleged Bullying
Children follow their mothers’ drinking habits in adulthood
Oscar host Seth MacFarlane under fire for graphic oral sex ‘American Dad’ episode from (PTC)
Many Parents Think Drinking Improves Their Parenting
‘Fatherhood Begins in the Womb’ Campaign Exposes ‘National Crisis’
Contraception mandate may ultimately cause more unplanned pregnancies in teens
Campus life mother encourages Huntington community toward healing after youth leader’s arrest
Guys spend 10,000 hours playing video games before 21
Should Teachers Having Sex With 18-Year-Old Students Be Illegal?
Dangerous Stunts Seen on YouTube Hurting, Even Killing Teens
Homecoming Parade Prank against Special Needs Daughter
Maintaining Relational Presence in a Technological World
New porn search engine that can keep that content away from unsuspecting children
You cannot grow as a city (St. Louis) if your children are being wiped out and never given an opportunity to…
Paddling could soon be back in Marion County Schools
Texas school OKs opposite sex spankings after principal breaks rule
It’s more important to teach students how to think than anything else
half of 11-12 year-olds have a social media profile
Prescription drugs among teens A continuing problem
“I think that it is correct to not have parental notification,” Quinn told WCBS 880. “Just as I do as it relates…
New survey: Teens Mirror Parents’ Distracted Driving Habits
Teens benefit by spending more time with parents
MTV Original Cast Will Return For Two Specials
Do the parents and principal really know what was going to be played in the speakers on Saturday night?
So tell me again… why am I letting you go to the dance this weekend?
Why 6-Year-Old Girls Want To Be Sexy (STUDY)
From 2009 to 2011 equaled the decrease in income in the two years of the recession
Stress in Your Children and Teens
Private Schools or Public Schools
Instagram: An app for parents to keep up with their teens
“I’m convinced that the single most important area where we’ve lost ground with kids is in our commitment and ability to ground…
Honey Boo Boo goes ‘Gangnam Style’
Facebook and Google Help Launch Online Safety Platform For Teens
How Parents Can Support Student Ministries
“What’s the big deal?” “It’s no biggie!” “Who Cares!”
Mistakes, way too many expletives and plenty of sexual references all in one night
Peer Influence On Adolescent Sexuality
Children in married-parent families are 82% less likely to be poor
Teenagers who spent more time with their parents tended to have better social skills
Smokers Are Still High School’s ‘Cool Kids
New Jersey mom, grandmother tackle man after he attempts to toss boys in front of train, police say
grandparents investing in the lives of their kids and grandkids.
The Colorado Rockies have communicated to the Nickelodeon Network that we will not be doing a promotion in the 2012 season.
First off, a huge thank you to Mike and the folks at The Youth Culture Report.
Work hard during the week, party hard on the weekends
Hyper-reactivity to Porn has shaped an Entire Generation
This Is the Creationists‘ Response to Scientist Bill Nye’s Viral Pro-Evolution Video Claiming They Harm Children
5 Reasons I Recommend The Youth Culture Report