How can parents get their kids to stop playing games so much and do something more “social?”
Consider leveraging Instagram in your student ministry
Parents need to be aware of what their teens are doing online and here are few simple steps
Why it’s popular and what parents need to know
Young people feel socially supported by having large networks of on-line friends they may never see
1 in 10 people have accidentally sexted the wrong person
In a way, it’s as though Jada’s been assaulted twice, both inside the house and online
Teens’ Online Behavior Can Get Them in Trouble
The number of complaints of online enticement of children is climbing.
Facebook Can Tweak Your Moods Through ‘Emotional Contagion’
Last week McAfee released their newest Teens and Screens study…
52% believe using social media and text helps their friendships and 32% believe it helps with family.
Social media is an identity fitting room for teens. It allows them to fabricate themselves and test out different persona’s as they…
I want to watch your face illuminated by the majesty of life – not the glow of a screen
10 research-based reasons for this ban
1 out of 12 meet the online stranger in real life. 33% feel more accepted online than in real life
‘Toxic childhood’ of cyberbullying, social media and hypersexualised culture leads one in five teenagers to self-harm
(And How Drug Abuse Affects Social Life)
53% of teen girls feel that photos of themselves posted by others can make them feel bad
Is there actually a connection between using social media and being lonely?
Step back, try to stay calm and try to listen to your kids. What are they trying to achieve?
So, if you “embarrass” or “make fun” of someone, you could be found to have violated the statute?
Social media is an identity fitting room for teens. It allows them to fabricate themselves and test out different persona’s as they…
“Social media is probably not the best place to advertise a party,” Damage around $64,000
Another unseen voice then tells Netanyahu that “if you did not take a picture, it’s as if you didn’t live,”
Google Glass Parody Shows Family Lost in Wearable Computing
‘Swatting’ Gamers Hoax incident triggers massive police response
Foster originally met the unidentified girl on Facebook. She lived in his neighborhood
To Live in a Fantasy World of No Consequences
Regardless of any “anonymity”…do have the ability to trace messages back to the point of origin
Next time you use Snapchat, remember that someone on the other end might be saving your private stuff
Kids’ Misuse of Certain Apps Puts Them at Unnecessary Risk
Sales in Colorado have escalated by 420 percent since marijuana was legalized in the state
Leneita Fix: Real people are created in the image of our Risen Savior- not on a computer screen
I finally realised I was never going to take a picture that made the craving go away and that was when I…
“Join the anti-revolution and stop taking pictures of yourself.”
Teens feel socially supported by having large networks of on-line friends they may never see
We’ve created this culture where you’re constantly comparing yourself to other people, or images you see in the media or in the…
“Parents should be involved with monitoring the media that their children are watching,”
58% of doctors surveyed said they’d seen an increase number of patients under 30 requesting plastic surgery
All I’m saying is, artists in pop culture have influence on people..
73% of the adults used their phone at least once during each meal
“When defamatory publications are made on social media it is common knowledge that they spread,”
“I was mad. I was angry. The mama bear comes out and you want to get to the bottom of it,” the…
Linked to Anxiety, Lower Grades and Reduced Happiness
Daughter’s Facebook Brag Costs Her Family $80,000
Everyday there’s some new thing we parents need to figure out,here are smart strategies for managing your kids
What happen when the traditional teenage quest for identity and connection occurs online?
I thought it was just a bit of swearing and some shooting…
The symptoms may include dry, red and irritated eyes, fatigue, eye strain, blurry vision, problems focusing, headaches, neck and shoulder pain
Fall Out Boy plans to release a version of Flappy Bird called Fall Out Bird
The starting price was $650. Within hours, it jumped to $99,900, with 74 bids placed
In a broader context, family time or the lack of it can shape society
Your fourteen year old will never be an adult the way you are an adult today
UK: 54% of individuals who ended a relationship in the last two years said social media played a role
A way to control how we are seen and by whom
Allowing you to monitor every single gadget and person on them in your home
58% kids know how to hide online activities from parents.46% would change behavior if parents were paying attention
Instagram also outpaced Twitter, the No. 10 app that grew 36% to 30.7 million last year
Facebook has 4,292,080 fewer high-school aged users and 6,948,848 college-aged users than it did in 2011
Causing Teenagers To Take Insane Pictures Of Themselves
1/10 boys code, and 1/3 want to learn
Victims Of ‘Revenge Porn’ Open Up On Reddit About How It Impacted Their Lives
Questions can be posed and answered with photographs
I’ve never seen a more dangerous application targeting teenagers, specifically girls, than SnapChat
Sexting common, linked to sex among high-risk youth
83% of Amercians wish they had more time to spend with family
Keek has “60 million users and counting” the majority of whom are Millennials ages 13-25
I accepted his (Facebook) friend request..But of late he had become abusive and so I unfriended him last week
User names and mobile numbers of 4.8 million floating around the Internet
Kik does not have parental controls
‘had been bullied due to her good looks’
They’re bringing up relevant questions for young Christians whose faith practices take them onto their phones and laptops
30 percent of admissions officers say that they had Googled an applicant or visited their social networking profile