Pew survey shows teens, parents practice faith together, though teens are less religious
When it comes to religion, American teenagers and their parents tend to have a lot in common – though not quite as…
Since the days of Moses, God has given the primary responsibility of teaching and training children to the parent
It is becoming clear that they do not amplify this virus the way they do influenza when it comes
When a teen gets a chance to lead, they have an opportunity to own their faith
I’m going to share something with you my therapist shared with me weeks ago. And it’s about to blow your mind
This discussion brings up LGBTQ issues, Cash in this TikTok video chose to call it a sin
African Americans, past and present, who have prospered by embracing America’s founding ideals of free enterprise, family, hard work, entrepreneurship, and faith
New studies show caregivers with young children are stressed, with no signs of relief on the horizon
It’s a challenge to parents to live a life that is worthy of that kind of praise and recognition from their children
You don’t need a new program or some complex system, you just need a few simple steps. Let me show you what…
Being a youth pastor during the last 5+ months has been so very wild for me!
When an adult child violates our values, makes poor choices, or gets in deep trouble, we often question our parenting abilities
With in-person gatherings happening more and more, we want to take a quick moment to solve your games problem for you
What they’re teaching kids — as early as kindergarten — is disturbing
Features ‘female breast nudity of a minor,’bums, and spread crotches of scantily clad’ children
Perverts are trying to groom the next generation
Underage girls perform a raunchy dance number, with pelvic gyrations and suggestive touching.
The First 5 People You Should Meet at a New Church
After many months of battling anxiety, Pam had taken an overdose of pain medication and was rushed to hospital. Thankfully it wasn’t…
In the same building, 7% public school students pass the math test, in the charter school, 100% pass the test
A true story of a man who risks everything to bring hope to the most hidden corners of our world
A topic that comes up often for those in ministry.
Sometimes we do not know how to implement it into our lives.
The Coronavirus pandemic has probably flipped your youth ministry upside down
In addition to the usual nerves that come with going back to school, students and their parents are experiencing a whole new…
It’s overtly ‘sexualized’ portrayal of young girls, who are dressed in skimpy outfits and seen twerking on camera.
As I’ve been processing Cardi B’s latest song over the last few days, a few initial thoughts have come to mind. At…
Biblical media discernment, how to pay attention to the narratives found in the stories of our culture
Adolescents who promised to be truthful were less likely to ‘cheat’ than those who did not, even when they could not be…
Songs like “WAP,” and others like it, from male artists as well, reduce women and men to the sum of their parts,…
Planned Parenthood America’s largest abortion provider loses profit if young people are not having sex
Youth Ministry is about spiritual development, and it is the primer for lifelong faith
I want to do is to share the five mistakes I have seen youth workers make over the years that can be…
Back to school usually means a jumpstart in your youth ministry. This year will be no exception
Explorers Lewis and Clark had to adapt. If you’re going to scale the mountains of ministry, you need to leave behind canoes…
Writer Kandist Mallett’s article reads like ‘Marxist propaganda,’ the Texas congressman says
More Than Half Of U.S. Children Lack Proper Heart, Lung Fitness
Parents were asked to rank the importance of 12 values kids need to learn, and 93% of parents responded that responsibility…
A new study from the Yale Child Study Center finds that parents can lessen the effects of inevitable conflict with their teenage…
Alabama school principal created a parody video to encourage students to stay healthy at school this year
5 Signs You May Be Growing Weary as a Leader and What To Do About It
Ministry is draining. So often we can walk away from a small group, service, or event feeling tired, rejected, or like a…
I never thought I’d add “face masks” to our school supply list. I never thought I’d have to..
Jesus teaches us not only what is right and true, but also how to display the beauty
..because “having access to abortion should be your right, regardless of your parents’ beliefs.”
When youth groups were forced to stop meeting we were stripped of so many of the basic elements that might have seemed…
Police arrested two pro-life students in front of a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Washington, DC
Reopen U.S. schools youth are likelier to be negatively impacted by suicides, drugs, and influenza than if they were exposed to COVID-19.
Did Jesus support socialism? Do the teachings of Jesus Christ condemn the accumulation of wealth while pushing for the equal distribution of…
They are bent on taking America down and replacing our free society with a socialist utopia
The charity also said that they were removed from Facebook, as well as from Paypal
Polish President Vows to Protect Children from ‘LGBT Ideology’, Support Traditional Families
ACNA Archbishop Says Church in America has been Co-opted by the Culture
When your high-schooler was in middle school, there’s a good chance their biggest motivator was acceptance
My time would be best spent training my children to trust God no matter what and how they can respond to pain…
While this list is not exhaustive, it will help you start the conversation and give you some talking points for future interactions
Theologically, we need to reconcile the culture of sacrificial suffering …a culture of Sabbath, rest, grace, and weakness
7 Things You Can Not Forget to Do at Your Next Face-to-Face Meeting
How to Welcome New Students into Your Youth Ministry
Sure, a version of this has been around for a long, long time. But it used to be called an “affair,” “cheating,”…
There is nothing wrong with looking to other ministries and leaders for ideas, resources, or suggestions. But
Communism has seen a worldwide death toll of roughly 100 million
I believe, now more than ever, that students are spiritually hungry and want to know about who God is
Reaching your students and making the most of the upside-down world we’ve found ourselves in today
Shares some amazing wisdom on how to guide students through all of this
school-based police help keep teens out of the criminal justice system by addressing minor issues in school buildings rather than letting students…
Diverse ministry perspectives to help teenagers respond to racialized violence and injustice
What does each generation need from the church and what can each generation contribute to the church?
New data revealing pastors’ and Christians’ opinions about what—if anything—the Church should do about racial divisions
I’m a black youth pastor at Restore Community Church, in Kansas City MO. The month of May 2020 has been especially tragic
This week we officially made the decision to cancel our summer camp plans, this was not the story I was hoping for
When we as youth workers take little interest in theology and more interest in pop culture, we communicate to students that God…
In my early days of youth ministry, I had days when I was convinced I was a borderline superhero
One group of high school seniors offered the most telling insights on their final year of school
With a small shift in your mindset, this might be your greatest season of momentum and change
The loss of normal times means new opportunities
Leaders who embrace change, who keep pivoting, will end up advancing their mission in the future
Families are leaving cities for the suburbs in search of safer schools amid the coronavirus pandemic