A new survey finds that parents have essentially lost all of their R&R time thanks to COVID-19
“religious service attendance is associated with a lower risk of death from despair among health care professionals
I don’t know about you, but I think I’ve been in denial about what COVID-19 means as this year’s seniors transition out…
Ever wonder who those strange preteens are and how to best reach them? Get the inside scoop
Invite your families to load up in the car and pray for their community
Evaluations are always a critical piece of your ministry. It is there that you get a chance to figure out what worked…
I’ve also wondered if in our efforts to promote and further the Kingdom of God, we might actually be keeping kids from…
Hebrews 12:1-3 offers some great encouragement as you are going through this SHIFT during your sporting season
Toughest thing in parenting? “Trying to love, teach, and discipline without destroying their spirits
Trying to understand what is happening in America on college and school campus today and what free speech in this country
7 in 10 teenagers say anxiety and depression are major problems among their peers today
6 Considerations for Reopening your Kids Ministry
Quitters aren’t lazy or uncommitted; they often have valid reasons for quitting
Your volunteers are constantly asking, “IS IT WORTH IT?” Create a culture where volunteers shout out “YES!”
When someone changes their mind it convinces me they are adaptable, honest, vulnerable, and human
now is the time to determine what values and processes will remain consistent, what innovative strategies you’ve
During today’s discussion with highly esteemed church leaders, we discussed the path to moving forward after COVID-19
God, Marriage, and Family: Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation
Author of Middle School Matters, Gives helpful tips for working with middlers,during these times
However, it can be useful to see how other church leaders are thinking through reopening
We first had to think short-term just to get our feet under us, but now that this might be until the fall…
This is but one small example of the world that our children will grow up in and the world that you must…
“Here are some GREAT thoughts on marriage from one of my favorite authors, Shaunti Feldhahn.”
Having a devotional time once a week and praying together daily builds a foundation of spiritual intimacy
Asks people to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior
Have you ever looked at one of your students and thought, “What were you thinking?” Well, thanks to new discoveries
What the local body misses when it focuses on personality analyses and congregational surveys
Every failure is an opportunity to teach and train your kids
Your seniors need an encouraging commencement blessing more than ever!
We’re making the curriculum that we use in our charter schools available to the general public
Parents, remember that God has called you to be the primary nurturing influence your child’s life
Helping parents nurturing the faith of their children
In the last decade, attacks on religious freedom have intensified, and religious Americans are feeling the effects
Orange students: some ideas to reach students and parents—even without an in-person gathering
Facing Nine Hidden Challenges of the Most Anxious Population
Harvard law professor blasts homeschooling as “dangerous” and appealing to those who seek “authoritarian control over their kids.”
If we fail to invest in youth work now, we will reap social paralysis for decades to come, resulting in another lost…
The pandemic is teaching us about ourselves and exposing weaknesses in our ministries
Here is a quick list of six considerations to get your team thinking about returning well
During this pandemic, youth leaders have the opportunity to reexamine discipleship models and measurements.
Too many kids show worrying signs of fragility from a very young age. Here’s what we can do about it
The presence of just one adult relationship cuts severe isolation, raises trust levels, and results in more confidence.
The single most important way to mitigate loneliness is for trusted adults to reach out and connect
Marko: don’t forget to reach out to individual teens – phone calls, text messages, even snail mail
7 Resources To Offer Guests In Your Youth Group Zoom Meeting
What a great opportunity to reset family values and focus on Christ together at the dinner table
Walt Mueller: “I wish I had heard this 40 years ago when I was getting started in youth ministry”
Recent events related to COVID-19 have led to dramatic changes for many churches and youth groups
Jesus used one of the most powerful communication tools known to man—it’s called “the parable.”
Marriage Rate Falls to Lowest in Recorded Histor
A great resource and research based information on youth work in the UK
5 Lies You Are Told When You Are Let Go From A Church
Being fired, let go, transitioned out, can be some of the deepest pain and hurt you experience
Fired? Let go? Nope, not me, but it 100% effected and changed my life when my spouse was
You have a great opportunity to reach not only students during this time, but to reach and be a resource for parents…
This video is a skit about Simeon of Cyrene who carried the cross of Jesus
DYM: Ideas and resources from youth pastors!
Recipes from Ruth Bell Graham, videos, inspirational graphics, and fun family activities are available
We don’t root for redemption. We want to watch them burn and temporarily feel better about our own lives
Practical Wisdom for Youth Ministry addresses many pressing issues for youth ministers with straightforward steps
The unchurched are still remarkably open to faith conversations and the church
Think back to the days when you weren’t on staff at a church.
You were a volunteer.For some of you
It’s such a crazy time for all of us. Families are feeling the stress and yet, for many of us, we have…
Heads up, there are dozens of ways to pull off each of these ideas. That’s why the list below is simply starting…
Porn will wreck the arousal process in your brain and end up wrecking your sex life in marriage
These are some of the apps I have found to be extremely useful whether there is a pandemic happening or not
Our team wants you to have personal, affordable help right now. We’re launching Leading Through Chaos Cohorts
Here are some developmental benchmarks to consider with your willingness to patiently engage with your tweenager
How do you thrive while also making what you are doing sustainable long term? Here are some suggestions
Shane discusses with Sean McDowell how we can pass on the faith to the next generation in a secular age
If we are going to thrive in the midst of trying circumstances. Here are a few thoughts that might help you
Study: Religious upbringing given by both parents strengthens young people’s faith in God
You might want someone to bounce ideas off of; or maybe you need help with a staff issue
The Coronavirus quarantine has caused us all to increase our online efforts to engage and connect with students
A teaching tool to build your children in Christ
Book: Sharing God’s Truth With Your Children
Her first attempt at “Zoombombing,” which she uploaded to TikTok last week, racked up over 732,000 views and 175,000 likes before it…
How to Help Generation Z Break Free from the All-or-Nothing Mindset
Five Shifts in Global Youth Ministry
But when we’re swimming laps around these pools, we can feel drained and exhausted. Cynicism creeps in—and maybe
In times of suffering the integrity of God’s goodness presses upon our minds. Faith engages in a wrestling match with our emotions…
The Lenten season… a time of reflection and response as people prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Christ
Tommy Nixon, CEO of Urban Youth Workers Institute, talks about 3 keys to developing greater spiritual resilience
How to push our students into new understandings and better relationships with Christ.
coronavirus-induced limitations on life at the same time as Lent, the traditional season of doing without
Digital ministry has come to the forefront of practice and experience.
As we find ourselves in the days of the COVID-19 pandemic, we get to walk through interesting times where we learn to…
Teenagers are people—and like all people, they need pastors
You are parenting from the perspective of who you are in Christ today, not who you once were
Youth Group at Home presents a 4-week series from Paul’s letter to the Colossians
The average Christian in America does not know what his own religion teaches, nor does he care
Churches and ministry leaders as they prepare for and respond to Coronavirus in their congregations and communities
We talked to pastors from Spain and Italy about their experience, which might be the North American experience in just a few…
This free five-pack of mobile games to play with your group on Instagram, Zoom, Google Hangouts, and other platforms