Our kids glean more from our conversations than they do from our rules
I hope this is a helpful method to run your lessons and teaching through.
Alice offers gospel comfort and creative practical guidance we can give our teenagers when they find themselves uninvite
As you hang out in downtown Tampa this weekend we want to make sure that your soul and mind are ministered to…
And What Teens Wanted To Know About That
Sin has tainted..the hearts of humanity. Yet culture, has unequivocally declared a belief in the inherent goodness of all people
If the youth of the church are indwelt by God the Spirit, then they are equal recipients of God’s grace and salvation,…
10 Insights help explain how adult Gen Zers tend to understand the world
Preaching on Controversial Topics Half of Pastors Worry They’ll Offend Someone if They Preach on Controversial Topics
See how they fared against each other. The results might surprise you
Each of these books has helped me think through key issues related to church ministry and today’s culture
Over 100 million people were starved, shot, and slaughtered by socialist governments
Don’t the fear the teenage years. And don’t take them for granted either. They, like life itself, are a vapor…
One of the immediate action steps he prompts is for churches to be present in the life of their local schools, with…
“It took me 42 years to realize that my dad was my best friend.”
“I don’t know why you spend any time looking at pop culture. All you need…
The Discipline Of Decreasing by George Lockhart
I must decrease, He must increase. John 3:30
God is the only One anyone should be completely…
Discipleship takes place through relationships where youth leaders are intentionally shepherding students into greater maturity
We examined how religious upbringing shaped children from adolescence into young adulthood
Find more meaning in life, happier overall, donate far more money, time to the needy than liberal do.
One of the easiest ways to offend a youth minister is to ask when he’s going to become a “real pastor
Excellent book … those of us who think theologically about youth ministry, and the role of youth pastor, have been waiting for.
A Christianity that bears no resemblance to the vague spiritualism of Moral Therapeutic Deism that is often associated with celebrity conversions
The development of character and virtue often feels like a lost art form
We must start with young people, not programs.
Children should be protected from “medical experimentation based on wishful social theory.”
We learned to integrate several of the best business practices into our family
Jesus had a big vision and started with the end in mind. Here are a few of God’s “vision statements
These are valuable people on your campus that can help you organize and benefit the ministry
Rather than seeing Kanye as a fraud, can we choose to see him as the tax collector? …Please, please pray for me
“Often people can’t imagine people from the hip-hop community finding Christ,”
Drugs used as puberty blockers in youth linked to thousands of adult deaths, FDA shows
What is the best way to communicate to parents and teens information?
Researchers learned that Adverse Childhood Experiences can have negative lasting effects on health and well-being
The Photobooth that we created will be unmanned and sit out in the lobby the 4th Tuesday of each month
How can we help the 20% in our youth ministries who are silently dying?
Here are a few ways we can build homes that allow our children to wrestle with questions of faith
When we worship parenting success, our children become our trophies
The government…. signaled that Christian schools may soon be treated like racists for …view of marriage
Marijuana-using moms are stepping out of the shadows and proudly extolling the virtues of cannabis
There are four kinds of twentysomething “exiles” making their way in our current day and age
Insights and resources for parents and youth workers
As part of a faith-filled initiative by fellowship of Christian athletes to pray, read their Bibles, and “open up their life to Christ
This sexualisation of our children is just totally inappropriate. They are calling it self-touching and they won’t use the term masturbation
Often times adult volunteers want to be liked by students, so they cross the line between friend and mentor
8 Conversations to have with your new middle school student
“Do you think you’ll ever change the night of youth group? My son/daughter is just too busy and they’re missing out.”
Why is youth group important?
If you’re a youth worker you can’t escape it, you will be criticized
A Kingdom-minded ministry is about reaching kids for Christ and plugging them into the local church…not your local church
Dare I say most, of the kids we work with are not coming to church with a deep desire for God’s Word
Kanye West may have come to Jesus — but some Christians aren’t buying the born-again “Yeezus.”
For too long I saw daily Bible reading and Bible study as part of some contract with God
Every parent can probably relate to this video. It’s just a fun way of looking at the types of parents in the…
“God, as people drive by, let them wonder, let their hearts be pricked.”
One way you can help out your brothers and sisters is by sharing this survey to your network and on other social…
Nature Valley asked them (three generations) one simple question, “What did you like to do for fun as a kid?”
Would you believe that social media could be one of the handiest tools you have in your youth leader tool belt?
Here are a few enhancements that you can make to your planning that will help your group to do better in the…
How can students to reach their campus for Christ and change the culture if they can’t articulate their own convictions?
Most parents are parenting their children based off of their owninsecurities. Not what’s best for their child’s actual future.
The Rise of the Bible-Teaching, Plato-Loving…
In 4th grade, students learn gender is “self-defined,” and, in grade 5, they learn “there are many gender identities” and are introduced…
Suffering is the fertile ground for great growth in character, wisdom, and virtue. Suffering grows our dependence on God while undermining our…
Life Skills that Build Emotional Resilience
Being a youth pastor at one church for the entirety of my ministry career is one of the greatest blessings of my…
A “minor conflict” between the wives of a pastor and youth pastor at a West Virginia church resulted in gunfire, leading to…
7 simple ideas youth leaders from across the nation have shared with me that will help improve your youth ministry program
A song on the top of the charts, a new Netflix show everyone is binging, a new trend everyone…
But ministry that is pursued by a married couple requires unity. Nothing derails the mission quite like disunity
Having trust in Jesus at your worst times is the absolute hardest. But he is faithful to complete what he started
I started doing pretty heavy drugs at 19 and abused all of my relationships
Why, We get our haircuts together and ride to church and practices together, he is my little brother and best friend
Many Christian denominations are too deeply rooted in tradition. We find it a turnoff
“Then Kyle replied, ‘Shut up, mom. You don’t know what you’re talking about.’ … Kyle is 10 years old.”
…….“Expect kids to behave like adults, but you should not give them the authority of an adult.”
OK, we get it, we are supposed to connect, engage and release parents to be the primary disciplers of their teenagers
We started our “serious” relationship with a lack of commitment
Sending off a college student for the first time can spark strong—and competing—feelings
More students want to meet and talk about same-sex attraction. We have moved from “my friend” is struggling with this, to “I”…
It would give us great joy to see our friend return to the gospel he proclaimed, the Bible he affirmed, and the…
…they bring Gospel-centered sense to the head-spinning conversations and debates regarding sexuality and gender
Strong social relationships support mental health, and that..reduced stress and less cardiovascular activation
More and more parents and churches are recognizing that students are not prepared for the challenges that college often brings
When was the last time you went out of your way to meet with a parent, when their teen wasn’t in any…
As a result of years of research and writing, there are so many great books available that allow us to be mentored…
This is the latest article in the AG News on ythology and…thoughts on longevity in YTH ministry
The first two years of their post-high school life has so much change; it can knock them off their spiritual journey
The idea of beliefs that transcend generations is beautiful, but is it also beneficial?