A lot of the doctors told my mom that I had…a number of diseases, and that I should be aborted
I don’t know about you, but I often feel like I’m not cool enough to warrant time with many of the students…
Helping your child transition from one phase to the next is never easy
For ways to build self-esteem with the screen generation
Help me to humble myself before Thee by seeing the vanity of honor as a conceit of men’s minds
How will these teens fall in love with a God they’ve been arranged to love from their birth?
Here are a few things my mentors have taught me that I’d love to pass along to you
Nearly 1 in 4 Americans are gay or lesbian. In reality, the number is much closer to 1 in 20
In the age of smartphones, social media, followers, and likes, reward-seeking behaviors in teens is increasingly associated with approval online. Instagram has…
Teens who feel understood by their parents and teachers may grow up to be healthier adults
For Christian teenagers, growth in godliness sometimes tends to take a back seat if someone’s not behind them really speaking in their…
There is more grace in Christ than there is sin in the greatest of prodigals
God’s good gift of sexuality is being distorted and denigrated in a variety of ways. What was once unthinkable is now normalized
The real value of family vacations is not in the activity. It’s for your kids to know you’re crazy about them
The more time you can invest in your leaders this way, the more likely your fall is going to start off strong
The mission trip parent meeting can be one of the most dangerous meetings for a youth worker to lead
“You think parenting is hard now? Just you wait.”
If you’re feeling discouraged or out of gas in this season of leading, this article is for you
“having access to abortion should be your right, regardless of your parents’ beliefs.”
He did not personally align with our statements of faith (in particular, one regarding sexuality) we determined we could not use him…
I wish I had read this book before I went to college, and would encourage any incoming college students to read it
A great Gospel centered book for youth workers parents and students heading to college
Here are six encouragements for parents to give to their graduate that focus on who they are
When you invite students to be co-creators of their own ministry, it boosts their ownership of and commitment to what you are…
relational ministry” was threatening my most important relationships.
We actually spend more hours working over the summer than any other season
Let’s face it… in today’s America, students are not just walking into your church off the streets because they wake up one…
Social media promises social connectedness, but it often delivers social isolation
Adults are almost as bad as teens are, being preoccupied with their phone.
EveryCampus ’ initiative, a national multi-organizational coalition focused on gospel movements on every campus in America
It puts the full force and influence of the federal government enforcing this law and opposing Christian beliefs
Avera Maria Santo is same-sex attracted. And, she’s a devout Catholic who desires to embrace
The four biggest distractions today’s guys face: SCREENS, SUBSTANCES,SEXUAL TEMPTATION,STRUGGLES WITH SELF
It’s never been harder to be a guy than right now and they need our help! Young men face more distractions to godly…
One of the most common complaints I hear from student pastors is that they are having a hard time getting youth parents…
Moms are a big influence and children’s faith formation
Here are just three benefits that come from attending your local sporting events.
Faith is important. She often gets teased by friends for passing her strong belief in God onto her children
“Wow, look at all these new folks,” you think. “I can’t wait to see them next week!”
Why skipping church is a really bad idea
In the book , ‘Doing Life With Your Adult Children: Keep Your Mouth Shut and The Welcome Mat Out’, I spend an…
Encouraging participation over attendance
How we can help graduating students transition to the next area of life
Are you remembering for the sake of the Gospel and your kids?
FREE podcasts about youth ministry, youth culture… and now they have me tackling parenting!
The first version of this article appeared on her blog when Kristen Hatton sent her freshman daughter off to college
5 Programming Ideas to Revitalize Your Ministry Calendar
Share resources about youth culture, parenting tips and resources for them to be a more effective parent. Whatever you are reading (you…
When I was young I planned without regard for a typical family’s calendar and budget
If your goal is to better engage students, check out my three observations below
What’s really at stake in this moment, and how to become part of the solution, not part of a deepening cultural problem.
The BEST model for life-changing conversation so you, the caring adult, can connect to the heart of your child
Here’s a list of what works and doesn’t work when mentoring millennials
The gospel redeems the college experience. It tells us there is another way
The scan unearthed a camera, and subsequently a live feed. From the angle of the video, the family tracked down the camera
You might need this if your youth ministry rents out an Airbnb
You might need this if your youth ministry rents out an Airbnb
Here is a hard truth that we must face: we can’t lead anyone further than we have gone ourselves. It’s hard because,…
Being in youthministry means putting up with a whole lot of lawnmower parents
Whether you find yourself in a position of being all about yourself or feel the temptation to be all about yourself, here…
We do everyone a favor if we recognize that many cultural norms are just that—cultural, not biblical
A teenager or young adult is going to ask you a tough question about God that you can’t answer…
Parents will be your greatest supporters or your biggest hurdle
Jesus will recover all of the fallout from Adam and Eve’s demise
Instead of creating a space for awesome games and great decor, we need to create space for deep belonging and real community
Youth worker. . . you are just one bad decision away from being a headline.
The number of religious “nones” in the United States are now statistically equal than the number of evangelicals, according to a political…
Just over half of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 – 51 percent of them – said they do not…
Preparing Young Christians in a Challenging World
“I wish I had spent less time trying to block out the lies and more time focusing on the truth.”
We desire for our children to tell us the truth, especially when confessing their sin. But how can we teach them to be…
Why is it every time I teach at a youth leadership convention, the audience is comprised of 75% females?…
Pornography is out there, and for everyone’s safety, you need to warn them of the impending danger
How to do youth ministry right. It means working with parents instead of working for them!
A realistic insight into how your youth view their faith
One of the greatest myths of leadership is that you must be in charge in order to lead