Welcoming teenagers as they walk in the door is one of my most important ministry practices
Contact work is vital to your ministry. If you and your leaders do a lot of it, it will yield great relationship…
Parents will be your greatest supporters or your biggest hurdle
In this episode, Ben Trueblood and Mary Margaret West, talk with Kara Powell about her new book: Growingwith
You had a great fall and the winter months but, spring attendance falls and you are wondering what happened?
VBS is needed now more than ever, at a time when more and more families have no access to the gospel
How are we at reaching students today where they are at, on their digital devices?
Amazing resource for youth pastors regarding compensation, raise, taxes, housing allowance, and other pieces of the financial side of ministry.
3 Realities Pastors and Parents Should Consider To Prepare Students For The Digital World
On Preaching — Personal & Pastoral Insights for the Preparation & Practice of Preaching
Children with the greatest need for a supportive community were the most likely to feel unwelcome
I actually would allow my kids more freedom in their high school years to explore and express their questions about faith
“millennials the most evangelism-adverse generation on record,”?
The long-term perspective of the older saints encourages the younger generation to continue in faithfulness and service.
Provides a real-world and pro-active strategy to practically connect the generations in your church
Kara Powell and Steven Argue describe how to parent adolescent and young adult children
Guest Post By Kara Powell And Steve Argue
4 Things Youth Workers Would Tell Parents About Teenagers, Social Media, and Technology
What My Daughter Would Say to Her Younger Self NoEating Disorder
Decades of cuts: the policies that dismantle youth work – a new book by Bernard Davies
20 Tips I wish I could have given parents of teens before their kids were 4
Here are three tools I’ve discovered for policing my thought life
What’s the number one priority our parents list?
It’s that time of the year in which we take a good look at our ministry and begin to work through our…
The impact of the digital world is so powerful and pervasive that it’s almost impossible for most of us to keep up
We talk about the relationship between social media and mental health. Here’s a few resources if you want to explore more
Here’s a list of some of our favorite books for church leaders that are building a family ministry in their church.
1.Remember Who You Are. 2. Be Mindful of your Soul Holes. 3. Unite Yourself to the Body
They met in homes and discipleship started booming. Kids began growing, getting connected, inviting more friends. Numbers grew.
Taditional youth group night was becoming less effective, we did also notice that home groups were becoming more effective
According to a new survey of 1,000 Protestant pastors by Nashville-based LifeWay Research
Give up the unhealthy — yet popular — parenting practices that are robbing kids of mental strength
Watch the reveal of the 2019 Dirty Dozen List
When it comes to the emerging generations, we are to “get out of our offices and onto the sidewalks.”
Churches worry they can’t reach millennials and Gen Z with questions
Conversation Kits help parents and caring adults talk with their teens about important topics
Why it’s important for teens to be involved in a youth group
It reflects the thoughts, experiences, and practical advice of four in-the-trenches youth workers, who have spent years having these conversations
Eighty per cent of priests working at the Vatican are gay, although not necessarily sexually active
Investigation reveals 700 victims of southern Baptist sexual abuse over 20 years
If we don’t reach our kids with the gospel by middle school, we have already lost our chance
Meet three witches who believe the social media era is transforming the way people view witchcraft
Wicca, Paganism Growing ‘Astronomically’
Understanding and Reaching the New Post-Christian World
Here are some things our teams come up with and ministering to GenZ
“If you know me, you know I…. but if you reallyknew me, you’d know…”I gave them an example
We’ve amped up the amount of new content we’re adding to each site! Mobile friendly and easier to navigate
Success in student ministry doesn’t always happen while they are students in your program. It often happens years later. That is why…
Being a bivocational youth ministry worker comes with a unique set of challenges—like two bosses, two workplace
“How did you steward what I gave you faithfully?”
By: George Lockhart
“Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’”
Seeing the deeper longings behind teenagers and social media
Our kids need a wall of support that doesn’t withdraw or abandon them. Even when they withdraw from us—
Access a wealth of tools to help you nurture faith and family relationships when you preorder Growing With
I need to be honest about how there are times when I don’t even recognize my own children and how lonely that…
How to Help Your Student Athletes Win On and Off the Field
“It is not enough to be connected all day long. To feel respected and asked to get involved, is greater than simply…
Continue to expose and free us from the faith-less, grace-less, law-heavy ways we parent, Father. Free us from over-stressing our kids and…
Parents who want to give their kids a healthy view of sex centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ
Giving Your Kids a Gospel-Centered View of Sex and Our Culture is a treasure
…is either addressing or exploiting—you decide—the subject that isn’t talked about much in most homes
You know the drill. You get super fired up for a student ministry event your team has been planning….
This is the second year that Dan has published the results of his massive, online survey of youth worker compensation
Two-thirds of American Christian teenagers who regularly attend worship at a Protestant congregation for at least a year quit going for at…
Because I am in ministry, I’ve gotten my vocation mixed up with my relationships in Marriage, Children and God
“Choosing to do what you should do, not what you want to do.”
So over the 21 days of The Tech-Wise Family Challenge, we’ll all get to do some
So I have to ask, What are your youth ministry goals this year?
Dream about what could and should be happening in your ministry.
Pop culture tends to change at the speed of light. As soon as we begin to take hold of a rising trend,…
I will have been in youth ministry for 40 years. Wisdom, I believe, teaches us what to value and not value.
The #ysblog went through and found the most popular blog posts from 2018. Wondering what the top posts were from 2018? Check…
A humorous reminder that our connectedness can sometimes get in the way of actually connecting. This Christmas, don’t be social, be social
Don’t miss it. You will blink. . . and they will be older. And that’s why our tree this year reminds me…
“Studies indicate that when we suffer mental illness alone, the results can be tragic, even horrific. When we suffer inside
Conversations between my peers are often peppered with jokes of self-harm, anorexia, and suicide
Despite the easing of taboos and the rise of hookup apps, Americans are in the midst of a sex recession
Mike Bergeron and his wife Laura, both 45, started making the funny cards in 2003 to poke fun at their friends
Eight Ways to Persevere in the Parenting Marathon
Children who had a religious upbringing are likely to be healthier and have a higher degree of well-being in early adulthood than…
Concerned about translating the gospel into the (foreign, treacherous) culture of Jr High
How To Make Successful Changes In Youth Ministry
The church needs to be—a community that calls our young adults into the body, not as passive recipients, but as active members
I believe the following four principles capture a biblically grounded vision of what ministry to youth should entail
Here are 5 ways that youth ministry has changed since 1995
Much of our modern life leaves us less connected with people and more connected to simulations of them