Sometimes senior saints question their usefulness in the church as they age. ….they’re an essential part of the body of Christ
Kids and teens who are raised with religious or spiritual practices tend to have better health and mental health as they age.
This resource covers four key elements which drive a successful family-school relationship
“I want to draw attention to the dangers of sexual shaming and purity teachings.”
Scariness that comes with being part of a family in a fallen world?
How parents act on their religious beliefs linked to the onset of atheism in their children
Fruit Connection
George Lockhart
A Christian is meant to stay connected to Christ just as a branch is connected to the vine. There is…
SECOND HIGHEST reason US adults attend church is because they want their children to have a moral foundation
Everyday Worship
By George Lockhart
God sees us all the time and everywhere we are is training ground for the work of The Lord….
For anyone seeking to understand and disciple today’s youth, Eighth Grade provides an insightful glimpse into their world
but I’ve noticed these filters and monitoring software solutions also tend to build an “over-confidence” with parents who use them
A new study finds teens with similar levels of anxiety and depression are more likely to remain friends.
New research suggests that people who are religious gain happiness from believing there is a deeper meaning to everyday events
Lastly, look to the church for friendships. Sometimes, we think that with entering school, that’s where we need to find all of…
When Jesus saw our earthly culture he neither rubber stamped nor kept his distance. He entered our culture to challenge it
In the past, people brought themselves to the message. Today, you bring the message to people
Churches who only think Sunday and who only think building will continue to shrink.
Perry’s journey of faith isn’t your typical teenage coming-of-age story. Instead, hers is one that requires courage and conviction to speak and…
Those who fall repeatedly for self-evidently absurd concepts on the internet are looking for a place to belong, and that’s the price
Raising kids isn’t easy today. Most parents realize they can’t do it alone. And most will welcome help from caring people in…
Remember, if you want parents involved in your ministry, focus on their needs. Make parent meetings about the parents
Are you really taking advantage of your Parent Meetings?
How do we connect, engage and release parents to be the primary disciplers of their teenagers
We typically do these short meetings after church in our youth area, which allows families to stay after church instead of making…
Here are some great books to help you in your leadership development
How are you preparing yourself for the upcoming year? Take some time to ask questions of yourself
5 surprisingly simple ways to have a great big spiritual impact on your teens this school year
3 Easy Ways to Impact a Middle Schooler’s Identity and Faith
If we’re not careful, the school year will come and go so fast that we might get to June and realize we’ve…
I REALLY believe they will be a help to every Youth Pastor and Youth Worker.
Our youth ministry is not the students’ church for the rest of their lives
In other words, a teenager’s beliefs and values will be shaped by who or what they’re listening to
In this episode, Eric Bryant, author of Not Like Me, talks about how we can help kids and students belong before they…
Not only engage the students you have but also reach new students and introduce them to what your ministry is all about
Orange Tour is a one-day event in 17 cities…Parent Cue Live is a two-hour experience help parents become more connected to your…
Many times Youth Pastors leave too often. The damage left behind as a result can be devastating
Youth Pastors tend to burn out so quickly are the expectations that are present from day one
Planning a lot of events and playing a lot of games is not the same as intentionally building relationships
3 Reasons You Should Stay in Your Current Youth Ministry Position
We recently surveyed over 6,000 people to learn about Bible study habits. In some cases, the results were quite convicting
So how can we help relieve the (back to school) stress students and families might be experiencing?
Here is a quick look at some of the things that you should consider as you get ready to start your fall…
Here are a few enhancements that you can make to your planning that will help your group to do better in the…
Teens, especially girls, whose parents are religious may be less likely to die by suicide, no matter how they feel about religion…
Use camp to push students to regular programming
Learning to Understand and Help Those Who Self-Injure by Marv Penner
We will fail to teach with the kind of passion that comes when our own discovery of the riches of God’s Word…
Summer camp the most important things we think about but not only the camp itself, but what happens after the camp.
Special needs ministry is no longer a niche topic, but at the heart of serving communities
In theory, everyone is welcome at church. In practice, that’s not always true for some children
Children with autism are almost twice as likely to never attend church. And children with other disabilities are often missing from the…
Family Relationships are Key to Kids’ Character Strengths
The reality is that families wield influence over a child all through adolescence—in nearly every realm of their lives
Parents have the strongest influence over a child all through all aspects and seasons of a child’s life, including adolescence
Family Process in Church and Synagogue (The Guilford Family Therapy Series
As we create environments and experiences for students, may we hold to the truth that we’re never done
A moment of peace takes intentionality-something teenagers often lack.
Outside of the Bible, of course, below are the eleven books every Christian in college should read (and why)
5 Practices that Cultivate Relational Health and Longevity in Ministry
Parents and Pastors: Partners in Gen Z Discipleship
How Christ-centered Bible study changed how she disciples teens
Re-conversion VS a Christian acknowledging sin
What they need to hear, or maybe these thoughts will help guide you on some conversations before they go
The process of you evaluating people and them evaluating you is not the way you were meant to be loved or related…
Two Completely Different Theologies… both Reaching LGBTQ Kids
Here are some crucial truths I have learned when working with parents.
In this 4-part online course Kevin Libick walks your church staff or search committee through a process for identifying and hiring a…
Summer is mission trip season for many of us in youth ministry and my social media feeds are currently full of pictures…
Ways to identify signs of anxiety and how to help your kids through their experience with it
13 Reasons Why We Need to Have Conversations With Our Kids
Up to 30 percent of teenage girls in some parts of the United States say they have intentionally injured themselves
Pursuing Emotional Experience for the Glory of God
Paul Tripp encourages parents to persist in disciplining their children, just as God continues to discipline his own children.
If we aren’t teaching our kids about the spiritual aspects of money, the world is happy to do our job for us
A change in the children’s behavior. “They have been transformed from the shape of wolves and tigers to that of men,”
Agape Year is a gap year for recent high school graduates who are eager to see God’s justice roll down like waters…
Here’s some tips how to deal with angry teens
Today marks the 10th anniversary of the App Store. To celebrate, here are 10 apps every pastor and church leader should have
What’s “Upskirting,” And How Does Porn Culture Feed This Twisted Trend?
“It shouldn’t surprise us that students struggle to translate their mission trip into every day life, but it should inspire us to…
Between 80-95% of Generation Z uses YouTube more than any other social media platform
Unleashing God’s Word in Youth Ministry
The best way to grow is to keep what you’ve got