A Guided Tour of Technology that Can Help Your Youth Ministry
But don’t mess with a church’s beliefs or there may be an exodus, according to a new study from Nashville-based LifeWay Research.
You don’t have to have a perfect life to pass down a faith-filled life to your kids
The irony is that in America it’s okay for coaches to take a knee to protest America, but it’s illegal for public…
Summer camps provide a chance for youth to hear the Gospel truth in a different way than they probably have before
God has a track record of choosing teenagers to accomplish great spiritual feats
These are simply my thoughts on practical tips on prayer that can help you avoid burn out
Well, how in the world did a Christian mom send her 15-year-old son through the streets of Rome past public orgies in…
Why is marriage in retreat among young Americans? Because it is now much easier for men to find sexual satisfaction outside marriage,…
So how can the next generation move toward maturity? Here are six basic steps to help the next generation
When Kids Cut Themselves Seventeen-year-old Lauren was despondent over breaking up with her boyfriend. She had never known pain so deep and…
Fewer high school students are drinking, having sex and using drugs… but still “leaves room for concern.”
When believers approach their individual involvement and commitment in a casual manner it weakens the entire body of Christ and the impact…
Last summer I left that church to take another. I swore to myself that I wouldn’t interfere with my successor’s ministry
4 Strategies to Build on the Youth Camp, Conference or Retreat Experience
Ten Challenges Reshaping Christianity in the 21st Century”
Why Gen Z Is Not Prepared To Follow Jesus In A Post-Everything World
Ten Ways “Grown-up” Christians Can Set a Better Example for Gen Z on Social Media
The epidemic of denial about sexual abuse in the evangelical church
The skills of getting into college undermine the confidence to thrive once there
15% of young people self-harm. 34% begin between the ages of 17 and 20, can start as young as 12 or even…
For the first time in over 3 decades I don’t have “youth” in my title. I feel weird.
5 Tips to keep in mind to make the transition as smooth as possible.
If you desire to have a Youth Ministry that has any real significant influence, you will have to do well at partnering…
7 Secrets to Getting More Students to Sign Up for Your Youth Events
It is always amazing to me that God created physical intimacy in such a way to provide a deep connection with your…
Download and cut out the tags we’ve created to let the people your family appreciates
Helping You Understand the Times and Know How to Respond
Much to celebrate about the work of the Church in the UK. But how are churches perceived by non-churchgoers?
Teach your kids Bible stories in the context of your family’s situations. Nothing makes the Bible more clear than real life applications
Church of England taps Amazon device to spread Christian message
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. Psalm 20:7
When the class of 2018 heads into their future there will a be a big hole in our youth ministries
Like so many couples, they have found themselves in a place they never expected to be and now they’re starting the process…
My initial reaction to Season 2 as I was just a few episodes in was this: “They should have put this thing…
It offers a unique opportunity that can be leveraged for impact when approached as an opportunity
The Gospel in the Center webcast is perfect for ministry team building, and personal development you won’t want to miss
Youth Ministry’s Historical Temptation to Compromise on Biblical Truth
You need to be informed about this series (whether their own teens watch it or not) because the kids will be talking…
Engage Your Preteens Before They Check Out. A comprehensive strategy for engaging preteens well before they make the transition
No, this is not a witch hunt. Nor is it insignificant, petty, and unimportant. It’s about properly tending to the flock.
I would focus on what I refer to as the “big three”– vision, curriculum, and volunteers
I use plenty of other apps during the year, but these apps help me make it through the chaotic summer schedule
Establish a culture of leadership that places Jesus as its central figure and draws life from no individual. How do you do…
Ask yourself and your leadership team in order to begin the process of becoming a healthier and more focused team:
First, just because so-and-so said it, it doesn’t make it theologically correct or morally right…..filter everything through Scripture.
When it comes to having “the talk,” many teens admit they’re not communicating with their parents or their doctors about sex, new…
How Christians’ Approach to Sharing Their Faith Has Changed in 25 Years
The Fastest Way to Move Your Ministry Forward (Without Spending Any Money)
One of the most crucial transitions to master is the one from Kid’s Ministry to Student Ministry
Too many churches are still trying to discover and hire a superstar. Normally this (guy) is energetic, passionate, organized, and relatively attractive
The theology of many Americans—and some evangelicals—belongs in a galaxy far, far away. They see God more as a force—like what is…
Five Reasons Why the Children’s Minister is the Staff Position in Greatest Demand
5 Reasons Teeangers Struggle to Develop Good Spiritual Habits by Andy Blanks
“The leaders of Orange and Download Youth Ministry (DYM) are excited to announce their partnership in acquiring Youth Specialties from Real Resources.”
let’s avoid getting fired for things we neglected to do
Deaths from suicide amongst teenagers has grown over 84% in the last decade
Married men and women who use pornography are more likely to get divorced than men and women who do not
Feelings of inadequacy, failure, doubt, and disappointment. Even worse, the next day when people ask us “how did youth group go last…
Connect your high school students to a campus ministry
This session is led by Joshua Griffin (@joshuagriffin) who is a 20 year Student Ministry veteran and co-founder of Download YM. Here…
Middle school student steps out in faith to help out children in Ghana
The Movies That Will Heat Up the Box Office This Summer
BRAVE intentionally reaches vulnerable girls (foster care/probation/sexual abuse/divorce).
Socially they are expected to practice teenage behaviors. What do parents and youth workers need to do
Youth ministry “success” can be measured in different ways. But, numbers don’t always tell us the whole story…and without the whole story,…
The sad reality is that many teens face hurt and despair in their lives. As you develop deep relationships with the students…
Remember the teenagers who need you now. They’re not your training ground; they’re your mission field. Be faithful in the little things…
Energizing Your Family’s Spiritual Life: You Set the Pace Mark Holmen, a family ministry expert, tells a story about his days as…
Most hard-to-reach students aren’t actually that hard to reach; we just need to put in a little extra effor
Everyone knows that porn is ubiquitous online, a danger to be aware of and avoid vigilantly
One In 10 Visitors To Graphic Porn Sites Are Under 10 Years Old
Two Views of the Role of Youth in the Mission of the Church
An ongoing column which draws together insights from two crucial spheres of ministry: youth ministry and church planting
Even fewer spoke about other church youth activities or specific courses on Christianity popular in England like Alpha or Christianity Explored
The death of Christianity in America has been announced many times—and yet Christianity continues to thrive
How Do You Know if You Are Called Into Youth Ministry?
No investment in yourself, your family and friends or others outside of your ministry, you will find yourself with a potentially broken…
Here are a few ideas to take your ministries from informational to transformational:
Teen needed to wake up for church on Easter. His mother tased him