Learning to cultivate influence without authority is foundational to navigate culture today
Here are 6 areas of health that need to be in top condition
What does the Mission Relationship Factor do for your church?
More Than Just Surviving This Transitional Phase
An In-Depth Look at Constant Connectivity…and What It’s Costing
Connecting Students is More Important than Programs
Daughters are more likely to carry on a family tradition of philanthropic giving than sons, a recent Indiana
We must inspire missionary brigades of Christians ready to free the captives of this confused culture
Reclaiming the Great Missionary
…porn was their primary source for information about sex. Adolescents watch much more pornography than their parents know
3 Ways to Pass on Faith to the Next Generation
Frustrations are a part of ministry, so how can we not let them get the better of us?
Here are four thoughts
An Open Letter From A Teacher To Students “Walking Out”…
Children’s health experts warned that excessive use of digital devices and social media “is harmful to children and teens.”
I’m the Girl Who Clawed Her Own Eyes Out. This Is My Story.
Love has been so recklessly removed that it drains this already abysmal film of depth and strips it of a universal message we…
A religious studies major was barred from Christianity class at Indiana University of Pennsylvania for saying during class that there are only…
I knew I had two options: burn some calories or burn-out of ministry
It might help give context to a conversation that you hear about a student getting “Lit” on the weekend,
Seeing too many social media posts from friends about their fitness activity can harm your body image, a new study contends.
Leaving a Legacy That Lasts! There is a fatherhood crisis in America. At the core of nearly all social ills facing America…
Tangible data surrounding the compensation of full-time Youth Pastors in order to minimize vague speculation, while also providing concrete data and evidence
There are things we need to prepare kids for before they go to give them the framework they need to thrive
“Of course we’re Jesus-centered, right? We’re a church youth group. Doesn’t that automatically make it about Jesus?”
…youth pastors simply not being aware of the “flow” of family, work, school, and social lives
“Passing On Faith” by Theos; “Rooted in the Church” from the Church of England; “Losing Heart“, published by Youthscape
Actress Letitia Wright left acting to pursue a relationship with God. Now she is back with a profound mission
You cannot legislate away evil. No laws on the books can change the human heart.
Six of the Billboard Top 10 artists right now talk about using guns to solve their problems…
The way we parent today we’re not on the fact our children but our children’s children
Thinking about our legacy encourages us to work out a long-term plan
My friend mike had just passed away leaving behind a lovely wife and two beautiful girls. At his funeral I thought …
Prepare them to recognize they need help — from God and from those he places around them
I am trusting you, O LORD, saying, “You are my God!” My future is in your hands. (Ps. 31:14–15)
John Piper: “The guy you’re attracting by showing more skin is not the guy you want to marry.”
Grades have gone up, and discipline problems have plummeted. Students are interacting, talking to each other, reading, kicking a ball, socializing — because…
Explore 40 key Bible chapters that laid the foundation for understanding the entirety of scripture
As a parent of five children, as well as a pastor, I’ll share eight that I’ve found helpful
The biggest factor predicting their spiritual health as young adults is whether they read the Bible regularly as kids
Look at the last five articles I’ve written
“Someone could have approached a faculty member, a guidance counselor, a teacher and said,
Understanding and Ministering to Kids with Identity Questions
Written by youth workers who have all walked students through tragedy, helping them find their way through the darkness to the other…
Student long for acceptance! Are they finding it at your group?
Gen Z, are the first truly “post-Christian” generation, identifying as atheists at a rate double that of the U.S. adult population
It never seems like we have enough time in youth ministry, right? Stressed out about the lack of time to get everything…
What are some practical steps I can take to redeem these years for the gospel?”
Do we really need to be this connected to our digital tools. . . especially when our digital tools steal our attention…
Stop Worrying About The Students Who Come To Church With Their Parents & Not Your Program
Just over six in 10 are either very (32%) or somewhat familiar (30%) with Christian liturgy
Walt Mueller….a plea to Christian parents and youth workers
I felt like it was the first time I was reading something that gave actual direction on possible approaches to ministry
But over the past several years there has been 1 app that I have settled into using on a regular basis.
Episode 2: A little more practical about the process of building a worship team, what instruments and parts to add and what order to…
In this first episode we talk about why you want to build a team and look at two different approaches to building…
The Truth Is: Sharing The Truth of Jesus with Confidence, Conviction, and Compassion
New 2018 Barna Group Research Reveals Troubling Trends In Gen Z
When the call for professionalism and excellence turns people away….. a spirit of elitism has infected the body of Christ
The Two Most Disconnected Statistics in the Modern-Day Church
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3 proactive skills we can implement now that will lead to opportunities later
I am realizing that it was a sign that my heart had lost its awe of the gospel and had replaced it…
How We Can Reach Students In A Post-Christian Culture
By: Steven Kozak
My guess is that, like me, you have been there. That time when…
Do you really want to trust Google and the Internet as your teen’s key provider of sex education?
5 Ways Youth Pastors Can Connect With Parents
Grow Numbers is a check-in, attendance tracker, and database management software built specifically for Youth Ministry.
Simply Text enables consistent and effective communication across channels to everyone involved in your ministry
We want to engage teenagers and keep them engaged and coming back all year long, but . . . how?
The latest Barna report is out and, ouch, Generation Z is the first truly post Christian generation in American history
Foles is taking online seminary classes through Liberty University with the goal of one day becoming a pastor in a high school
…with the youth ministry context because one-third to one-half of the students in our youth ministries are introverted
The reality is that people aren’t looking for perfection, but someone that can introduce them to something bigger
Four Research Insights Every Parent Needs to Know
Podcast: Surviving The Constant Competition Between Church and Sports
Families and Faith: How Religion is Passed Down across Generations
Biblical tool that can help YOU (Parents) communicate unconditional love into the lives of your kids
I’m not just talking about students showing up to things. I’m talking about faces lighting up when an event gets announced and…
The Life, Music, Philosophy, and Faith of Today’s Top Female Rapper
3 vital practices of today’s youth pastor
The influence of Christianity in the United States is waning. Gen Z: they are the first truly “post-Christian” generation.
Here are 3 welcome mats, of various sizes that can help youth workers focus their embrace and broaden their outreach.
Sunday schools emerged two centuries ago to meet working-class children’s needs. How their powerful element of outreach dwindled
Sex Education Curriculum for Families and Parent Conversation Guide
Parents, Take Note of the Spiritual Practices Common to Kids Who Flourish As Adults
Effective Ministry to Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, and Questioning Students Among Us
Transformative ministries persistently pursue the why of ministry. The reasons why we reach out will always connect more deeply to the heart…
Of all the factors that influence our kids, family relationship quality impacts a host of outcomes related to their thriving