Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Rookie Ashley Graham didn’t always have it easy when it came to love.
Suicide is the #3 killer for kids ages 10-14, and #2 for ages 15-24. Chances are,…
While I have always realized the need for a team in my ministry, I have struggled a lot to hand things over…
Students are already in summer mode. Are you ready for them?
There are a number of passages within both the Koran and Hadiths that address homosexuality Islam goes beyond merely disapproving of homosexuality…
We collected questions about the new Journey Advocates curriculum and sat down with Steve Kozak, Director of Awana Youth Ministries, and asked…
Intentionality is key. As students embark on the life-changing transition into university life, youth workers will do well in walking with them…
Notes: This You Lead pre-Orange Conference breakout sessions was lead by Ashley Bohinc
Maybe you have been there before…So, what do you do? How do you find motivation when it is gone? Here is what…
Forgetting content from a stressful math class may be one way to protect an individual’s belief that they are good at math
“Over the Hill” youth workers have learned that the little hills will trip up a ministry repeatedly, until they grow into a…
Summer’s Biggest Movies…and the Themes in Them
This book has been the most useful in understanding how to incorporate faith into the nitty-gritty everyday moments of life within the…
We are key players in a “spiritual war” that’s focused on young people. We can, and must, play a strategic role in…
Great student pastors are leaders, not event planners with theological degrees. And the best are servant leaders
“There are now more young people living with their parents than in any other arrangement,”
“I was too focused on creating a culture of fun, rather than a culture of transformation.”
Nevertheless, there are a LOT of good conversations that can occur if this show is watched in the right environment
Walt Mueller: Since watching “13 Reasons Why,” I’ve been thinking about how to best respond
It is easy to jump on Instagram, Facebook or even hear about another church’s youth ministry event from your students and begin…
Here are a few things to remember about these questions…
These myths may be preventing many “real” potential Youth Workers from serving in Youth Ministry
The most effective youth ministries employ such things as retreats and mission trips to help youth journey toward a mature faith
3 Major Mistakes Young People Make Behind the Wheel
Don’t let yourselves be led astray by this false image of reality! Be the protagonists of your history; decide your own future
There comes a point when their children/grandchildren need to learn to grow in their own walk with Jesus; they can not just…
We all want our ministry to grow. We want to see teens bringing their friends, and growing deeper in their faith.
Reimagining the Role of Church and Family in the Faith Journey of Teenagers
As I read it 3 responses jump out at me. Here is some of the data and a few important ways to…
Listen in on their real conversation as teens talk about life, God, and relationships.
A clear gospel message for today’s teens
I’ve been hearing it more and more as I talk to youth leaders across the nation
Parents, you are painting a portrait of God for your children every day….And when your children
The number one thing you need to do is connect students to God!
The goal is to break down 4 emotional, 4 social and 4 spiritual milestones
Years of youth ministry has taught me to be like a boy scout on trips: always prepared!
5 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Started Ministry
Social Media & Teens: Understanding Digital Natives, Pt. 1
Every 2 minutes “ANOTHER AMERICAN IS SEXUALLY ASSAULTED” according (RAINN), and 44% of the victims are under 18
I choose to lead with my wife and family, when I lead my ministry, especially in the area of family and parent…
The questions are designed to help you accurately assess the health of your youth program while measuring your effectiveness and potential of…
79% are addicted to their devices. We are becoming what we behold. We desire significance and we are trying to find…
Daily Office Booklet: Morning and Evening Prayer for Lent and Holy Week 2017
Getting volunteers in youth ministry is like creating a great painting
We need to learn how to use and not use smartphones in the small group context
Life for a middle schooler is rough. Forget trying to figure out who you are in Christ. Preteens are hanging onto the…
When Church Growth Theory Meets Church Life Reality
46.6% of millennials listed corporate social responsibility as a factor in choosing an employer. ie. community service program every month
For many girls it starts early. The desire to be perfect. The need for approval. The longing for acceptance and being liked…
If we are called to be missional, we must engage cultural contexts, and this requires a significant investment in educating stakeholders of…
Then we invite them to partner with their peers in mission and ministry opportunities so the culture of ministries is one of…
The following is an exclusive excerpt from Jonathan McKee’s brand new book, If I Had a Parenting Do Over, released this week
The following is a report on the practical applications of Mark DeVries’ new book, Sustainable Youth Ministry: Why Most Youth Ministry Doesn’t…
Here are some inventive ways to respond to the epidemic of distraction in our culture and minds
Watch the video to hear more about engaging and ministering to teens using social media
We began to communicate to students that the best way to help introduce their peers to Christ was to simply invite them…
Moving Away from Coercive Power in Ministry Leadership
I am still learning how to do this effectively. But along the way I have picked up some tools and resources that…
At the end of his life…‘I wish I had spent more time with my family.’
I never knew how scary the world could be until I became a parent