…it means that a child or teen being exposed to pornography is no longer a matter of “if” but a matter of…
I have never heard of a growing ministry that did not focus on building relationships. It is easy to neglect the vital…
“Mother Teresa said the problem with the world is that we draw the circle of our family too small,”
Insights family engagement expert
And new research tells us how to turn it around
In this device-driven culture, students are often tempted to pre-judge the character of a person before having really spent any significant time…
Do you ever think about the ramifications of “constant connectivity” with our devices?
Do your kids?
Download, “Issues and Answers,” by Roland Boyce
Wired For Intimacy. How Pornography Hijacks The Male Brain
Evernote is a great program to organize thoughts, meetings, agendas, sermons and even an entire youth ministry program
Pope: Help young people find purpose in the world, in “a culture that idolizes youth” and yet has made no place for…
What happened was that we ended up with, “Seasonal Givers,” which taught kids to give only during the holidays
Foundations:A 260-Day Bible Reading Plan for Busy Teens
At 103 years old and having been the first female physician in this city, Virginia has a lot of experiences to share
People desire to be known, cared for, and invested in so I’ve put together 5 simple steps to creating quality staff meetings
The definition is basically this: who cares what’s….
When a teen is walking into your ministry for the first time they are probably wondering, “Will anyone notice that I’m here?”…
One of the mistakes many pastors…make is during Christmas we demonize culture rather than show people how to redeem it
You can not properly give God Glory or give honor to others if you believe that you achieved what you have on…
Their brains are specifically and fantastically wired for passion, creativity, invention, dissatisfaction with mediocrity and status quo
Youth ministry may be more of a calling…When you keep doing your thing, year after year, it’s easy to get stuck in…
Find the Nourishment Your Soul Needs by by Charles R. Swindoll
In just 13 two-page chapters there is a general overview of the whole Bible and its teachings with the visual aids of…
Easy-to-read overviews you’re looking for. From theology, to biblical archaeology, to the life of Christ
The Art and Science of Reading the Bible: Howard G. G. Hendricks
It’s a discussion of who we are and how we got here. In a world where religious persecution.. it’s also about who…
Our students are finding that the local body of believers is often at odds with their rapidly shifting culture
A great retreat requires hard work and intentional preparation. Here are a few tips to make your next retreat a success
Nick Cannon from the 2005 Single: “Can I live” told the story of how he was almost aborted before his mother changed…
ebook, articles, podcasts & discipleship tools!
Fuller Youth Institute: Become an FYI Insider by joining our community of over 23,000 parents and leaders
The kind of (youthgroup) girl who draws you in and makes you actually glad to work more hours for less pay than…
Focus on the Family’s daily broadcast with Jim Daly talking about how to connect with your tech-absorbed kid
“A generation ago the latchkey kid was the poster child for neglect; nowadays it might be the overscheduled kid who never…
Students in our ministries are trying to answer the “Who am I?” question. “What is the youth pastor’s role in helping students…
Somewhere Between Animal House and American Pie 2
The findings of three nationwide studies. What’s going on in youth group? And is it working?
When we teach students to value each person as God does, their perspective changes. And once students have a changed perspective, we…
What Marvel’s latest hero movie teaches us about engaging sufferin
Hint: It has less to do with programs…
Based on psychological research, the three healthiest statements moms and dads can make as perform are
“What do you think matters more—talent or effort?”
Download this FREE Guide to Writing Bible Study for Teenagers
How the word “post-truth” became the “word of the year” and what it means for evangelism
“If you’re not spending time with teenagers, then you’re done with student ministry.”
Ministry is about people. It’s not really about programs, events or curriculum. It is all about relationships; with God and others
Parents youth pastors disagree about biggest challenge in youth ministry
Making Sure Tech Doesn’t Hijack Your Holidays
Let’s categorize the basic needs of the teenager into three areas: IDENTITY, PURPOSE, and COMMUNITY
Important instrument in reshaping the educational (financial) foundations of our youth, preparing them for leadership
Child poverty is an ongoing national concern, but few are aware that its principal cause is the absence of married fathers in…
Is there a typical youth group? Is it just me or are teens more busy than…
Adam McLane: My new online course!
If the gospel is so powerful, what is it that makes it so? What does it mean to a student, or…
Connecting with young people isn’t easy…Kids these days. Snap me, kik me, hundo p v savage RT, what?
Sermon “Opening Up the Doors of Dialogue In Your Home” by Jonathan McKee
This weekend I returned to Amish, PA to speak at yet another church (my third in Lancaster County)
I was snuffing out my true calling by God to serve the church through my inability to rely on God’s grace….
The demands of modern life and workloads continuing to increase…a timely reminder that dinner is more than just a meal
Arming Kids for the Fight of Their Lives
Yes, an after-school Satan Club could be coming to your kid’s grade school
Podcast: Terry Linhart with Dave Rahn
The number one thing persecuted Christians ask for is prayer, and we want to equip you to be able to meet their…
Good Youth Pastors stay spiritually nourished. Bad Youth Pastors rely on their gifts and charisma
Good Youth Pastors prioritize time. Bad Youth Pastors wonder where the week went.
Good Youth Pastors make disciple makers. Bad Youth Pastors fail to equip students with a Great Commission mentality
Are you really taking advantage of your Parent Meetings?
3 Things you can do to work with parents
The 1999 Columbine High School massacre became etched in a nation’s collective consciousness
I’m learning that it is so easy to judge a parent for what I think they should or should not be doing
Youth culture is a force to be reckoned with. It can be really intimidating. Parents and Youth workers sometimes get overwhelmed
It means working with parents instead of working for them!