This time of year is notorious for producing burnout among American youth workers
What an eternal difference it would make if youth groups put the gospel at the center of their teachings, Bible studies, retreats,
The Gospel Coalition Explains Holy Week
In Jesus’s resurrection body the stigmata, the marks of the wounds, are still there, but his resurrection is unique
How to respond when a child discloses a shocker
Why talk for 25 minutes when you can say it in 5?
Too often I talk to young youth leaders and they are desperate to be mentored
Part 1 You must have a Solid Ministry Model
What are some measurable that a youth ministry can strive for?
Seriously, when was the last time you were honest… I couldn’t remember
Youth Ministry for the Connected But Alone Generation
Film is a powerful medium, and movies are the most ubiquitous works of art in our culture
The idea that teenagers use social media to experience presence and to deepen relationships sounds intriguing?
Without evaluation you will never reach your destination
Strategic thinking gets results
And when Dad’s not around, it hurts and destroys kids. . . deeply
During his six years as a slave he converted to Christianity and earned a reputation as a fervent evangelist
Drugs, alcohol, and sex, are all things we try our hardest to keep our students from. But…
That boys their age watch porn regularly, and demand from their girlfriends the sexual menu they see online
Moving is the most jostling, treacherous, and terrifying trial an adolescent can experience. Fresh start is overshadowed by changes
Someone just asked me, “Jonathan, we’re looking for a new youth pastor.
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”
That said, the primary audience with which you need to communicate is still the parents, or caregivers
Somewhere along the way, American churches have communicated that comfort trumps the Great Commission
Make sure everyone around you knows what to expect from you, from each other, and from the church or the ministry
“God does not have size or spatial dimensions and is present at every point of space with His whole being, yet God…
Which Teens Are at Risk of Suicide and Why?
Snapchat was at two billion daily video views last May
The responses being shared pertain to those kids who specifically indicated that they don’t talk openly with their parents
Grammy Nominated Christian Rapper Flame Explains…
Andy Stanley has come under fire for remarks he made about small churches in a recent sermon
“Sticky Faith isn’t about programs; it’s about changing culture.”
“This was an amazing sight! I pray this kid becomes a leader amongst his peers, and continues on this path!!”
Five Lessons Young Christians Should Draw From His life Of Faith
Daily Reporting on Youth Culture, Teen trends and current information relating to Adolescents. Youth Ministry
The local church wasn’t established to create amenities for your enjoyment but ministries for your service
There are a few times a year when I hit a ministry slump: January / February and then again in August
Sometimes I feel parents can be the are 4 goals I try to have with with a parents
You think you are doing the right thing when, in fact, you are doing the wrong things
After seeing several discipline problems, we asked the experts what they would’ve done with each challenge
You’ve most likely encountered them and they probably left you scrambling
“Family Challenge” and here’s how it works: Turn all family cell phones to silent and place in the cell phone coop
5am-6am Lent prayer meetings each day. This was not what I wanted to hear after 29 hours of flying and then another…
Discipleship process shies away from a missional movement to a game-filled information download session
It never feels good getting run over by the metaphorical bus. You typically never see it coming
3 Keys To Help Your Children’s Ministry Thrive
A practice that she said halted when she made her way to Tinseltown.
It took me years to learn that my internal narrative was my hindrance, not my mistake or the feedback.
You can see the difference in the last book I recommended, which is written by a British youth worker. His advice is
Knowing where you are and what is ahead can keep you from quitting when it gets tough
Commonly made mistakes when you’re new or old. Most of these are mistakes of “omission” rather than “commission.”
‘Mommy, there’s so much other than NY. People in NY stress over materialistic things and there is so much more to life,’”
The single biggest change I noticed when I finished seminary was the change in the use and availability of time
Fifteen years ago I had no idea how unnerving, confusing, overwhelming it is to parent teenagers
Our culture has transformed the word “missions” to a trip. We believe that through focusing in on the word “Serve”
Have you started using Blab yet? Do you know what Blab is?
How you make your moves will determine whether or not your students will listen to and learn from what you say
Church and the YMCA will serve as anchor “tenants” at this innovative, mixed-use community destination
Comparative data about risk-taking behavior among teenagers in every year back to 1972