Following Jesus in a selfie-centered world
legalization is frightening because…
But what does it really mean for us? And how can you apply this mindset to your youth ministry?
I think this might be the wrong question. I think the right question may be…
Modest Drop in Overall Rates of Belief and Practice, but Religiously Affiliated Americans Are as Observant as Before
“Among those with children who attended church before the separation, 35 percent say at least one child no longer attends,”
Joel is a missionary with Miami Youth for Christ who has dedicated his life to reaching teens in the Hip-Hop culture
“Social Media Is Not Real Life.”
George Lockhart will be sharing at this conference. If interested please check here for more info..
What I’m learning as Executive Pastor of Willow Creek
When parents talk about sex, teens learn how to have similar conversations with their dating partners
(Don’t forget) more than 50 million Americans in 31 states voted to protect marriage in their laws
4,750 teenagers 15-years-old and under take their first sip of alcohol on any given day in America
A humorous and heart-warming documentary
Sexual revelations about their children shake most parents to the core
Giving kids opportunities to serve through childhood is one of the biggest ways to help them grow in faith and character
One secret they’ve learned is that Gods true call on their life isn’t performance, but faithfulness
Sharing their faith is not about something they have to do, but it’s about something they get to do and be apart…
We’ve mastered the art of the guilt trip in youth ministry, haven’t we? We rely on guilt to get youth to invite…
Here are 3 secrets to getting a room full of teens to listen to you, for instance when you’re doing announcements, or…
…(And if we’re honest, these same thoughts apply to many of us, too.)
The landscape of the family is changing, and the church is facing a new frontier of family ministry
Hollywood Director ‘Absolutely Stunned’ by What Happened to Hundreds of Teens Right After They Saw His New Film
You’re now one click away from every sex act imaginable for free. And so just passé at this juncture
A healthy relationship with your senior pastor or the person you report to is a core part of a healthy youth ministry…
Do you ever worry at night about what students are sharing, saying or sending?
We must (in what we say and don’t say) communicate to students the importance of engaging the world
Teens will stop listening to you, if they can’t connect what you’re saying to something they already know
“You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless, until they can find rest in you.”
Supporting parents in youth ministry is one of the hardest parts of our job, especially when they complain about other students
Parents play not just a central role, but they play the central role in their kids’ spiritual development
Download the second week in the series by George Lockhart and let God speak to you this week from Ephesians 5:8
It’s essential that we comprehend the greater influence of time that parents have with their children
Every commercial we watch taps into our appetite for immediate happiness. Our students are pushed…to feel better
We have a huge population of students…leadership potential, who run the risk of becoming slaves to their appetites
“Some of this pop culture… have come out that portray heaven and hell from a different perspective than what the Bible preaches.”
socially retarded…Face-to-face conversations are becoming much more difficult for young people today
…Sometimes I just want to give up! I’m so tired of fighting all the time
I assumed that until my kids hit high school, I wouldn’t have to deal with it. I was wrong.
A strong value in connecting with like-minded people who are trying to help middle schoolers get to know and follow Jesus
Hungering for Jesus..honest community. Hungered for more intergenerational relationships and didn’t experience these in the church
Millennials give for leaving the church. They usually have something to do with the church not reflecting Jesus
It wasn’t the content of Christianity that they rejected, but the posture and form of the church
Lets examine these influences and determine how we engage our kids and help them have positive interactions online
First, let’s talk about how we got into the situation that we’re in. …in the last 30 years
The consequences of sexting – public humiliation, loss of educational and job opportunities, possible criminal violations
The pope spoke on Sunday against what he sees as a consumerist culture that is eroding personal relationships
After you have worked with your students, are they becoming more like Christ or are they becoming more like the culture?
If you work with students on campus, or in a church, it is so important to get this message across
3 Ways To Build Credibility With Parents In Your Youth Ministry
A 2 year CNN ground breaking study of Tweens and Social Media investigates
Starting a youth ministry doesn’t mean starting a youth group. Ministry can happen in a lot of different ways. It doesn’t have…
How your church can equip parents to make disciples
The pressure to be cool, look good, and own the “right stuff” is detrimental to many children and teenagers
As long as we continue to raise a culture of, as in Peter Pan,”lost boys” we are loosing a generation and are…
The value a culture places on monogamy determines the welfare of its women and children