We are called to humility, not pride. We are called to selflessness rather than selfishness. We are called to decrease so that…
Massive new study exposes religion’s decline
Church, you can be a powerful remedy if you stop posing as a Fortune 500 company scheming to sell a product
British youth ages of 16 and 24 are spending an average of 27 hours, 36 minutes online every week
Are you missing out on the great content from ministry leaders
behind-the-scenes, indispensable ministry roles you may never have thought of for your children’s ministry
Our volunteers are a gift and blessing. When they are treated that way, they will want to stick around, and be…
This is where our ministry teams will be out of the country this summer.
I think they leave because we haven’t shown them a clear vision
A couple that sets the tone and culture of your youth staff. A couple that leads from within
KENDA CREASY DEAN: “If Youth Workers are going to make it in 10 years in ministry, they’ll have to…”
Sometimes, if you’re intentional about following-up and connecting with a student…
The grind of summer can also be overwhelming for us …
These 5 Goals help me ensure that…we have a distinct and well thought out focused on following Christ plan
You spend all of this time with students and what are you doing?
The book is potent with tools and tips for recruiting, retaining and training today’s volunteers
How to Disconnect Your Kids From Social Media
American culture is becoming less conducive to Christian values. What will the church do?
The way we engage culture as Christ followers matters
Here’s real tweets from dads and moms that describe parenting
Here’s our weekly social media strategy…
I can’t tell you the number of times I thought “I wish somebody had taught me this in seminary.”
Invite healthy influencers into the lives of your children will ensure support and investment you trust
Partner with The Gospel Coalition to help provide free resources for global missions
Before you announce that you are going to separate your groups in the fall, you will need to have a response…
The sad reality is that people who preach reconciliation cannot reconcile and someone has to go. (You!)
One of the biggest business failures of my life..Did I learn something from the situation? Absolutely!
Too often it seems that the jump between Sunday School and Youth Group expects preteens to be
…a solid basis for affirming that the New Testament text has been reliably passed down to us
It’s easy to preach our love for all sinners, but our actions speak much louder than our words
A few important questions to help guide you on the journey of raising kids
Biggest challenges in this Confirmation process is keeping students once they “graduate” from Confirmation
What if you don’t see individuals who have grown in their faith?
by Walt Mueller…“What are you doing with parents?”
Entertainment may occupy our students’ minds, but it never will occupy their hearts like the gospel
6 Super Practical Tricks for Getting Students to Talk
The nation’s largest pro-life organization for millennials will engage them in beyond their high school and college days
The longer you serve at a church, the more chances you have to grow a track record of success
Help Kids Become People Who Love And Serve Others With The Heart Of Jesus
14-year-old girl says no, it means no,
Communication is important. But what’s more important is getting your communication right
She discusses mean girls, flirts, and how to exude modestly in a sex-obsessed world
I pray these words resonate with you and fill you with hope
“What do these people want from me!?”
what do you do when you have lots of questions about life, direction, God or anything?
If you try to fight everything, naturally you are going to be exhausted
Don’t wait to connect w your kids later. Imagine the end, and start connecting now!
The lack of “intellectual diversity” on these campuses is evident to students
She’s placing too much value on what her peers think of her..especially for her self-identity?
95% of youth workers struggle with students choosing sports over youth ministry. What’s the solution?
Forbes tells us what we already know today – youth ministry is the best job in the world!
#1. Be sure your volunteers and the students understand the vision of the trip
Students who felt like they had a safe place to be authentic about these doubts actually showed stronger faith across the transition…
Be obedient in the small things because they really do matter