Family trips are 4 days and only $129 per person
In our divided modern culture where our adullts and youth often experience their faith separately, these opportunities increasingly are rare
we haven’t had any interaction or heard from in more than 20 years
The more religious a teen is, the less likely he or she is to abuse drugs
This is one reason for they party scene is always so popular: instant acceptance
I don’t really believe in resolutions..What I do think January is a great time for is goal setting
In 9 countries. Almost half said that pornography was made of them while they were in prostitution
“The perfect tool for connecting with todays teenagers”-Dr. Kevin Leman
“The great challenge facing us today is to learn once again how to talk to one another, not simply how to generate…
An Open Letter from Alex Malarkey “The boy who came back from heaven”
5 tips for leaning into the crazy chaos of middle school ministry
By Gavin Richardson with the Youth worker circuit
By Gavin Richardson with the Youth worker circuit
I believe youth workers must strive to be experts in two things: Scripture and culture.
I learned the following few tips to help me keep from spreading myself too thin
Yaconelli’s five fantastic concepts helped turn my meetings around. Discipline problems dropped, attendance increased, participation grew
“Being Heard by Your Teenager: Communicating Without Control and Manipulation”
The New Inquisition – hauling Christian kids in front of the school board to be interrogated about their relationship with Jesus Christ
If there’s one thing I’ve learned about social media it’s this: It’s all about human connection
Andy Blanks challenges youth workers to consider how closely they’re following God in their personal lives and how this affects how they…
Influence is the impact—either positive or negative—we have on the lives of those teenagers we minister to
It’s time to dream, plan, and schedule what the coming year will look like in your youth ministry
By definition, no fad lasts. So you cannot build a church that endures by chasing every fad
Teens With Strong Religious Worldviews More Likely To Avoid Drugs, Alcohol
Here are some of the acronyms that some teens use and a few thoughts concerning how to respond
If you are encountering teens who cut and are at a loss for what to do, here are a few steps that…
“The new normal is the lack of permanence. The result is that it is hard to know who we are.”
An Amazing Resource To Help You Accomplish Your Goals
…they would be memorized and used for Christian growth and training
A joint adult and children’s catechism consisting of 52 questions and answers adapted by Timothy Keller
The percentage of Americans attending religious services weekly declined by 1.0 percentage point
Ownership and perseverance are sustained through life-on-life investment
I was in the 11th grade and my dad and I were kicked out of the apartment complex we were living in…
Buy The DVD from and show it to your Youth Group
People who attend religious services on a weekly basis are nearly twice as likely to describe themselves as “very happy”
Here’s some recent trends that will help your children’s ministry stay current in the world of social media
People were asked to tithe for 3 months..and if they believed God hadn’t been faithful to them during that time, we would…
This year, we can’t help but note the “blend of music” that made it to the top
“Each is an astonishingly good gift from our good and gracious God. The only fitting response is gratitude.”
I catch myself returning to some of these lessons all the time…but their foundational truths remain the same
Over 156 million people in America who do not attend church including over 42 million children and teenagers
Let’s talk with our kids about some of these issues
So what do you do if you want things to change and pretty much no one else does?
A power point presentation that won’t put people to sleep
Brittany Maynard and Clayton McDonald. The difference Jesus makes when facing a terminal diagnosis.
Porn is about the closest thing they’ve had to sex education—schools have outdated and uncomfortable sex ed and their parents are absolutely…
So I’m asking you… would you PLEASE help me provide some assistance for these leaders here at Christmas?
…another student said your opinion can cost you if it doesn’t jibe with Angeletti’s
The Power of Words Taking Their Toll in Online Environments
Accountability, Website Blocking and Customizable Settings
I’m writing this because burnout seems to be an epidemic in ministry leadership
Discarded laptop batteries still have enough life in them to power slums in India and other developing countries
We must manage and use our time well to minister effectively…
Seven (Mormon) Church Products Can Strengthen Tech-Savvy Youth
Overall the trip has been very productive and fruitful..Sunday will be an incredibly busy day with 6 different meeting/ speaking locations
What is it that sets apart the kids who stay in the church?
This is part of an FYI series on navigating digital technology and social media with
This is part of an FYI series on navigating digital technology and social media with young people
3 Keys To A No-Regrets Ministry