Why Readers of The Youth Culture Report Should Attend The Summit


Mark Oestreicher


Let me be blunt about this: I totally dig The Youth Culture Report. I’m constantly recommending it to youth workers. I use the web version, the iPhone app, and the iPad app. It’s become one of my favorite and most reliable places to browse content that can and should be forming my ongoing thought development about youth ministry.


And I can easily imagine the type of youth workers who also use YCR. They are (you are!) thoughtful. They are open to inputs from a variety of sources that will cause them to think in new ways. They crave ideas, big and small.


And that sort of youth worker is who The Summit was created for.


Of course, youth workers need skill training. There are other events for that (and other websites).


Of course, youth workers need game and event ideas, and curriculum suggestions. There are plenty of other sources for that.


But TYC specializes, as does The Summit, in sparking imagination and provoking thought. That’s why YCR’s partnership on this event makes such good sense.


You might be asking, so what IS The Summit? Well, if you’ve ever watched a TED talk online, you would have an idea of what this event is like. We have 18 presenters all giving laser-focused, intentionally provocative talks, all aimed at helping you to think in new ways. We say it’s like rocket fuel for your imagination, and last year’s inaugural event proved that to be 100% true (based on the response from those who attended). On top of that, The Summit has the most diverse group of presenters I’ve ever seen at a youth ministry event.


So: if you like having your imagination ignited and your creative thinking about youth ministry sparked, then we really hope you’ll join us (The Youth Cartel, The Youth Culture Report, and a few hundred like-minded youth workers) this November 8 and 9 in Atlanta. Check it out (and register) here: http://theyouthcartel.com/summit/