By The Village Church
How To End White Privilege
So, where did the notion of white privilege come from? Who does it benefit? And who does it hurt? The answers might surprise you
The Priority of Children
The Priority of Children Your job as a parent is a calling from God. It is more important than your vocation, bank account, education or…
Fall Kickoff....Get Ready!
Here are 5 moves you can be making right now so that when your fall semester kicks off, it will be better than ever
5 Mistakes You've Been Making During COVID-19
Reaching your students and making the most of the upside-down world we’ve found ourselves in today
Be the Bridge Youth... racial brokenness and injustice
Equipping students to be agents of change in their communities
Podcast: Racial Reconciliation And Ministry
Shares some amazing wisdom on how to guide students through all of this
Maryland Schools Looking To Remove Police In Schools
It’s unclear if the school board can legally remove all police. The law says a officer must be in every public school
Portland Superintendent To Remove Police In Schools
school-based police help keep teens out of the criminal justice system by addressing minor issues in school buildings rather than letting students develop a rap sheet.
Resources On Understanding Issues Of Race
May we grow in the grace God provides. May we love each other as Christ has loved us. May we like Christ never use our influence for our own advantage
Teen Rewarded Car And Scholarship For 10hr Clean Up
Starting at 2 a.m., Gwynn swept and picked up trash for the next ten hours…he had already done most of the work
Protests Are About “Power” And Victimhood?
“Truth of the matter is blacks have never been less oppressed than they are today,” “Opportunity is around every corner.”
Young Black Conservatives Reject Victimhood Narrative
For their decision to speak out, they are being called “Uncle Tom’s,” “coons,” and white supremacists by left-wingers
Helping Young People Grieve And Take Action
Diverse ministry perspectives to help teenagers respond to racialized violence and injustice
How To Do Intergenerational Ministry
What does each generation need from the church and what can each generation contribute to the church?
UFC champ Jon Jones Pursues Masked Teenagers
Why the f*** are you punk a** teenagers destroying our cities!??
Sailor Brinkley Cook, 21, Slams GMA ‘click bait' Interview
I have this awful feeling that if I’m not skinny, I’m not worth being celebrated and I’m not worth being praised
Barna Free Resource: Race Where Do We Go from Here?
New data revealing pastors’ and Christians’ opinions about what—if anything—the Church should do about racial divisions
'Antifa kid' escorted into custody — by Parents
‘Antifa kid’ who smashed a police car and incited riots in Pittsburgh is escorted into custody — by his mom and dad
What White Youth Pastors Can Do About Racism
I’m a black youth pastor at Restore Community Church, in Kansas City MO. The month of May 2020 has been especially tragic
The Story of Your Summer
This week we officially made the decision to cancel our summer camp plans, this was not the story I was hoping for
Why we need theology more than Netflix
When we as youth workers take little interest in theology and more interest in pop culture, we communicate to students that God is small,
What I Wish I Knew Before I Started Youth Ministry
In my early days of youth ministry, I had days when I was convinced I was a borderline superhero
How Do We Make It Through When Things Get Tough?
One step at a time,There’s no need to rush, It’s like learning to fly
How to Help a Student Who Just Lost their Senior Year
One group of high school seniors offered the most telling insights on their final year of school
Chick-fil-A Hosts High School Graduation Ceremony
Chick-fil-A made lemons out of lemonade and surprised its 2020 grads with a small, outdoor ceremony on Friday
Leading Change When Everything Has Changed
With a small shift in your mindset, this might be your greatest season of momentum and change
Carey Nieuwhof: Disruptive Church Trends
Leaders who embrace change, who keep pivoting, will end up advancing their mission in the future
Doctors Call An End To Lockdowns Over Rising Suicides
California doctors warn a surge in suicides is outspacing deaths from coronavirus as pandemic lockdowns take a far greater toll on American life than the virus itself.
Back To School, Leads Through Coronavirus Testing’
Families are leaving cities for the suburbs in search of safer schools amid the coronavirus pandemic
Perfection, Negative Thoughts Keep Teens Awake AllNight
The years between 12 and 20 are a period of self-discovery and self-doubt for the average teen
Girls' Health Can Suffer In Move To High School
Physical activity might be one of the first things to drop off the radar as adolescent girls move from primary to secondary school
Kids Out of School Could Have Long Term Consequences
It will be long after the pandemic that “historians, epidemiologists, psychologists, and economists will provide extensive
Why Online Schooling Should Not Become The Norm
Education is not a direct transmission of ideas; it is a relationship
‘Loss Of Pleasure’ Found In Teen Sleep Study
Negative mood is not unusual in adolescence, but lack of sleep can affect mental health, causing a loss of pleasure, anxiety, anger and significantly increasing the risk of depression, a global study of more than 350,000 teens shows.
Parents Don’t Get Minute To Relax Until Nearly 9 P.M.
A new survey finds that parents have essentially lost all of their R&R time thanks to COVID-19
Churches Across The Country Are Filing Lawsuits
liquor stores, marijuana be considered as “essential” entities, but not Churches?
Study: Religious Practice Reduces ‘Deaths from Despair’
“religious service attendance is associated with a lower risk of death from despair among health care professionals
Dear Youth Minister of a COVID-19 Senior
I don’t know about you, but I think I’ve been in denial about what COVID-19 means as this year’s seniors transition out of our youth ministries
Dear Parent of a COVID-19 Senior
Most kids found out weeks ago that their senior year would be cut abruptly short. Of all the things that they were hoping to experience
YS: Middle School Bundle
Ever wonder who those strange preteens are and how to best reach them? Get the inside scoop
Family Driving Prayer.....Free Download
Invite your families to load up in the car and pray for their community
Evaluate Your Youth Ministry
Evaluations are always a critical piece of your ministry. It is there that you get a chance to figure out what worked well, what didn’t and how can you make improvements.
Walt Mueller: Post Pandemic Youth Ministry
I’ve also wondered if in our efforts to promote and further the Kingdom of God, we might actually be keeping kids from going deep in the things of the Kingdom
Table Talk Devotion For Teen Athletes
Hebrews 12:1-3 offers some great encouragement as you are going through this SHIFT during your sporting season
Israel Contemplates Microchipping Kids
If the information with the kids’ location is uploaded to the internet, a pedophile with some cyber knowledge may
How To Turn A Setback Into A Comeback
Note: Today’s post is available for you to either watch as a vlog or read as a blog post
How To Discipline Children Without Destroying Them
Toughest thing in parenting? “Trying to love, teach, and discipline without destroying their spirits
Video: 50 Ways To Please Your Mother
Tim Hawkins does it again with a GREAT song about 50 Ways to Please Your Mother. He is just hilarious. Love his stuff
Students Often Do Not Question Online Information
According to a new study, students struggle to critically assess information from the Internet and are often influenced by unreliable sources
No Safe Spaces Documentary
Trying to understand what is happening in America on college and school campus today and what free speech in this country
Drive-In Raves
Amid quarantine and social distancing, musicians are playing to an audience in their cars
Anxiety And Depression In Teens...Who Can Help?
7 in 10 teenagers say anxiety and depression are major problems among their peers today
The Most Surprising Reasons Why Volunteers Quit
Quitters aren’t lazy or uncommitted; they often have valid reasons for quitting
The Orange Conference ’20 Recap
Your volunteers are constantly asking, “IS IT WORTH IT?” Create a culture where volunteers shout out “YES!”
Every Generation Needs A New Revolution #OC20 Notes
When someone changes their mind it convinces me they are adaptable, honest, vulnerable, and human
A Strain On Driver's Ed, And Teenagers Getting Licenses
Rites of passage are postponed due to the suspension of in-person classroom instruction and they will have to wait to get their driver’s license.
ReOpening Children & Family Ministry
now is the time to determine what values and processes will remain consistent, what innovative strategies you’ve
A Discussion On Reopening The Church
During today’s discussion with highly esteemed church leaders, we discussed the path to moving forward after COVID-19
Pre-Teens And Quarantines
Author of Middle School Matters, Gives helpful tips for working with middlers,during these times
Zoom:Teacher Has‘College Girl’Porn Bookmark, Gets Fired
“It’s hard not to think he’s looking at you like that,” Samantha Hill, a freshman in one of Zhang’s classes
How 6 Pastors Are Thinking About Reopening
However, it can be useful to see how other church leaders are thinking through reopening
Are We Going Back To How Things Were In Youth Ministry
We first had to think short-term just to get our feet under us, but now that this might be until the fall (it really could be in our area) we need to stop thinking so short-term.
Netflix’s NEVER HAVE I EVER... Bad Rating System
Some of the content in programs rated as TV-14 can be excessive, even for adults
This is but one small example of the world that our children will grow up in and the world that you must prepare them to engage with wisdom
Marriages CAN Be Happy For A Lifetime!
“Here are some GREAT thoughts on marriage from one of my favorite authors, Shaunti Feldhahn.”
Marriage in Quarantine
This video is simply titled, Marriage in Quarantine. It caused a smile on my face with a bit of truth. Click here for link t
Growing Spiritually As A Couple While Raising Kids
Having a devotional time once a week and praying together daily builds a foundation of spiritual intimacy
Understanding Teenage Brains With Mark Oestreicher
Have you ever looked at one of your students and thought, “What were you thinking?” Well, thanks to new discoveries
Churches: Put Down That Spiritual Gifts Quiz
What the local body misses when it focuses on personality analyses and congregational surveys
5 Ways Parents Cause Their Teens Anxiety
Every failure is an opportunity to teach and train your kids
A Blessing Strategy For Grieving Graduates
Your seniors need an encouraging commencement blessing more than ever!
Hillsdale Teaching Video Series...Helping Parents
We’re making the curriculum that we use in our charter schools available to the general public
At Home Discipleship...Parents Make It Happen!
Parents, remember that God has called you to be the primary nurturing influence your child’s life
Free Guide On Religious Freedom
In the last decade, attacks on religious freedom have intensified, and religious Americans are feeling the effects
Download The Curriculum And Digital Experience Guide
Orange students: some ideas to reach students and parents—even without an in-person gathering