You’re a culture warrior in ninth grade and it’s awesome! Thank you so much for standing up for your beliefs
Lent Bible Readings
Lent – a time for reflection, repentance, and renewal – when Christians are invited to prepare themselves spiritually for the celebration of the Lord’s resurrection
Is Seminary Worth It For A Youth Pastor?
But to help you answer that question for yourself, I want to look at three topics with you
The First 60 Days Of A New Job
Here are a few things I think are important when starting a new role in the first 2 months
Jump Trip-Skull-Breaker Challenge
Unassuming victims are taking into jumping up before their feet are pulled away meaning they land on their heads and spines
Buttigieg Advises 9-Yr-Old Boy How To Come Out As Gay
It won’t always be easy, but that’s ok because you know who you are…Inspire others to be brave about their sexuality
My First Two Years In Youth Ministry
The most comprehensive companion to not only surviving, but also thriving, during the most crucial phase of youth ministry
New Vision 2020: My Youth Ministry Playbook
- 2020 Calendar, Monthly To Do Sheets, Questions you should be asking at certain times of the year, Leadership Evaluation Worksheets, Equipping Articles
Exploring Your Youth Ministry's Jewish Roots
Have you ever wondered what your youth ministry would look like if it existed in the first century? That is what Heather Quiroz
Study Finds Most Teens Hate High School
22,000 students nationwide, researchers found about 75% expressed boredom, anger, sadness, fear or stress
They Banned Smartphones. Now Their in the Final Four
If they just put down their stupid phones and go to sleep already, they too can make the Final Four.
Who is that Stranger in My House?
I’m the first to admit it wasn’t easy for me when my girls became teenagers. “The change” was not gradual for our kids
The 'Perfect Female' Body Over The Decades
“Make this the decade you choose to forget what the media says and choose to love your own self as you are,”
Students Thought Teacher Was Putting Booze In Her Coffee
At least I didn’t raise a class of snitches — no one told their parents or admin that I was getting lit every morning
The 5 Types Of Dads
Regardless of the kind of father you may have had, there are typically 5 types of dads we can choose to become
5 Trends Defining Americans’ Relationship To Churches
“Church hopping”—is becoming a common feature of churchgoing.
Why Higher Depression Rates In Teens
I want to talk about all the reasons why we might be seeing this rise
Study: Connecting Students To Adults Prevents Loneliness
“If you don’t have relationship, you can’t assume they believe anything you say.”
How to Build a Gospel Advancing Ministry! A Bold Vision
The fifth part of a series. How as leaders, we have to lead with a bold vision for our students, to focus on the overall mission of our ministry and the Gospel
Solving Your Top 5 Mission-Trip Problems
We want to attack problems in creative ways to streamline our trips and tear down barriers that keep us from our ministry focus
Gen Z Trends What You Need To Know For Youth Ministry
TikTok. Marijuana use. Anxiety. Flexitarian diets. Text message therapy. Mean for our ministries going forward?
10 Questions Churches Should Ask Gen Z
Today’s emerging adults have grown up in a different world from prior generations. Consider these four realities
Boy Scouts Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
In the face of thousands of child abuse allegations tthe 110 year old youth organization filed for bankruptcy
Emotional Justin Bieber Wants To 'Protect' Billie Eilish
Bieber, himself a teenage singing sensation, appeared close to tears as he spoke about Eilish
13-Year-Olds Smart Phones And Pornography
And by the way, it’s not a matter of if, but a matter of when
Handout: Ways To Reduce Teen Anxiety
Require our kids to shut down, shut off, and sleep in their beds without phones overnight
Unleashing Your Child’s Creativity
Which of these five things could you prioritize this week to help unleash your child’s creativity?
Talking To Kids About Tech Is Dreadful For Most Parents
Survey of 1,000 parents revealed that 56% would rather talk to their children about sex and puberty than technology features, trends, and digital devices
Video: Teens Baffled By Rotary Phone
Times have changed. Fun video of teenagers attempting to use a rotary phone
Passing Faith To Your Children
Do you know what the most often quoted scripture of all time is? Many Christians might answer John 3:16 or maybe Psalm 23, but the…
Billie Eilish Can Help Us Understand Teenage Anxiety
The Grammy-award winning teen’s dark music can help us have necessary conversations with our children
Study: Teens At Risk Of Being 'Sexploited'
Teens…kind of trying to gain power and status in more materialistic ways
Parents What Do You Not Understand About Teenagers?
If You Have Questions About Teens, They’re Answering Them for You on Reddit
How To Make The Right Hire In Youth Ministry
Podcast: the importance of hiring the right people into your youth ministry
Planning A Gospel-Centered Retreat
In the midst of our retreat planning, we must also remember to retreat to the Lord ourselves
Recalibrating Your Ministry Ambition
I needed to learn doing faithful youth ministry would only result from embracing an attitude of humility
The Church, Royal Family And Today’s Lost Youth
Britain’s royal family isn’t the only institution struggling to retain and empower the next generation
Where Some Catholic Priests On Sex Offender Registry Go
The religious community — a welcome extended even to those with sexual misconduct in their pasts
Culture And The 2020 Golden Globes Awards Show
Culture is both a map and a mirror. It is both directive and reflective. It tells us how to live our life in the world by shaping the beliefs that then guide our behaviors. Culture also shows us what beliefs have already been embraced which are in turn guiding the behaviors which we see
Phoneless 11-Year-Old Lost In Manhattan And Survived
I’m sticking to my principles on not getting smartphones for my tweens — even though my child got lost in NYC
Here is why I believe middle school ministry is now the most important ministry at your church
We Need To Talk About Anxiety
“Living with anxiety is like being followed by a voice that knows all your insecurities and uses them against you.
Flashback: Reconsidering “Professional” Youth Ministry
As you recruit youth workers…consider what type of offering each youth worker can present before the Lord
Middle School Teachers Are Highly Stressed
94% of middle school teachers experience high levels of stress and that reducing this stress is critical to improving student succes
Preventing Teens From Driving Drunk
Older teens who know that their parents disapprove of drinking are less likely to drive impaired as young adults
4 (Good) Ways Your Difficult Kid Is Changing You
God uses all kinds of things in our lives to change us, including hard kids
Does God Punish Sons For The Sins Of Their Fathers?
So how should we understand God’s words in Exodus?
The Lost Art Of Catechesis
Unlike modern renderings of catechisms, this addresses areas of concern for the church today as she navigates life in the modern world
Warren Rips Christian Schools With ‘Anti-LGBTQ+ Policies’
The case involves three low-income mothers who filed a lawsuit against Montana after it shut down a tax credit scholarship program because parents were choosing to use the funds for tuition at religious schools
End Anti-Religious Prejudice In This School Choice Case
Anti-Catholic prejudice, which spread like gangrene… discrimination against religious families, students, and schools.
Flashback: Religious School Case At The Supreme Court
Should families be able to use school choice tax credits on religious schools?
Climbing OutOf The Darkness
Ministry can also be a very lonely, draining, and empty place in which you and/or your environment feels unhealthy
What Daughters Desperately Need From Their Dads
Our daughters are under a lot of pressure today. They are bombarded with beauty standards that can make them feel inferior
7 Father-Daughter Bonding Activities
Since that night… Every time she points it out, “Look Daddy! That’s where we danced!”
How To Gain Some Momentum In Your Ministry
Don’t lose momentum in your youth ministry! Check out these great tips!
Job: Hiring (& Recruiting) Well In Youth Ministry
The old idea that anyone working with students needs to be young and hip…
Job: Beware Of Ministry Pied Pipers
A church was looking to become more attractive to the next generation through hiring a hip, cool quick fix
Social Media Trends Your Tech Team Needs to Know
Among all social media trends, video dominates in terms of importance
Disney Has ‘Demon’ Who Trains Children To Be Witches
Let no one be found among you who consigns his son or daughter to the fire, or who is an augur, a soothsayer, a diviner, a sorcerer
When Ministry Drag‘s You Down
Ministry can a very rewarding. However, it can also be very stressful and frustrating
Crime: Sending unsolicited nudes In California?
California’s new bill would ban the sending of naked photos and lawbreakers may be fined up to $500
The Most Dangerous Temptation That Faces Our Youth
We know from experience how real and serious these temptations are going to be for any child that grows up in our day.
9 Leadership Traits We See In Generation Z
As I survey the kinds of causes Generation Z students have undertaken, I see a pattern
App Lets Strangers Find Your, Info With Snap Of A Photo
works by comparing a photo to a database of 3 billion pictures off Facebook, Venmo, YouTube and other sites
Youthmin Game? Whipped Cream Challenge
TODAY’s Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager attempt the viral TikTok challenge taking social media by storm
Apologetic Q’s Parents & Pastors to Be Asking Students
One of the most difficult (if not the most difficult) part of raising disciples of Jesus is
Sugar Causes ‘Major Changes’ to Brain Like Drugs
sugar actually influences our brains’ reward centers in essentially the same way as addictive drugs.
Adolescent Drinking Increases Anxiety...
Adolescent Drinking Increases Anxiety, Alcohol Abuse Later in Life
Before Your Son Becomes A Man
I want to be intentional in how we spend that time and as a loving dad, I want to use that time to strengthen our father-son relationship
3 Ways To Sabotage The Family Bond
A healthy family bond is essential to the well-being and flourishing of our children from birth through adulthood
3 Ugly Truths About Weekend Retreats
Weekend Retreats can be the most important date on your youth ministry calendar
Lonely Kids And The Church
young people’s connection to a church seems to have no impact on how lonely they feel. “Attendance alone is not a protective factor against social isolation,”
4 Ways to help teens struggling with depression
It’s the second leading cause of death among young people, but what you do as a parent can help!
15 Sure Signs Your Teen Is A VSCO Girl
The trend started out on TikTok as more of a joke, but then the inevitable came
Woman Disguised As Teen Boy To Abuse Young Girls
Girls thought they were in a relationship with a teen boy. It was a woman grooming them for sex.