I think busting your butt on the weekends to make sure you are meeting with your leaders is one of the most important things you can do
Young Latinos May Be The Answer 4 The Catholic Church
13% Proclaim to be former Catholics – people who were raised in the faith but now identify as Protestants
Latinos Are Leaving The Catholic Church For Islam
About 8% of all Muslim Americans adults are Latino. Because of the intense devotion to God, simplicity in faith and a focus on community that they failed to find in their former faith
British Adults Will Watch More Than 78,000 Hours Of TV
On a day-to-day basis, the average adult watches TV for three-and-a-half hours, amounting to 1,248 hours each year.
Black Friday Brawls....Thinking Deeper About Them
Insanity. That’s what we’ve embraced. The time and place of our search for meaning, purpose, fulfillment, and redemption might best be evidenced in how we act during what’s become known as “Black Friday”
Black Friday Brawl Teens Attack Cop Defending Woman
After a few minutes, the off-duty officer, wearing civilian clothes, approaches and talks to the woman, then gestures toward the teens
God The Original Gangsta Wrapper
Like Adam & Eve, we try to cover up and hide..This holiday season, let God unwrap and re-wrap you in Jesus!
God The Original Gangster Wrapper
God The Original Gangster Wrapper
By George Lockhart
Like Adam and Eve, we try to cover up and hide, but God will not have that. Instead God unwrapped then from their shabby attempt to cover themselves and clothed them Himself. This holiday season, let God unwrap you and re-wrap you in Jesus! “At that moment their eyes were opened,…
Planned Parenthood expanded their already significant sex-education efforts with vulnerable and developing children and teens into the world of online technology
Violence & Harassment Against Conservatives On Campus
Here is a list of incidents of violence and threats made against conservatives on campus, or made by leftists in academia, that have been reported within just the last few months
Way To Respond To Teenage Girls’ Stress And Anxiety
7 vital strategies parents and leaders can use to respond teenage girls’ stress and anxiety
Busting Myths About Teen Girl Anxiety
Whether or not they personally experience anxiety and depression, 7 in 10 teenagers view both as major problems among their peers
Death By Distraction
How easy is it for you to be so busy doing work for Jesus that you don’t take time to just BE with Jesus?
NYWC 2019: Tech Hacks For Youth Ministry
NYWC2019 Deep Dive Recap “Tech to Help You Look Like A Pro”
CDC: HUGE Increase In Teen/tween Suicide Since 2007
Are you engaging your kids in these conversation?
Flashback: Where Kids Actually Adopt Their Values
Our kids glean more from our conversations than they do from our rules
Thanksgiving: Pilgrims Rejected Socialism’
How the original communal living arrangements of the Plymouth Colony failed them
Pilgrims Celebrated Thanksgiving….
As the United States celebrates Thanksgiving, we all should remember the risks and sacrifices of the Pilgrims 395 years ago
Internets Cutest Dad
Dad was so distraught when his daughter’s hamster, Chester, escaped while cleaning his cage that he had a complete meltdown in a text message exchange
School Allows 'Joy To The World' Song
“We are tired and extremely weary of our Christian faith being attacked in this country.”
How To Think Through Your Youth Ministry Talks
I hope this is a helpful method to run your lessons and teaching through.
DHS: One-in-Ten DACA Migrants Have An Arrest Record
Roughly 80,000 DACA migrants, or one-in-ten, have an arrrest record, says an updated report from the Department of Homeland Security.
Sanctuary City: Freed Illegal Alien Who MurderedTeenGirl
A SanctuaryCounty ignored ICE’s request, released him…then 6 months later he murdered his girlfriend
Less Social Media Can Lead To Higher Grades For Teens
Teens struggling to keep up academically can considerably improve their grades by cutting back time spent on social media
Boredom Is On The Rise For Adolescents, Especially Girls
Boredom is rising year after year for teens in 8th, 10th, and 12th grades, with greater increases for girls than boys.
Teenage Anxiety Linked To Later Harmful Drinking
Association between generalized anxiety disorder at age 18 and harmful drinking three years later, thanks to the long-term health study Children of the 90s.
Christian Teenage A.S.M.R. Star
Watching his parents’ happy marriage of 20 years has also inspired him. The videos, in turn, present examples of the validation and affection he wants for himself
Top Shows Gen Z & Millennials Are Binge Watching Now
56% of 13-37-year-olds would rather binge watch an entire series at once than watch episodes weekly
Chick-Fil-A Replaces Cow Mascot With Golden Calf
Restaurant patrons will be asked to dance around and worship the golden calf when they enter the restaurant to show their submission to the LGBTQ agenda
Episode: Lonely Teens During The Holidays
Alice offers gospel comfort and creative practical guidance we can give our teenagers when they find themselves uninvite
student linked to boyfriend’s suicide to be arraigned
Some of those from (Her) said “go die” and that his loved ones would be better off without him
How To Make The Most Of NYWC 2019
As you hang out in downtown Tampa this weekend we want to make sure that your soul and mind are ministered to this weekend. Here is how to make the most of your short time at NYWC 2019.
Flashback: Connecting With College Students Over Break
A great opportunity to continue your ministry with them
She Tried To Quit Her Phone. She Got Famous For It
“It was hard for me to admit that maybe life without a phone was a better life for me.”
Questions Youth Leaders And Parent Should Answer
Sin has tainted..the hearts of humanity. Yet culture, has unequivocally declared a belief in the inherent goodness of all people
3 Steps To Help Teenagers Serve Your Church
If the youth of the church are indwelt by God the Spirit, then they are equal recipients of God’s grace and salvation, and they are equal players in God’s mission
How Adult Gen Zers Tend To Understand The World
10 Insights help explain how adult Gen Zers tend to understand the world
Preaching On Controversial Topics?
Preaching on Controversial Topics Half of Pastors Worry They’ll Offend Someone if They Preach on Controversial Topics
UK: What Churches Teach & What Teens Want To Hear
See how they fared against each other. The results might surprise you
Unstructured Play Is Vital For Kids
It is critically important for the development of children’s bodies and brains in so many ways
Middle School Banned Phones 7 Years Ago
They Say Students Are Happier, Less Stressed And More Focused
Top 5 Youth Ministry Books From The Summer
Each of these books has helped me think through key issues related to church ministry and today’s culture
Many Millennials Have Positive Feelings About Socialism
Over 100 million people were starved, shot, and slaughtered by socialist governments
Free eBook: 9 Ways Socialism Morally Bankrupts America
Who suffers the most under socialism. How socialism creates dependence instead of freedom
Parents, Don’t Fear The Teenage Years
Don’t the fear the teenage years. And don’t take them for granted either. They, like life itself, are a vapor…
Tampons May Cause Toxic Shock Syndrome And Death
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that women should change tampons every 4 to 8 hours
First Common Core Grads Worst-Prepared For College...
Fourth grade reading declined in 17 states and eighth grade reading declined in 31.”
Starting A Campus Ministry
One of the immediate action steps he prompts is for churches to be present in the life of their local schools, with no strings attached, and leveraging the influence of students on these campuses
10 Reasons Teens Have So Much Anxiety Today
We’ve created an environment that fosters anxiety rather than resilience
Flashback: Kanye Perspective On Sex And Porn
We can for sure take new Kanye for the positive impact he could have on our toxic culture
Health Officials Gaming Addiction Is Real Disorder
Gaming addiction inside look at the real and dangerous disorder affecting youth
'TikTok' A Threat To Chhildren's Online Safety?
“TikTok is appearing to be China’s best detective with how they are going about collecting and using this information. We cannot let novelty blind us.”
Suspension For Football Coach Who Ran Up The Score?
They were both undefeated and no one foresaw this blowout.
ERs See Doubling Of Teen Sexual Abuse Cases
Sexually abused youths are turning more often to U.S. emergency departments for help, with the number of ER department admissions more than doubling from 2010 to 2016
Teen Marijuana Use May Have Next-Generation Effects
How a parent’s use of marijuana, past or present, can influence their child’s substance use and well-being
West's 'Follow God' Music Video Features His Father
“It took me 42 years to realize that my dad was my best friend.”
Culture: Overreaction Or Interaction?
Overreaction or Interaction? Flashback Post…
“I don’t know why you spend any time looking at pop culture. All you need to know is in the Bible!”
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that accusation. Just last week I blogged about the number one song teenagers are listening too and received criticism for even…
The Discipline Of Decreasing
The Discipline Of Decreasing by George Lockhart
I must decrease, He must increase. John 3:30
God is the only One anyone should be completely dependent upon.always be pointing others to Him. If we are not careful we can supplant God in other’s lives by trying to meet needs that aren’t ours to meet. When others look to us before God…
Reevaluating A Gospel Centered Ministry
Discipleship takes place through relationships where youth leaders are intentionally shepherding students into greater maturity
Religious Children Are More Generous
We examined how religious upbringing shaped children from adolescence into young adulthood
Conservatives Have Happier Families, More Generous
Find more meaning in life, happier overall, donate far more money, time to the needy than liberal do.
5 Reasons I’m Staying In Youth Ministry
One of the easiest ways to offend a youth minister is to ask when he’s going to become a “real pastor
Book: A Biblical Theology Of Youth Ministry
Excellent book … those of us who think theologically about youth ministry, and the role of youth pastor, have been waiting for.
West’s Conversion Could Be A Cultural Wrecking Ball
A Christianity that bears no resemblance to the vague spiritualism of Moral Therapeutic Deism that is often associated with celebrity conversions
Fortnite Superstar Banned For Life For Cheating
I never thought about the consequences that could happen… I just thought about entertaining you guys
Target To Promote Gay Lifestyle To Children In School
To donate $100,000 to a nonprofit that trains students and teachers in LGBT politics and advocacy
Character And Virtue Development In Youth Ministry
The development of character and virtue often feels like a lost art form
Is The SAT "Unfair" And Discriminatory?
“illegally discriminate against applicants who can’t afford test prep classes and pose other unfair obstacles.”
Lawmakers To Ban Child Gender Transition Treatment
Children should be protected from “medical experimentation based on wishful social theory.”
Teens Close To Mom Not Likely To Have Abusive Relationships
A mother’s warmth and acceptance toward her teenagers may help prevent those children from being in an abusive relationship later in life, even if her own marriage is contentious
Best Business Practices You Need In Parenting
We learned to integrate several of the best business practices into our family
A Vision For Multiplying Your New Ministry
Jesus had a big vision and started with the end in mind. Here are a few of God’s “vision statements
Start Up: 4 People You Need To Meet On Your Campus
These are valuable people on your campus that can help you organize and benefit the ministry
Kanye West: From ‘I Am A God’ To ‘Jesus Is King’
Rather than seeing Kanye as a fraud, can we choose to see him as the tax collector? …Please, please pray for me
Here's What Lecrae Has 2 Say About Kanye 'Jesus Is King'
“Often people can’t imagine people from the hip-hop community finding Christ,”
Gospel Stars React To Kanye West's 'Jesus Is King
A genuine reflection of where he is. I hope God continues to work on his heart and he continues to grow in faith
Update: Christian Student Forced To Write Islamic Prayer
Tthe assignment violated the Establishment Clause by “impermissibly endors the Islamic religion.”
Elementary Students Can’t Say Jesus or God?
The letter talked about school language and asked parents to have a “talk” with their children about the appropriate time and place to talk about religion.
Young Transsexuals Seeking To Return To Original Sex
There is currently no data to reflect the number who may be unhappy in their new gender or who may opt to detransition to their biological sex
Dad Child Custody In Battle Over Gender Transition?
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz says the child should not be used as a pawn in a left-wing political agenda
Puberty Blocker Drugs Linked 2 Thousands..Adult Deaths
Drugs used as puberty blockers in youth linked to thousands of adult deaths, FDA shows
Transgender Biological Male Athletes Unfair Dominance
The House of Representatives voted in May to pass the Equality act, which would require schools to allow male athletes who identify as transgender girls to compete on female sports teams
No Link B/W Contact Sports And Mental Health Problems
Adolescents who play contact sports, including football, are no more likely to experience cognitive impairment, depression or suicidal thoughts in early adulthood than their peers, suggests a new study of nearly 11,000 youth followed for 14 years.
Deaths Due To Suicide, Homicide On The Rise
A new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics finds that more teens and young adults are coming to a violent end in recent years, either at their own hand or another’s.
This School App Is perfect For Your Ministry
What is the best way to communicate to parents and teens information?
Childhood Trauma
Researchers learned that Adverse Childhood Experiences can have negative lasting effects on health and well-being
Cellphone Detox For Teens
It was 4 a.m. she had been on her phone for 13 hours. In three hours, she had to be up for school