My daughter does it to me and will get visibly upset if she sees me looking at my phone when I’m not supposed to be
5 Ways To Get Teens Talking
Talkativeness is no accident. It’s come as the result of a carefully curated environment that encourages conversation
Gang Life Not The Family You Were Longing For
Collins first joined the Bloods at age 19 ‘It’s like the plague … We’re just killing each other off.’
Is Tik Tok Desensitizing Kids?
“It’s shocking how these kids expose themselves to be liked or disliked,”
Flashback: Uk School Suspends LGBT lessons After 80%
A primary school in Britain’s second city Birmingham has caved in to pressure and temporarily pulled the plug on its lessons on LGBT rights
How To Create A Professional Photo Booth
The Photobooth that we created will be unmanned and sit out in the lobby the 4th Tuesday of each month
Anxiety The YouthPastors Epidemic
How can we help the 20% in our youth ministries who are silently dying?
Help! My Teen Is Questioning The Faith
Here are a few ways we can build homes that allow our children to wrestle with questions of faith
Admissions Scandal Prison Sentence For Fraudulent Mom
A fraudulent ACT score and an application that falsely portrayed him as African American, Latino and the first in his family to attend college.
Man Entices Girl 16 For Sex Through ‘Game of War’ App
pleaded guilty in federal court today, whom he met through the “Game of War” application on her cell phone, to engage in illegal sexual activity
Teens Rally Against Pot Industry Ads On Social Media
The ads for marijuana — in the form of catchy quizzes — are beyond prevalent, the Stevenson High School senior says
Felony? Girl 13 Pointed Finger Gun At Classmates Arrested
After another student asked her who would she would kill was arrested and charged with a felony.
Close Family Ties In Childhood Can Stave Off Mental Illness
Those who experienced positive adolescent family relationships had significantly lower levels of depressive symptoms from early adolescence to mid-life than did those who experienced less positive ones
Beware The Idol Of Parenting Success
When we worship parenting success, our children become our trophies
Teens Think Parents Share Too Much About Them Online
42% of teens think their parents share too much about them online
Beto O’Rourke’s Plan To Destroy Churches
The government…. signaled that Christian schools may soon be treated like racists for …view of marriage
'Weed Moms' Are The New 'Wine Moms'
Marijuana-using moms are stepping out of the shadows and proudly extolling the virtues of cannabis
What Middle Schooler‘s Are Like
I have worked with middle school students in educational, athletic, and ministry settings for more than 14 years now
Mental Health: Impact Of Social Media On Young People
It emerges that Instagram is the social media platform with the most negative effect on the psychological state of young people
10% Of Christian Twentysomethings Have Resilient Faith
There are four kinds of twentysomething “exiles” making their way in our current day and age
3 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Hit New Highs In US
More than 1.7 million cases of chlamydi, About 580,000 gonorrhea cases, syphilis about 35,000 cases
Teen Beauty Spending Plunges....To A 9-Year Low
Piper Jaffray’s 38th semi-annual teen survey analyzed 9,500 responses across 42 states
Elem. Student Against Question Comparing Girls’ Weight
Leading the curriculum company to apologize and remove the question from their materials
250,000 Students In US Participate In Fields Of Faith
As part of a faith-filled initiative by fellowship of Christian athletes to pray, read their Bibles, and “open up their life to Christ
UK: Mandatory “Self-Touching” Class In School For Kids
This sexualisation of our children is just totally inappropriate. They are calling it self-touching and they won’t use the term masturbation
Sesame Street New Puppet Who's Mom An Opioid Addict
Sesame Street has introduced the subject matter of addiction, using a bright green puppet named Karli to let young viewers know grown-up problems aren’t their fault.
Flashback:LGBT labeling Christians ‘dangerous’
It is those who hold traditional values, the LGBT activists claim, that are directly responsible for gay and trans suicides
Relational Youth Ministry
Often times adult volunteers want to be liked by students, so they cross the line between friend and mentor
FIRED! Part 1: Lies They Say When They Let You Go
FIRED! 5 Lies You Are Told When You Are Let Go From A Church
3 Cultural Changes As A Youth Worker
“Do you think you’ll ever change the night of youth group? My son/daughter is just too busy and they’re missing out.”
What Real Forgiveness Looks Like
Sticking To One Sport Could Up Injuries Among Teens
New research finds kids who concentrate on only one sport may be at risk for stress fractures, tendinitis and knee injuries
Flashback: Teens Who Hold Off On Dating Do Better In Life
Teens who don’tdate are happier, less depressed, and more adept at dealing with a variety of social situations
Youth Ministries Working Together
A Kingdom-minded ministry is about reaching kids for Christ and plugging them into the local church…not your local church
Engaging Kids About Pop-Culture
Dare I say most, of the kids we work with are not coming to church with a deep desire for God’s Word
Why Christians Reject Kanye’s ‘Jesus Is King,’ Sun Service
Kanye West may have come to Jesus — but some Christians aren’t buying the born-again “Yeezus.”
Serious Bible Study Is for Teens, Too....
For too long I saw daily Bible reading and Bible study as part of some contract with God
Social media influencing young boys' body attitudes
Book: boy‘s body Sport health and physical activity
Excessive Screen Time linked To Teens Who Need Glasses
A new study is warning parents that excessive screen time may be behind a stunning rise in children who need prescription glasses.
Helping Your Son Escape Porn
The average age a kid first encounters porn is at age 13, and that’s just the average. Some kids see porn as early as 5-years-old.
Video: Types Of Parents In The School Pick-Up Line
Every parent can probably relate to this video. It’s just a fun way of looking at the types of parents in the school pick-up line….
Girl Recants Accusation White Boys Cut Her Dreadlocks
“To those young boys and their parents, we sincerely apologize for the pain and anxiety these allegations have caused,”
The Boy Who Stood At The Flagpole Praying Alone
“God, as people drive by, let them wonder, let their hearts be pricked.”
Update & Arrests:Teen Stabbed To Death As Dozens Videoed
7 More Arrested In Long Island Teen’s Fatal Stabbing
eBook: 9 Ways Socialism Will Morally Bankrupt America
Socialism opposes the American Dream, Who suffers the most under socialism, How socialism creates dependence instead of freedom
The Youth Pastor Compensation Survey 2019
One way you can help out your brothers and sisters is by sharing this survey to your network and on other social media outlets. Use hashtag #YPsurvey19 please! The survey will close on November 30, 2019.
Teacher Reassigned Over Quiz About The President
My reaction was very disappointing. It is an obvious example of indoctrination in our school systems, where teachers are forcing their opinions on our children
'A Doll For Everyone': Meet Mattel's Gender-Neutral Doll
The doll can be a boy, a girl, neither or both, and Mattel, which calls this the world’s first gender-neutral doll
2 Theatres Banning Costumes For ‘Joker’ Movie
If you’re looking to dress up as your favorite Batman villain next weekend, you may need to double-check which theater you’re going to
Youth Sports Referees Quitting, Blaming Unruly Parents
Youth sports officials and referees are throwing in their whistles at record rates
The Terrifying Side Of Kids Addicted To Technology
Nature Valley asked them (three generations) one simple question, “What did you like to do for fun as a kid?”
Social Media—Your Secret Weapon In Youth Ministry
Would you believe that social media could be one of the handiest tools you have in your youth leader tool belt?
Teen Brain Development Link To Car Crashes
A new study suggests that development of the adolescent brain — in particular, working memory — may play a critical role in whether a teen driver is more likely to crash
Physically Active Students Perform Better In School
Therefore, no causal interpretations can be made. However, the results
4 Questions To Ask About Your Ministry Entering The Fall
What is one thing (if any) that we should consider killing in the new year? What is one thing (if any) we should consider starting or re-doing?
Better Planning For A Better Fall
Here are a few enhancements that you can make to your planning that will help your group to do better in the fall
5 Fall Events Student Ministries Can Do
5 fall events….reach new students and introduce them to what your ministry is all about
Flashback: Christianity On Campus A Time For Prayer
How can students to reach their campus for Christ and change the culture if they can’t articulate their own convictions?
Young Life Voted Off Campus At Duke
Private universities don’t have the same obligations under the First Amendment’s free exercise clause that a government entity does.
Prayer Meetings At School Unconstitutional?
The high school hosted a prayer breakfast and sermon for football players provided by a local church
District Under Fire For High School Football Team Baptisms
A school district in Tennessee is under fire because two of its students were baptized on school property after football practice on August 7th
Cheerleaders On Probation After Posing W- Trump Signs
A North Carolina cheerleading squad is in trouble after displaying signs supporting President Donald Trump at a football game
Flashback: Being Strategic This Year In Youth Ministry
How to Strategically Scope and Sequence your Year
Peanut Butter and Pickle Sandwich Twinkies
Hostess is taking a risk with its new Peanut Butter and Pickle Sandwich Twinkies
Elementary Students Sent To ER For Eating Pot Gummy‘s
Parent arrested after her child brings THC laced candy to school and shares it with classmates
Building Confidence In Kids
Most parents are parenting their children based off of their owninsecurities. Not what’s best for their child’s actual future.
School Shootings Students/Teachers Writing Their Wills
The thought a school shooting has become such a real terror that some students and teachers are writing their last will and testaments in case they’re shot
Cultural Damaging Curriculum Emerges In California
If you control the schools, you eventually control the direction of the culture
Parents Are Irate Over Forced Elementary Gender Identity
In 4th grade, students learn gender is “self-defined,” and, in grade 5, they learn “there are many gender identities” and are introduced to the concept of “transgender”
TikTokers Are Gluing Their Lips
That said, while this newest trend probably won’t facilitate the bruising
Kids....“I Hope You Suffer”
Suffering is the fertile ground for great growth in character, wisdom, and virtue. Suffering grows our dependence on God while undermining our dependence on ourselves
4 Ways To Keep Your Youth Pastor For The Long Haul
Being a youth pastor at one church for the entirety of my ministry career is one of the greatest blessings of my life
Fat Teen Boys More Prone To Heart Attacks In Middle Age
Data from nearly 1.7 million men in Sweden born between 1950 and 1987 who had extensive physical exams when they entered mandatory military service
Risk Takers Just Wanna Have Fun
Adolescent risk-taking and prosocial behaviors are likely related and that both behaviors may be motivated by teenagers’ efforts to have fun
Gun Used In Argument B/W Pastor & Youth Pastor’s Wives
A “minor conflict” between the wives of a pastor and youth pastor at a West Virginia church resulted in gunfire, leading to the arrest of the pastor’s wife for wanton endangerment
How To Improve Your Youth Ministry Program
7 simple ideas youth leaders from across the nation have shared with me that will help improve your youth ministry program
Engaging Kids About Pop-Culture
A song on the top of the charts, a new Netflix show everyone is binging, a new trend everyone…
Teenage Heroes Ran Into Burning Home Rescued 5
Dillard and Nate managed to save a family of four thanks to their quick thinking
Marriage Is for Mission
But ministry that is pursued by a married couple requires unity. Nothing derails the mission quite like disunity
Justin Bieber Leads Worship At Church For The First Time
Having trust in Jesus at your worst times is the absolute hardest. But he is faithful to complete what he started
Justin Bieber Opens Up About Fame And Drug
I started doing pretty heavy drugs at 19 and abused all of my relationships
The Facts About Teen Suicide And How to Prevent It
Teen suicide is the highest in history — 14.46 per 100,000 for young people between 15 and 24
Teen Relationships Go Virtual
The result is a number of teens who have a boyfriend or girlfriend whom they’ve never met and never get to see in person.