1.Remember Who You Are. 2. Be Mindful of your Soul Holes. 3. Unite Yourself to the Body
Why Screen Time Inhibits Toddler Development
Greater screen time at 24 months was associated with poorer performance on developmental screening tests at 36 months, and similarly
Vaping: What Works to Help Teens Quit?
There are no tested or approved methods for quitting e-cigarettes
Vaping May Pose Big Risk For 'Low-Risk' Kids
Kids who had vaped were four times more likely to experiment with cigarettes
Vaping Is Erasing Gains Made Against Teen Smoking
“Nicotine is highly addictive and can harm brain development, including harmful effects on learning, memory and attention,” Schuchat said. Nicotine also primes the brain for addiction to other substances
Why Home Is the Best Location For Youth Ministry
They met in homes and discipleship started booming. Kids began growing, getting connected, inviting more friends. Numbers grew.
Student, Passedout Marijuana Gummybears to classmates
The victim told police a 13-year-old classmate gave her a gummy bear that would “stop her from stressing out,”
Dad Arrested For Slapping Stepdaughters Bully
Presleigh’s mother, while agreeing that her husband went too far, did say that her daughter was a victim of the boy’s bullying
How Home Groups Can Help Your Student Ministry Grow
Taditional youth group night was becoming less effective, we did also notice that home groups were becoming more effective
Priorities: Reaching The Next Generation And Discipleship
According to a new survey of 1,000 Protestant pastors by Nashville-based LifeWay Research
Obama Slams Pop Culture For Foisting Bad Values
You treat young women with respect. They are not objects. They are humans with the same aspirations and desires
13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don't Do
Give up the unhealthy — yet popular — parenting practices that are robbing kids of mental strength
12 Mainstream Contributors To Sexual Exploitation In US
Watch the reveal of the 2019 Dirty Dozen List
What It Will Take To Reach Kids With The Gospel?
When it comes to the emerging generations, we are to “get out of our offices and onto the sidewalks.”
Why Generation Z Is Passing On College
I plan to be an entrepreneur so I am getting started now, while I’m in school.
When Your Kid Is Drawn To The Bad Crowd
Lost children find other lost children because they are seeking some semblance of unity and a place to belong; this is why gangs thrive
Evangelism: Conversation Kit
Conversation Kits help parents and caring adults talk with their teens about important topics
Parents: 5 Reasons To Keep Your Kids In Youth Group...Belong
Why it’s important for teens to be involved in a youth group
Anthony Weiner out of prison for sexting a 15-yr-old girl
Prosecutors said he sent the girl porn and got her to take her clothes off and touch herself on Skype
4 Views On Talking To Teenagers About Sex
It reflects the thoughts, experiences, and practical advice of four in-the-trenches youth workers, who have spent years having these conversations
Facial Recognition At Taylor Swift Concerts
Surveillance at concerts is just the beginning, as fears grow around an unregulated, billion-dollar industry
Book: 'In The Closet Of The Vatican'
Eighty per cent of priests working at the Vatican are gay, although not necessarily sexually active
Love Is
Love is to be celebrated but not worshiped. It is easy in our culture to worship a quality that is not a deity. God is the One we worship, not love. We do not elevate love to be god or above God.
Teens Editing Themselves
A photo series has shown the lengths some young people go to to edit their appearance before posting pictures on social media
Flashback: Plastic Surgery To Look Like Snapchat Filters
“A new phenomenon called ‘Snapchat dysmorphia’ Patients are seeking out surgery to help them appear like the filtered versions of themselves,
Youth Workers Remain Strong
Without an anchor, we drift along with the prevailing winds of the spirit of the times. Without a stake in the ground we run loose like dogs
Why We Ought To Reimagine Youth Ministry
If we don’t reach our kids with the gospel by middle school, we have already lost our chance
Teen Convicted In Text Suicide Case Headed To Jail
Involuntary manslaughter conviction where an absent defendant, with words alone, encouraged another person to commit suicide
Attracting Millennials To Church
By embracing technology, we are able to intimately and intentionally connect
Inside The Weird World Of YouTuber Burnout...Belonging
What’s it like to have millions of fans when you’re 10? What’s it like to have thousands of people insult or adore you?
Chris Pratt Slammed For Attending Anti-LGBTQ’ Church?
Hillsong Church Senior pastor Brian Houston the church does “not affirm a gay lifestyle.” No “gay people in positions of leadership,”
Witches of the social media generation
Meet three witches who believe the social media era is transforming the way people view witchcraft
Using Screens in The Dark Can Hinder Preteens’ Sleep
Preteens who look at a phone or television screen in the dark an hour before bed are at risk of not getting enough sleep compared to those who use these devices in a lighted room
Supervised Aerobics May Hasten Teen Athletes’ Concussion Recovery
Teen athletes who sustained sports-related concussions recovered more quickly when they engaged in a supervised aerobic exercise regimen
Many Parents Conflicted About Opioids for Their Teens’ Pain
American parents aren’t sure whether their teen and young adult children should be prescribed opioid painkillers, and many don’t know there are other ways to get pain relief
Parents who study with kids promote better grades
This means that student success isn’t determined by genetics, but by parenting
13-Year-Old Boy Committed Suicide After Being Bullied
Martin was tormented on the school bus over his weight, glasses and braces in the months leading to his death
Gen Z, “Snackable Content” & What Do We Do?
Here are some things our teams come up with and ministering to GenZ
Obesity-Related Cancers Rising Fastest Among Millennials
If the obesity epidemic continues, fat-sensitive cancers will explode in the years to come
Going Deeper....
“If you know me, you know I…. but if you reallyknew me, you’d know…”I gave them an example
The Source For Youthministry And Parents Revamped
We’ve amped up the amount of new content we’re adding to each site! Mobile friendly and easier to navigate
High School Crowd Sings National Anthem
The recording of the national anthem wasn’t able to play before North Polk and Roland-Story tipped off,” reps for the station wrote. “But that didn’t faze anyone in the gym.”
The Benefits Of Continuing With Ministry Long Term
Success in student ministry doesn’t always happen while they are students in your program. It often happens years later. That is why I stay in touch with them
Bivocational Youth Ministry
Being a bivocational youth ministry worker comes with a unique set of challenges—like two bosses, two workplace
“How do I build my Ministry If I Can’t Hire Anyone?”
“How did you steward what I gave you faithfully?”
Same-Gender Friendships Key To Romantic Relationships
Skills such as stability, assertiveness, intimacy, and social competence–that correspond most closely to the skills needed for success in adult romantic relationships.
Screen Time Inhibits Toddler Development
kids 2-5 years old who engage in more screen time received worse scores in developmental screening tests
Infringing Desires
By: George Lockhart
“Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’”
Matthew 6:31 ESV
There’s no doubt that with all that we encounter on a daily basis that some “weeds of this world” will infringe on the purity of my relationship with God. We must resist and weed out…
What Teenagers Need From Us More Than Anything Else....Belong
Our kids need a wall of support that doesn’t withdraw or abandon them. Even when they withdraw from us—
Book: Growing With
Access a wealth of tools to help you nurture faith and family relationships when you preorder Growing With
Redeeming Love For Run-Down Parents
Multiple times during any particular week, this season often feels overwhelming, stressful, and just hard.
How Hard It Is to Parent a Teen?
I need to be honest about how there are times when I don’t even recognize my own children and how lonely that can feel.
Beware The Idol Of Parenting Success
“Ultimately, when we worship parenting success and achievement, we find our worth in….what our children accomplish.”
Helping Student Athletes Win On And Off the Field
How to Help Your Student Athletes Win On and Off the Field
5 Dangerous Apps Parents Don’t Know Teens Use
Parenting a teen has never been an easy feat, but in today’s digital age, tracking a teen’s behavior has become almost impossible
Kevlar-Covered Bulletproof Backpack to Hit Shelves
An Israeli company with ties to the country’s military has released a Kevlar-covered backpack to protect students
Parents Can Now Monitor Teens With GPS Ankle Bracelets
Runaways, kids doing drugs or skipping school, or teenagers getting mixed up with the wrong crowd
Live Your Life Offline, Pope Tells Young Catholics
“It is not enough to be connected all day long. To feel respected and asked to get involved, is greater than simply being online,”
Exposing The Times’ Anti-Christian Bias
It’s rare to see a major media outlet be so honest about its ideological bias
support for socialism “comes right out of the universities”
Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus said
Nick Sandmann Speaks Out
See a clip from Savannah Guthrie’s exclusive interview with Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann
Negative Experiences On Social Media Tied To Loneliness
Using social media does not appear to reduce feelings of loneliness. In fact, it can make you feel more lonely
Millennials’ Depression Rise With Social Media Use
Millennials struggling with depression aren’t being helped by their use of social media
Movie Violence Doesn’t Make Kids Violent
PG-13 movies became more violent between 1985 and 2015, overall rates of murder and violence actually fell.
Gospel-Centered Parenting And Grandparenting
Continue to expose and free us from the faith-less, grace-less, law-heavy ways we parent, Father. Free us from over-stressing our kids and under-believing the gospel
Podcast For Parents: Mom, Dad, What’s Sex?
Parents who want to give their kids a healthy view of sex centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ
Book Review: Mom, Dad, What’s Sex? Mom, Dad, What’s Sex?
Giving Your Kids a Gospel-Centered View of Sex and Our Culture is a treasure
Netflix’s “Sex Education”
…is either addressing or exploiting—you decide—the subject that isn’t talked about much in most homes
When Soccer Trumps Youth Group
You know the drill. You get super fired up for a student ministry event your team has been planning….
How Enneagram Helped My Ministry
You may be a skeptic or have confusion about the Enneagram and thats okay. These have just been a few ways the Enneagram has helped me in my ministry