4 Things I want to be for my grandkids
The Parent Your 18 Plus Kid Needs Now
Your 18-plus kid needs you to be today and going forward, consider these 3-crucial parenting pivots
Snapchat not Number one Teen social app
According to Piper Jaffray’s recent bi-annual teen survey, Instagram is the #1 platform for teens, beating Snapchat.
Boy Dies While Playing 'Choking Game'
Tia Bodkins is urging parents to monitor their children’s online activity after the death of her 11-year-old son Carson
Video Of High School Student Using Racial Word
Why school officials have not disciplined a student seen using a racial slur in a video posted on social media.
Growing Up With Alexa
The first four words my toddler understood were “mom,” “dad,” “cat” and “Alexa.”
Witches Outnumber Presbyterians In The US
Pew Research Center…discovering that 1 to 1.5 million people, identify as Wicca or Pagan
Now Uninstalled Apps Can Track You
If it seems as though the app you deleted last week is suddenly popping up everywhere, it may not be mere coincidence
What is the reason for our troubles?”
The cultural narrative pushes the expectation and pursuit of pleasure and the total avoidance of pain and difficulty
Why Rites Of Passage Are Clutch
It is only in looking backwards that I can understand that these rites were not in place to torture me; they were to honor the oldest
Criminals Target Children During Migrant Caravan
Women are subjected to sexual assault and rape. Children too
Racist “Gas Station Gail”
The manager of a station called the police on a group of children and parents who had stopped in to purchase drinks
Unvaccinated Child Dies From The Flu
Unvaccinated child dies from the flu in Florida first pediatric deaths of the flu season
Morality: What Teens Believe
23 percent of Millennials believe each individual is his or her own moral authority
Missing Wisconsin Teen, 13, Is In Danger
Two days after her parents’ mysterious death, Wisconsin teen Jayme Closs remained “endangered”
Pastor’s Kids
It can be so important for students to see you interact with your kids and be an example of the type of parent they should be in the future.
Lawnmower Parents And Snowflake Spirituality
We are creating a generation that has no idea what to do when they actually encounter struggle
Phantom Community... Belonging?
We have moved from being in community to having a sense of community
10-Year-Old Boy Perform Metallica Song At Concert
Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl performed “Enter Sandman” with a 10-year-old at a recent concert
Flashback:The Blessing Book To Help Your Family
The Blessing is a biblical tool that can help YOU communicate unconditional love as an unshakable foundation for HEALTH and wholeness
Missions: “Pimping The Poor” Or Transformation
Connects a group with permanent ministries in a community in order to provide support to those ministries
Make Successful Changes In Youth Ministry
A helpful guide to grid and map out the requirements for navigating change
How To Create A climate Of Connection..Belong
Kids actually forgive all kinds of programmatic mediocrity if they are certain they belong
Can Christians Use Legal Weed?
The Bible outlaws the use of any mind-altering concoction, including mushrooms, drugs, or weed
Teaching Theology To kids
Theology, done well, must inevitably result in doxology, and we shouldn’t be satisfied with less just because we’re teaching children
5 Ways To Manage Disrespect From Students
Demonstrate respect before you expect it to be reciprocated
Youth workers the information they needed to have an informed conversation with their church about their compensation
Crazy Girlfriend's 'Controlling' List Of 22 Rules
Woman lists 22 things her boyfriend is banned from doing
Rare, Polio-Like Paralyzing Disorder Affecting Children
Between August 2014 and August 2018, the CDC received 362 cases of acute flaccid myelitis (AFM).
'Adolescent Drinking Is A Problem'
When those conversations should start earlier than when parents think it should start
Selena Gomez Is Done With Social Media?
It’s given young people, myself included, a false representation of what’s important,”
Belonging: Greeting Students At The Door Brings Benefits
Spending a few moments welcoming students promotes a sense of belonging, giving them social and emotional support that helps them feel invested in their learning
Is Your Ministry Empathetic Towards Parents?
By recognizing these realities we can build a compassion that enables us to serve parents effectively. To then show that compassion and empathy we need t
Why We Need Rural Churches
Many of the least churched regions were in rural America—where about 14 percent of the U.S. population lives
Helping Teens Navigate The Drama
The way a preteen values those friendships may be one of the greatest transitions of this phase.
Let’s Make Common Sense Common Again
I love the fact that our country is more educated than ever. Sadly, we are incomplete if we don’t include common sense
The "Most Stressful" Number Of Children You Can Have Is...
Researchers reveal the most stressful number of children you can have
Administration And Budgets
Annette shares Ministry Architect’s findings as it pertains to budget, staffing, and volunteer norms for children’s ministry and how we can always be working to grow our volunteer teams.
Brett Kavanaugh: A Youth Pastor’s Perspective
if they happened 35 years ago, he should own his behavior. I was not trying to imply that I thought they were true.
A Huge Lesson For Parents From This Week's Hearings
How can we help our kids to make wise choices today?
Should You Force Your Kids To Go To Mass?
One parent reflects on why she doesn’t make Mass mandatory for her children.
Link Between Violent Video Games & Physical Aggression
An international study looking at more than 17,000 adolescents, ages nine to 19, from 2010 to 2017
Limiting Kids' Screen Time Improves Brain Function
Cutting back on screen time, along with the right amount of sleep and physical activity, is linked to improvements in cognition among children
Teen Sentenced To Prison Prison For Kissing Girlfriend
Turkey: A court in the southern province of Antalya has handed down a prison
How Men View Women
Pornography also gives men a way to get quick sexual pleasure with out the messy, frightening work or building a real relationship with someone
Where Is National Youth Ministries And Conferences?
“We don’t just do these big Jesus camps where kids get all jacked up”
10 Youth Pastor Expectations For Churches On Day One
Trust. You will have this if you stay long enough and work hard to prove yourself trustworthy
Screen Time = Dumb Time?
Kids with the sharpest intellects spent less than two hours a day on their cellphones, tablets and computers, coupled with 9 to 11 hours of sleep and at least an hour of physical activity, a new study found.
Teen Drivers Today
Following years of decline, fatal car accidents involving teen drivers have accelerated in the United States, a leading group of U.S. pediatricians warns.
Flashback: True Grit
Grit “is a function of your ability to cope.” When a hard thing happens, grit is the engine that drives perseverance
Exploring Teen Suicide Free Download
Every year, 5,000 teenagers commit suicide, a number that sadly continues increase
"It's The Unintended Consequences Of Social Media."
“The short attention span we’re creating in this millennium is actually very dangerous,” said Soon-Shiong, the new owner of the Los Angeles Times.
#MeToo Is Making Colleges Teach Toxic Masculinity 101
Campus programs educating male students about ‘toxic masculinity’ report fresh energy and interest since the #MeToo movement began
Teen Survives 49 Days Adrift W/out Paddle, But With Bible
He said he thought he was going to die, and considered suicide. In his darkest times, he consulted the Bible
Five Reasons People Leave The Church
When our faith stands on anything other than Christ, we put ourselves (and others) in position to fall
“Sexy” Handmaid’s Tale Costume Has Been Removed
An upsetting dystopian future has emerged where women no longer have a say. However…
“Traditional Vows Don’t Mention Feelings At All"
Geraldine used to tell us, “Don’t fight the feeling!” Well, perhaps there are times when we should.
New York Fashion Week Spring Trends You Can Shop Now
Shop our fall picks from the best affordable fashion brands so you can get a head-start on the looks we love.
Navigating Screen Time And Device Distractions
54% of U.S. teens say they spend too much time on their cellphones, and two-thirds of parents express concern over their teen’s screen time. But parents face their own challenges of device-related distraction
How winning friends may influence adolescent behaviors
While risky behaviors were examined in this study, McMillan said that friendship networks may also shape positive behaviors
college student mental health problems on the rise
World Health Organization finds that one in three college students worldwide have a mental health condition
Value: Teens with religious upbringing
Study: teens raised in a religious or spiritual environment may be less likely to do drugs and engage in risky sexual behaviors.
Sleep-deprived teen
Fifty-six percent of parents of teens who have sleep troubles believe the use of electronics is hurting their child’s shut-eye.
4 Reasons Every Church Needs Older Folks
Sometimes senior saints question their usefulness in the church as they age. ….they’re an essential part of the body of Christ
Blind High School Football Player Scores Two Touchdowns
Says he relies on instinct and guts — as well as his ears, to hear defenders coming
Raising Kids With Religion Protects Their Mental Health
Kids and teens who are raised with religious or spiritual practices tend to have better health and mental health as they age.
A Guide For Teachers On Helping Kids Adjust To Divorce
This resource covers four key elements which drive a successful family-school relationship