No, this is not a witch hunt. Nor is it insignificant, petty, and unimportant. It’s about properly tending to the flock.
Book: Screenwise
The core message of the book is that kids need mentoring, not (just) monitoring, and that kids deserve more empathy from adults about growing up in the digital age
Beware The Black Dot: New Text Bomb Crashing iPhones
All it takes is for someone to send two strings of text, and for their target to open those texts, and their device will freeze up and become unresponsive.
Leveraging Your Downtime In Youth Ministry
I would focus on what I refer to as the “big three”– vision, curriculum, and volunteers
10 apps Every Youth Pastor Should Have This Summer
I use plenty of other apps during the year, but these apps help me make it through the chaotic summer schedule
11 Essential Youth Ministry Skills
Establish a culture of leadership that places Jesus as its central figure and draws life from no individual. How do you do that? Here are eleven ideas to get you started.
U.K: Men Impotence Epidemic And Erectile Dysfunction
Nearly half (43%) of men aged 18-60 across the UK are suffering impotence, stress(49%), anxiety (29%) boozing (26%).
Creating Community Among Volunteers
So how do you create community with volunteers? Here are a few ideas
How To Get Your Kids Off Their Screens
Excessive screen time has been linked to obesity, disturbed sleep, behavioral issues, poor social skills, and less play time (which in itself can lead to all of those other concerns).
Great Questions To Help Focus Your Ministry
Ask yourself and your leadership team in order to begin the process of becoming a healthier and more focused team:
Walt Mueller: Grieving For Youth Ministry
First, just because so-and-so said it, it doesn’t make it theologically correct or morally right…..filter everything through Scripture.
Why Kids And Teens May Face More Anxiety These Days
With (social media), it’s all about the self-image — who’s ‘liking’ them, who’s watching them, who clicked on their picture
The Teenage Social-Media Trap
Teens increasingly measure and manage their social success online—and it may be taking a toll on their mental health
Teens, Parents Aren’t On Same Page With The Sex Talk
When it comes to having “the talk,” many teens admit they’re not communicating with their parents or their doctors about sex, new research reveals.
Benefits Of Nurturing Parenting
Nurturing parents pass along strategies that help their children build and maintain positive relationships in adulthood.
Poorer Cognition....Soccer Ball vs Collisions
Poorer Cognition May Stem More from Heading Soccer Ball, Not Collisions
Disney World Cancels Popular Christian Concert
For the past 35 years, families and church youth groups have piled into Walt Disney World for Night of Joy
Teacher At Elementary School Promoting 'Homosexual Agenda?'
Texas art teacher sues school district after being accused of promoting ‘homosexual agenda’
New Text Bomb Crashing iPhones
All it takes is for someone to send two strings of text, and for their target to open those texts, and their device will freeze up and become unresponsive
More Unmarried Parents Living As Couples
More than a third (35 percent) of unmarried parents in 2017 were living with a partner, a dramatic increase from 20 percent two decades earlier
Barna: Spiritual Conversations In The Digital Age
How Christians’ Approach to Sharing Their Faith Has Changed in 25 Years
Do You Feel Stuck In Your Ministry?
The Fastest Way to Move Your Ministry Forward (Without Spending Any Money)
The 7 Minute Meeting For New 7th Graders
One of the most crucial transitions to master is the one from Kid’s Ministry to Student Ministry
Families affected by disability are in chronic need of supportive community to do life together
Why You Don’t Want A Rock Star Youth Pastor
Too many churches are still trying to discover and hire a superstar. Normally this (guy) is energetic, passionate, organized, and relatively attractive
May The Force (Of God) Be With You
The theology of many Americans—and some evangelicals—belongs in a galaxy far, far away. They see God more as a force—like what is depicted in Star Wars—than a person.
High School Hit List Lead Cops To Teens
Semi-automatic rifle, shotguns, handguns seized from teens with high school ‘hit list’
Fast-Food Problem: Where Have All The Teenagers Gone?
Finding employees has been a challenge for him, as it has been for many small-business
Children’s Minister Is The Position In Greatest Demand
Five Reasons Why the Children’s Minister is the Staff Position in Greatest Demand
Why Teeangers Struggle To Develop Spiritual Habits
5 Reasons Teeangers Struggle to Develop Good Spiritual Habits by Andy Blanks
A New Future For Youth Specialties
“The leaders of Orange and Download Youth Ministry (DYM) are excited to announce their partnership in acquiring Youth Specialties from Real Resources.”
Big Decline In Births To Girls Under 15
There’s been a steep decline over the past two decades in births to American girls under the age of 15
Youth Tackle Football Linked To Cognitive Symptoms
Starting to play tackle football before age 12 could lead to earlier onset of cognitive and emotional symptoms among athletes who were diagnosed with CTE and other brain diseases postmortem
New 2 Youth Ministry: The Importance Of Professionalism
let’s avoid getting fired for things we neglected to do
Why Youth Pastors Should Teach Expository Messages
“Wait, what did the title say? Should? Who do you think you are? Don’t you tell me what to do!”
Teenager’s Racist ‘Promposal’ Sign
“If I was black, I’d be picking cotton, but I’m white so I’m picking u 4 prom.”
Boy Scouts Overrun By Sex & Gender Revolutionaries
But somewhere along the way – They lost their moral compass and…I don’t think there’s a merit badge for that.
Drinking In Adolescence Derails Brain Development
“When we did this study, we saw that children as young as 12 sometimes start drinking.”
13 And Depressed: Why Young Teen Girls Are At Risk
Why girls are more at risk for depression than boys and how to help them cope.
Pornography's Effect On Long-Term Relationships
Married men and women who use pornography are more likely to get divorced than men and women who do not
Young Americans Are The Loneliest
A new study finds that young people are reporting loneliness in increasing numbers and at a rate outpacing that of their elderly counterparts
Feds Warn: Kids Are Drinking E-Cig Toxic Liquid
Feds warn e-cigarette makers about packaging after thousands of kids drink toxic liquid
Vlogger Hit By Tractor Trailer While Livestreaming
He can be seen talking to a handheld smartphone moments before he apparently drove into the path of a tractor trailer.
What To Do When No One Shows Up
Feelings of inadequacy, failure, doubt, and disappointment. Even worse, the next day when people ask us “how did youth group go last night” cough…cough… senior pastor…. we have to look at them and tell them that no one showed up.
Self-Harm And Show Suicidal Behaviors
Cyberbullying Victims May Be Twice as Likely to Self-Harm and Show Suicidal Behaviors
Teens Don’t Know Juul Contains Addictive Nicotine
Many young Americans don’t realize that the wildly popular Juul e-cigarettes contain highly addictive nicotine, putting them at risk for future cigarette use, a new study shows.
Kids’ Faith
How well does your children’s ministry recognize the importance of kids’ milestones and rites?
Swedish Deejay Avicii Died From Suicide?
He really struggled with thoughts about Meaning, Life, Happiness. He could not go on any longer. He wanted to find peace
Campus Ministry Link: HS Students To College Ministry
Connect your high school students to a campus ministry
“Why every Student Ministry Needs A Social Media Strategy
This session is led by Joshua Griffin (@joshuagriffin) who is a 20 year Student Ministry veteran and co-founder of Download YM. Here are the notes from his session.
Raising Their Toddler As Gender-Neutral
Kyl and Brent Courtney-Myers have refused to reveal the gender of their 2-year-old child Zoomer
Soul Provider: Barefoot With A Cause
Middle school student steps out in faith to help out children in Ghana
Want To Know How To Help Empower Vulnerable Girls
BRAVE intentionally reaches vulnerable girls (foster care/probation/sexual abuse/divorce).
7 Essential Preteen Principles
Socially they are expected to practice teenage behaviors. What do parents and youth workers need to do
10 Questions To Ask Your Teens
Youth ministry “success” can be measured in different ways. But, numbers don’t always tell us the whole story…and without the whole story, it’s hard to truly evaluate
Teen Takes Mom To Prom Because She Missed Her Own
She missed the opportunity to attend her own high school prom, as she was caring for Nassir, a toddler at the time
College Drinking Culture
College Drinking Culture In Spain, Argentina, And The USA: An Examination Of Impulsivity, College Alcohol Beliefs, And Alcohol Outcomes
More Young Adults Living With Their Parents In 75 Years
According to a recent study by the Pew Research Center, 33% of 25-29 year olds lived with their parents or grandparents in 2016. This is almost three times as many as in 1970.
Over 80% Of Teenagers Prefer iPhone To Android
Eighty-two percent of teens of teens currently own an iPhone, according to Piper Jaffray’s “Teens Survey,” which questions thousands of kids across 40 states with an average age of 16.
Teens Are Using 'Fortnite' To Ask Out Prom Dates
This dude asked his girl to prom on fortnite… idk if I’m impressed or disappointed
I Almost Lost My Sons To 'Fortnite'
How addictive it appears to be. Over spring break I noticed that my sons were waking up before 6 am. to get their fixes.
Transgender Youth At Higher Risk Of Mental Disorders
New research finds that transgender and gender-nonconforming youth are diagnosed with mental health conditions much more frequently than young people who identify with the gender they are assigned at birth.
Can We Talk?
The sad reality is that many teens face hurt and despair in their lives. As you develop deep relationships with the students and families in your church and your community, pain will unavoidably surface.
7 Elementary School Students Cut Wrists With Blades
“…When a child is trying to take their life because other students are picking on them, I think that is an emergency,”
Unwritten Rule For Parents That Hurts Everyone
Adults have made children a priority, however, there is an unintended consequence. Let me explain
Smartphone Use Tied To Anxiety, Loneliness, Depression
Overuse of smart phones is just like any other type of substance abuse.
Over 3,300 Android Apps Improperly Tracking Kids
They may be violating a US law protecting kids’ privacy
Flashback: Principal Dress Codes 'Preserve Girls' Virginity
men are sexually distracted ( need to control your eyes) “ladies should cover up” rather than be considered sex objects
Quebec: High School Relaxes Dress Code
Students say school rules should not unfairly restrict girls’ clothing
#Bracott Lizzy Martineez
Lizzy Martinez, 17, was reprimanded by school officials at Braden River High School for not wearing a bra
Far too Many Youth Workers Want To Be Famous
Remember the teenagers who need you now. They’re not your training ground; they’re your mission field. Be faithful in the little things first, and guard against being impressed by bigger things
Energizing Your Family’s Spiritual Life: You Set The Pace
Energizing Your Family’s Spiritual Life: You Set the Pace Mark Holmen, a family ministry expert, tells a story about his days as a youth worker….
Sex Traffickers Are Using Social Media To Target Children
Making it easier than ever for pimps to target, groom and sell your children, top law-enforcement officials say
Inside New York’s Silent Sex Trafficking Epidemic
Taking kids who are in need of help, preying upon that need, developing a relationship and then turning against them and turning them into kids who are making money for them on the street